Chapter 8

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Knockout fluttered his optics open with a groan. He rebooted his systems as he tried to come to terms what was happening around him. Squinting, his optics wandered around the room. Tubes of energon were plugged into his frame, parts of his chasis were missing, he couldn't quite feel his peds or servos. " Owl eyes?" A voice called over and he turned to the right to see the figure sitting next to his helm on the med slab. " I'll call Ratchet." She sounded familiar. Similar to End but where was her mask? She jumped off the med slab and landed softly as she hurried out of the med bay. Soon enough, Ratchet came in with her, the Archivist and one of the humans that followed.

" Frag. What happened?" He muttered as he glanced down with a disappointed look on his ruined finish.

" You don't remember?" Raf asked him. Knockout rebooted his systems again to recall the incident. A flash of his memories showed the hissing creature inches from his face. Its many claws were scratching and digging into his frame as attempted to reach his spark.

" Krill." He said with a grave expression as he continued to recall the incident. Why had End lost her mask? She jumped right in front of that thing's eye, grabbing its attention as it charged at her. He remembers it ramming her straight into the waterfall, he heard something shatter. He remembers hearing Sunshine panic as he knelt near Knockout. He remembers seeing three krills locking onto him and Bumblebee while the former scout was trying to cover the wounds. Then a horn. It echoed loudly as the krills turned to the source. Standing above the waterfall with a half broken mask was End, part of her face exposed as her gem gleamed. " End," He said and stared at her curiously.

" I'm glad you're alright, Owl eyes." She smiled gently, a few sharp teeth peaking. Her eyes were a gleaming crimson in contrast to the bright gold that Hyde and Arch had. There were scars across her face and a smaller one across her brow. " Our Elder wants to thank you." His optics widen slightly as the image of the hammer flying through the air flashed. The way it destroyed the krills swiftly with each hit with Bumblebee's blasters aiding her in the assault.

" Slow down, he's just awake-" Wheeljack's voice could be heard accompanied by a march of several peds and soon what seemed to be the entirety of Team Prime (minus the other group) had come to visit him. He was flattered by the reception but also surprised.

" End!" Sunshine flew down from Bulkhead's shoulder to the med slab to see her. " You're okay!" They hugged her before Perry joined them as well.

" You gave us a spark attack, Knockout. Involuntarily." Arcee said as she rested one servo onto her hip.

" Well, those beasts were literally trying to eat my spark." He raised an optic at her. " Which I'm not sure how I'm alive?"

" You were lucky. We had to jump start your spark twice." Ratchet explained as a clack of heels entered the med bay. " Can't this med bay be empty for once?" He complained but faltered as the tall figures stood there. " Uh, Miss- Sir - I mean..." The Forest Elder looked back at Ratchet with a deep gaze. Her long white hair was bound with several bands at the end, a diamond shaped head piece framed her face along with her bangs as she strode forward with an air of authority, her long grey dress was not for looking pretty. Her height was similar to Arcee as she came into Knockout's full view, hammer firmly in hand. She seemed to be analyzing the extent of Knockout's injuries with her eyes before Ratchet piped up. " I understand that you are concerned. But your children are safe and Knockout will make a full recovery once he's rested." She stared at him for a good amount of time before her eyes were back to Knockout, taking one step forward she lifts the hammer up high. " No!"

Knockout looked away as the hammer came down landing onto him. Of course, his death would come by the hand of an ancient spirit who is protecting of her children. He waited but felt nothing. He opened one optic and glanced down. He was fine. No dents or hammer marks. No. He was completely fine. He sat up as he inspected his servos in disbelief as the Forest Elder seemed to give an approving nod to him. She nods to the children and left the room gaping after her. His injuries were practically non existent and he has to admit that his finish never looked better. He inspected what seemed to be strange runes that blended in the white decorations on his finish.

" Ooh, she likes you." Miko said thoughtfully as Hyde nodded.

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