• Chapter Twenty-Four •

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Raphael came home that night, shrugging out of his coat before he made his way upstairs towards the bedroom where he found Leah holding onto things as she made her way back towards the bed.

A deep frown came over his face as he watched her get back into bed. "You should be in bed." He said softly.

"I needed to walk." She replied, settling herself underneath the duvet. "I'm miserable just lying here. It's like I'm dead." She added with a roll of her eyes.

Raphael nodded slowly and made his way towards the closet until she spoke again.

"I'm sorry about this afternoon." She said. "It was unnecessary to take my anger out on you."

The werewolf shook his head softly, getting a pair of sweatpants out and began to change into it. "Don't worry about it." He replied. "It's fine."

"Raphael, you have to know that I'm upset because you treat me like I'm a dead person." She began. "I'm upset when I try to talk things out, you shut me down. I know I was wrong but we need to talk.. We have to communicate. If I tell you 'no', it means no."

"I know.." He sighed softly and sat next to her. "I'm sorry too. It's just.. I'm scared. This is the worst that I've seen you and I have no idea what's going on or how I can help to make you comfortable. I just feel like I'm making everything worse instead of better."

"Come here.." She said, patting the spot beside her and Raphael immediately made his way over. He lied down next to her and held her in his arms, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead.

 He lied down next to her and held her in his arms, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead

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At around midnight, Leah had, yet again, coughed up blood.

Raphael frowned deeply as he wiped the red liquid away from her mouth, his Luna giving him a weak smile. "Thank you." She whispered.

Raphael gave her a small smile as he got rid of the bloodied tissue, throwing it into the bin that was located beside the bed.

As he did so, Leah lied herself back as she stared up at the ceiling. "I'm scared, Rafe.." She whispered.

"I know, baby.." He replied and held onto her hand, watching as her eyes fluttered closed as her breathing became calm. "I know.." He repeated as he watched her sleep.

He didn't know how long he did this for but was surprised to see the time on his phone as it lit up with an incoming call. He gritted his teeth at the sight of the caller ID.

David Torricelli.

He removed his hand from Leah's gently and got to his feet, making his way across the room to stand by the window. He slid his thumb across the screen and answered the call. "What?" He said aggresively, yet softly as his girlfriend was asleep.

"Hello, son." David's voice sounded over the receiving end.

"So now I'm your son." The Alpha muttered and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you have your hands full with your mate being sick."

Raphael clenched his jaw. "I wonder what gave it away." He gritted out sarcastically. "What do you think?"

"It's a blood curse." David announced.

A blood curse? This just increased the werewolf's worry about his mate, his heart beginning to race. "What do you know about this?" He asked.

"A lot, actually." His father replied.

"Spill it." He ordered.

"Hello, Raphael." A new voice spoke.

A voice he loathed, besides the voice of his father.

The Alpha growled.

"You want to save your mate, correct?"

Raphael's gaze fell onto Leah's sleeping form. "Of course." He answered. "Now what the hell do you want, Lucifer?"

"Why do you people think that I'm always working some sort of angle?" The Dark Lord asked.

The werewolf remained silent, giving the Prince of Darkness his answer. "Alright, so here's the thing. I want my power back from that pest of an angel and Daddy Dearest wants you to marry that annoying little she-wolf."

"Well, we don't always get what we want, now do we?" Raphael said coldly.

"Well if not, we can't give you the cure and your precious little witch's heart will become too weak until poof.."

He gritted his teeth in anger. "Even if I could get your power back, how am I suppose to get close enough to get it from Breana?" He asked.

"Figure it out, lover boy, and you better be snappy about it." Lucifer replied. "And remember, twin power. She isn't the only one who is suffereing. I'm sure that will give the angel a nudge to hand the configuration device over."

Raphael remained silent as he kept his eyes on Leah. "If I do this.." He began. "What guarantee do I have that you will leave her and her family alone? What's to say that you won't torment Leah like you have before?"

"Well, I will disappear. You'll just have to take my word for it." The Dark Lord answered. "And if I were you, I'd start planning. Time is running out. Tick tock.."

"Put my father on the phone." The werewolf demanded.

"What?" David's voice filled his ears.

"You better spill everything." Raphael said.

"First give us what we want."

The wolf balled his free hand into a fist. "I am not marrying." He gritted out.

"Then no cure. As simple as that." The Torricelli patriarch replied. "Goodbye, Raphael."

"Don't you da--" He began but the sound of the call ending had cut him off.

Growling softly to himself, he ran a hand through his hair frustratedly and stared at Leah.

Had it really come down to this?

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