What are subiminals?
Subliminal music has messages that you can not hear consciously but your subconscious can. These messages are affirmations, things like, you can do it, don't give up, things like that. There are lots and lots of different types of subiminals, weight loss, DNA repair, stress reduction, etc.
I personally listen to subiminals from Spotify because its best to avoid ads in the Youtube videos while shifting (it's distracting). If you don't have Spotify you can always find subiminals from, Itunes, Youtube, and if heard that you could even make your own but I don't know much about this.
Some that I use are:
528 Hz D.N.A. Repair - John Williams
528 Hz Love & Miracles - Kev Thompson
Music To Manifest Miracles in Your Life 432 Hz - LOKOS Tv Now Meditation Music
852 Hz Unconditional Love - J.S. Epperson
Some people don't use subiminals, you obviously don't have to, whatever works for you! You can also play music that relates to your dr instead of subiminals but it's best if the music is calming.
Guide To Shifting
LosoweThis is a Guide to Shifting. I will talk about what shifting is, scripting, methods for shifting, my experiences, subliminals, and helpful tips. I hope I can help some of you enter your dr! Please drop a comment if you either want to give me tips...