Chapter 8

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"Guys, that was so amazing. 정말 근사했어요." I said.
"Yeah, so amazing." Han said.
"What's the plan? Like, when are you getting married?" Bang Chan asked.
"I'm thinking we have a private wedding. Like, only close friends and family can attend." I said.
"She's got it all planned out." Han said.
"A woman with a plan." Felix said.
"Pfft, stop guys." I said, laughing. Oh, wow. My voice is shot. I did one song with Stray Kids, but I gave it my all. I will need some tea or something.

Later that night, I prepared to move out of my beloved German house. The house I made my own, and where I had countless roommates. I made best friends out of my roommates. My current roommate, Amelia, will be someone I will dearly miss. We got close because we liked the same K-pop groups, and she revealed to me that she is half Korean and half German. I was happy to find this out. She is really beautiful. I hope we keep in touch when I move to South Korea. As for Uni, I don't know what I'm going to tell meine Professoren(my professors). I'm sure they'll be okay with it if I switched to online classes. It's for a good reason because I'm moving in with my fiance.

This whole week, Han stuck around to help me pack up all my stuff that I had collected while living in Germany. I have many keep sakes that I want to make to South Korea. We packed so many boxes in the first day, you'd be surprised. Every day, my house started getting more empty and filled with moving boxes. There is a company who picks up the boxes to be sent to the Stray Kids dorms in Seoul. I come across my polaroid collection with all my past roommates. I tear up going through them. I wrote little captions underneath them in German.
"Baby, is everything alright?" Han asked.
"It's fine. These are all my roommates." I said, showing him the polaroids.
"Oh, I see." Han said, looking through them.
"How's moving going?" Amelia asked.
"I just got so emotional right now." I said.
"Woah, you had male roommates?" Han asked, finding the pictures of my male friends.
"Yeah, we never did anything." I said.
"You would never cheat on me, right?" Han asked.
"Never for as long as I live." I said.
"Is that Johan? Oh God, he's my ex." Amelia said, pointing to one polaroid.
"Oof, that's awkward." I said.
"No, it's fine. We worked things out." Amelia said.
"Well, that's good." I said.
"Can I hear you guys speak German, I'm just curious." Han said.
"Haha, sure. Ich beginne oder?" I asked(I start or?)
"Du beginnst." Amelia said(You start)
"OK. Hallo, Amelia. Das ist mein liebst. Er heißt Han." I said(Hello, Amelia. This is my love. His name is Han)
"Fascinating." Han said.
"Das ist fantastiche!" Amelia said(That's fantastic)
"Und du? Hast du liebe?" I asked(and you? Do you have love?)
"Ah, Ich habe ein Freude. Er heißt Erik." Amelia said(Ah, I have a boyfriend. His name is Erik)
"Das ist cool. Du soll bringst ihn." I said(That's cool. You should bring him)
"Ich werde ihn bringen, bevor Sie wegziehen." Amelia said(I will bring him before you move away)
"Okay, you got that Han?" I asked.
"What? I didn't understand anything." Han said.
"Amelia's gonna bring her boyfriend named Erik over. We could all hang out." I said.
"Oh, cool. Yeah, let's do that." Han said.

*The Next Day*
Erik knocks on the door. When I open the door, this is what I see:

 When I open the door, this is what I see:

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He looks very attractive. Then, to my surprise, Amelia greets him like,
"안녕 자기야."(Hey, baby)
"안녕하세요." Jakob said(Hi)
"당신은 반은 한국인입니까?" I asked(Are you half Korean?)
"예, 나의 어머니는 한국인이에요." Jakob said(Yes, my mom is Korean)
"와아." Han said(Woah)
"이분이 당신의 한국인 약혼자입니까?" Jakob asked.
"네, 어떻게 알았어요?" I asked(Yes, how did you know?)
"아멜리아가 당신에 대해 전부 말해줬어요." Jakob said(Amelia told me all about you)
"Dein Vater ist Deutsch?" I asked(Is your dad German?)
"Ja, er kommt aus Frankfurt." Jakob said(Yes, he's from Frankfurt)
"Frankfurt? Mein Vater war im Frankfurt geboren." I said(My dad was born in Frankfurt)
"Das ist fantastiche!" Jakob said(That's fantastic)
"I'm so confused. One second he was speaking Korean, the next he's speaking German." Han said. Poor, Han. Lost in all the languages.
"He's half Korean and half German." I said.
"Got it. 멋지세요." Han said to Jakob(You're cool)
"너무 감사합니다." Jakob said(Thank you very much)
"천만에요." Han said(You're welcome)

Looks like Han and Jakob are hitting it off pretty well. Since the living room is pretty much empty now, we decide to have a little jam session. I think it would sound cool in an empty room like this. Jakob can also play guitar, so now we have two guys can play guitar. I don't know if Jakob can sing, so I guess we're about to find out. We bounced song ideas off of each other. We finally decided on My Pace by Stray Kids. I think it'll sound really cool with the acoustic version. Han starts off with the opening riff. Jakob will be playing the other part. We start singing, and I was right about it sounding cool.

We finish singing, and Han just start riffing random stuff on the guitar while I'm chatting with Amelia. Han is also taking time to get to know Jakob. Seeing him talk to someone other than Stray Kids, I don't know it seems unusual, but I know he has friends outside of Stray Kids. I just rarely see him without his members. At least when we leave Germany, he will have a friend to come back to and visit. It will be fun when the four of us reunite again.

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