Chapter 4

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Aboard the Nemesis wasn't just a few Autobots and an ex Con. Six figures sat comfortably on the med bay table while the bots waited for Knockout to arrive with the other two. They talked or rather honked amongst themselves as soon as the situation had calmed down a bit. Bulkhead thought that they should maybe take away the staff one of them used as a weapon but the small figure was insistent on keeping it.

" Are you sure these little guys would be the ones that shot you?" Smokescreen scoffed as one cocked its head at him and seem to grip his staff.

" Careful, Smokey. Messing with the black one is like provoking Miko in an Apex suit." Bulkhead warned him as the one in the red mask coaxed the one in the black cape to lower the staff. " Where's Knockout? I heard he's bringing in two more he found on Earth."

" Two more?" Bumblebee asked. One of the smallest ones got up and walked to Bumblebee, calling out. It must've heard that two more were on the way. " Don't worry, little buddy. I'm sure they're safe and sound."

" Yeah, totally safe with Knockout." Arcee said sarcastically.

" Arcee." Bumblebee sighed. He had tried talking to this particular one before the black one came in and shot him with that staff. The one he tried talking to had a red cape and a simple stone mask compared to the others. It even carried a rather unusual instrument on its back, a large bell. He found them and their little noises and honking rather charming and cute. It surprised him when the small one flew up to him, the others honking after it alarmingly. " Hey, it's okay." He told the others as it landed softly onto his servo. It gathered its hands over the gem, light pouring out of it and forming a candle.

" I recommend you accept that." Knockout said as he entered the room, two small figures sitting on his shoulder. " You'll be able to understand them if you do." The one with the fox mask gave a small and quick honk when the one with the red cape called to her. The one holding her hand gave a shy wave at the others.

" The rest of you as well." The one with Knockout said, surprising the Autobots. Bumblebee accepted the candle as one of the figures with a red mask moved towards Smokescreen and offered a candle despite what seemed to be the protest of the one in the black cape. " Calm down, Weslen. I'll explain soon. But you need to cooperate." One of the quieter ones, with a straw hat and a similar uniform with her seemed to have said something rather offensive considering how all them turned to it in shock. " Yes, I'm an Eden Runner." She replied after a stroke of silence.

" An End, a pretty one at least." The one that offered to Smokescreen said with a small chuckle at the end. His uniform was similar to End's but had a purple sash over his waist. The red mask he wore resembled that of a rabbit, his white hair was styled to the side in an attractive manner, a dark violet cape with golden tassels and upon his back was what seemed to be a bundle of wood wrapped in cloth. He gave a gracious bow which Knockout found familiar. " It's an honor." He said as she flew to them with Patch in her hand. " Your moth?"

" Patcher, actually." She said as she nervously approached him. " Uh... it's my first time meeting a Valley Model..." She said shyly. That would explain his behavior and demeanor.

" Well, Val's tend to be a pain so don't get your hopes up, kid." Weslen said after offering a candle to Wheeljack. He sounded older than some of them and most definitely a little more mature considering he was the tallest one there. He wore a pitch black cape with at least eight stars lining his back, mohawk hair tied down into a braid and a cream uniform with khaki pants. He looked a bit more like a soldier with how he was holding his staff. He gave End a salute rather than a bow. " At your service, sir."

" Aren't Ends dangerous?" The one with the straw hat said once Ultra Magnus accepted the candle. " Rumors are rumors. I've never met one of you before." She said as she brushed the dust off her white cape. Her uniform was a creamy white outfit that seemed fluffier than the others. Her mask only covered half her face as opposed to how the others covered their eyes, she didn't. Her eyes were a brilliant gold, sparkling with life.

" I take it you're a Hyde. Forest musicians." End implied.

" Quite. I usually play the guitar but I practice new songs with the harp." She said to explain the harp she was carrying.

" Ah, you guys have such exciting occupations!" One spoke up after offering his candle to Arcee. " I'm just a Perry so I'm usually just hanging around the Sanctuary Islands." He said cheerfully. He had long hair that was tied into a ponytail as well as two strands that stood out like a pair of antenna. " Oh, Sunshine. Isn't this exciting?" He asked the one Bumblebee held.

" It is, Perry." He said simply with a voice surprisingly more mature than his own size.

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