Chapter 11

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" It looks like you're in the clear for now." Ratchet said as he finished his scans.

" I know, I'm a doctor as well." He said sarcastically as his optics ran through his frame. " I've never seen my finish look more flashier. I'll have to thank the Forest Elder for this upgrade."

" She's outside actually." End said to them. " Do you want to go see her, Owl eyes?"

" When did you start calling me Owl eyes?" Knockout asked with a raised ridge.

" Since I saw you in my dreams." End said bluntly. " I didn't see a lot of things."

" When did you start seeing him in your dreams? I can imagine how his optics would leave an impression." Ratchet laughed as Knockout rolled his optics.

" Before coming here." Both mechs paused. That couldn't be. " I wanted to ask when we you brought me here. Where's the blue one? Breakdown. I saw you both together in my first dream and in my second-"

" Stop." Knockout said quickly as he stared at her sharply with his red optics. Looking at him curiously, she nodded in understanding after a beat. " Info should be exchanged equally." He sighed in frustration as he ran a servo through his faceplates. " I saw you in a storm of rocks. It looked like hell." He grunted. " You looked different from then." She gave a small hum as her eyes looked down.

" If you're both having a heart to heart then do it elsewhere. Then come back to clear up on seeing each other in dreams once you're done. I've had enough of this magic nonsense in one day already." Ratchet said bluntly. Knockout rolled his optics and got off the med slab. " Take it easy, Knockout. You just healed." The ex Con gave him a short nod as he extended his servo to the child, the action surprising the old medic for a short moment but he said nothing. End climbed on quietly and a soft click was heard accompanied with a flash.

" Never knew you were such a softie, Knocks." Miko grinned as she waved her phone at him.

" Miko, I swear if you tell the others," She laughed before he could finish and left the room quickly.

" Well I hope she got my good side." End joked, earning a small chuckle from Knockout as they left the med bay. She shared the smile as he transformed into his alt mode. " So, we're talking on a drive?"

" Just need somewhere quiet." He didn't take her far, just far enough that no one else would be listening to their conversation as he parked over a hill overlooking the base. " So, start talking. What did you see?"

" I saw you and him. He called you his conjunx? You were still on Earth I think. Over a hill, there was a pretty sunset." She said fondly at the end.

" I see. A conjunx is...a partnership for life. That was probably the time where we bonded. A very, special bond. I know you understand why he's not here with me." He said quietly as she nodded. " My turn. That place with the rocks and statues. What was that? You were wearing something closer to what Patch is wearing, orange cape but still the same hair."

" That's Eden. It's where we get reborn and cleanse ourselves in a way. Our place to die and be reborn into The Light, we are rewarded with special candles each time we go. Most don't go unless they need to. The risk of corruption is extremely high there. My first run was what you saw I think." She said quietly. " Some of us don't come back unscathed. Especially when we get damaged by the red gems."

" Would that explain your eyes?" He asked.

" Yes. Corruption comes from a few sources. Dark water, krill, or the red gems. Krill or dark water causes eyes to turn blue if left untreated. Red gems causes the eyes to turn red after constant or high exposure." She explained. " My first run was fine. The second time was...problematic."

" I'm assuming you got your scars on the second run."

" Your assumption is correct." She gave a small smile. " So, for the second dream."

" Here we go, you first."

" You were...hurting a man." She said carefully, her voice grew still. " A human."

" He deserved it." Knockout grit hit teeth.

" Who deserved it?" It surprised both of them as Bumblebee parked next to them. " ...... It's about CYLAS, isn't it?"

" Do you Autobots not understand what privacy means? I swear to Primus." The red mech grumbled.

" Sorry! We were just talking and we saw you guys so..." Sunshine said in an apologetic voice. " I had dreams about Bumblebee-"

" Before coming here?" End finished for him. " I'm starting to think we're here for more reasons than we initially believe."

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