Chapter 18

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Silence. It was almost endless. Time slowed painfully. She could barely hear Nella and Wes shouting as the shot she fired missed by a hair. She was never a good shot, that's why she opted for dodging instead. But God, did she wish she was right now. Val grunted as his arms stopped one claw and knew well he couldn't stop the other. The way he gasped breathlessly as the black hand dug through his chest effortlessly, his hands slipping as the claws broke free and held his neck in place. Smokescreen flinched and put a servo over his chasis, optics blinking in horror. It happened all too quickly. The hand was pulling back, Knockout could barely react to what was practically ripping out a spark. And Erudina, she had enough.

Stopping his hand halfway, she tore off her glove, bright red claws gleamed as it swept through the air seamlessly. The creature fell back and howled in pain as it held its stump. Eru caught Val and laid him down gently before rising and removing her other glove. Her scarf was flying through the wind as long messy dreadlocks tickled her neck, eyes sharper than ever. They tackled each other, tumbling to the ground hissing and growling.

" Val!" End immediately got to him as soon as she saw an opening. The severed had already faded as Val winced at the growing pain in his chest. The impact had already prompted the dark plant to start growing off the wounds. Taking him under her arms, she glanced over at Eru. " Eru!" Looking up, the End Runner kicked off the creature and caught the staff, whacking it over his head the moment he tried to get at her again. Not looking back, she forced herself to move. She couldn't save that moth. Not then, not now. Wes and Nella were quick to help her carry him. She glanced back once to check on the fight, Knockout was ready to shield them if necessary, Smokescreen had stepped out to help, blaster ready.

Erudina was relentless. The moment she whacked him with the staff, she raked her claws over his chest, scratching away the gem, two orbs fell and shattered. Another hit and his other arm was gone, four orbs, he was down to four. He could barely see and as his eyes finally cleared, the glowing tip of a fireworks staff stared down at him, humming low before firing. Three orbs flew in all directions and shattered after a moment. He gasped and wheezed desperately as he tried to move from his position on the ground.

" W...Wait! I-I just wanna be pure again! I tried everything! This is the only-" A hard smack landed across his face as the End Runner looked down at him with a fierce glare. " Let me be pure! I'll be good!"

" 206." She stated blankly and shoved him back down with a firm stomp of her boot. " What's your name?"

" I'm..!" He paused. What was his name? He can't recall. He wants to say it but nothing comes. No. No no no no. He couldn't be far gone already. He has to remember. He has to show her he can change. He can. " My name is -blank-" Horror flashed over him for the first time in years. Krills don't have names. " WAIT-" The shot rang out through the empty desert before exploding into a wonder of brilliant colours. Erudina watched as the body stilled slowly, the blue light glowing dimmer before slowly going out like a burnt out flame. There was silence. She turned over to the others who were staring at her with wide eyes. She couldn't quite care if it were horror or fear. Nella's eyes were the only ones that were indifferent. She nodded to her friend as she approached them and handed Weslen the staff.

End looked down as Arch checked her over for injuries. She fumbled the fox mask in her hand, it had several cuts and was roughed up in a lot of ways and it wasn't hers. Val was stable for the most part. The Vault Elder was able to heal him just in time and the plants wouldn't be eating him away anytime soon. He was strong enough to sit up on his bed and was able to speak after some initial trouble. No one spoke to the two End Runners who sat across eah other, assessing their wounds and judging any amount of corruption. Nella had taken off her stone mask, showing her red and blue eyes.

" Are you alright?" Knockout asked her, pulling her from her thoughts.

" Yeah," She nodded to Arch after he finished. Hyde was sitting close to Sunshine and Aiden as they tried to soothe her. They saw it. They all did. What corruption does to you and what must be done. " Red gem corruption makes our light useless to the corrupted. Blue corruption turns you into...that. But red? It's another story."

" Do you want to talk about it, fox?" He asked gently.

" Since when do you call me Fox?" She chuckled softly.

" Since I saw your mask." He replied.

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