The methods I will be talking about today are the Train and Stair method. These methods are best used with subliminals but like I've said before you don't have to. I have tried the stair method and for me personally, it did not work but obviously different methods work for different people. I think it didn't work for me because I am not good at visualizing, so if you are, keep reading!
Train method:
The Train method is basically tricking your mind just like the Sunni method. Start off with lying down in any position you find comfortable. Then imagine yourself on a train going to your dr (if you're shifting to Hogwarts this is a great method). As you imagine yourself on the train tell yourself affirmations in your head. When you have arrived at the train station (make sure the train ride is long and not only a minute long) open your eyes.
Personally, I would not start with this method but if you are confident that it will work then sure go ahead! Visualizing is very important with this one, remember that.
Stair method:
For this method, you can lay in any position you want but make sure not to move (I've made that mistake). Imagine yourself walking slowly up a huge staircase, the staircase can look like anything even a staircase that would be in a house. It does not matter how long the staircase is but it does have to be decently long to give you time to shift. Each step you take (walk up slowly) say an affirmation to yourself (in your head). In addition to saying the affirmations, with each step feel your energy levels rise. When you get to the top of the staircase, imagine a doorway of light, some people say thank you when they enter the doorway but I don't think you have to. Once you enter the doorway you should be in your dr! I think you are supposed to fall asleep after using this method so make sure you are tired before trying.
Resources used: Wattpad,
Guide To Shifting
De TodoThis is a Guide to Shifting. I will talk about what shifting is, scripting, methods for shifting, my experiences, subliminals, and helpful tips. I hope I can help some of you enter your dr! Please drop a comment if you either want to give me tips...