Chapter 20

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The voice gently sang and hummed its melody. A soft call, a promise. Beckoning to the Light.

" Owl eyes..." A small voice called him. But he wasn't in the mood to open his optics right now. " Owl eyes!" A long call startled him as his frame hummed in response. He rubbed the space between his optics with a groan as he sat up.

" Can't a mech relax?" He grumbled as the child giggled next to him. " What is it, little fox?"

" One of Uncle Bee's friends got blasted away." The masked child told him.

" Blasted away..?"

" Geyser." A woman walked in, dressed in a blue uniform with long dreads and a fox mask. Knockout snorted. " Sideswipe."

" Of course," He sighed. " And Ratchet isn't here to deal with it." He got up from his shade and walked down the sandy beach to where one of the geysers were located near a tunnel slide. Face planted on the sand was indeed said mech with Strongarm doing nothing helpful but poking him with a stick she found. " Any damage?"

" Mmf, ghhhd." A muffled voice said from the sand before lifting up his head and spitting sand from his glossa. " You kids tricked me!"

" You're just not careful." Another woman said as she sat with three kids hiding behind her back.

" Still, a little warning would've been nice, Jeane." Bee said looking up at the cliff she sat and the lady shrugged.

" It amazes me that you've made allies with beings of other dimensions while I was away." The tall red and blue mech said as he approached them with a smile. Two men and women were all over him, hitching a ride. " It's a shame the others cannot join us for the small vacation."

" They've went plenty of times here." Jadyz said. " Smokescreen almost screamed the first time he saw the big manta." On cue, said creature flew over them with a loud humm, greeting the visitors as the children rode on its back.

" Remarkable." Optimus muttered as he observed the flying creature.

" Ooh! It's coming." Perry gave them a heads up. All of them, Cybertronian and sky child alike, gathered at the edge of the water as the surface of the sea started to foam and break. " Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the Whale!" The largest creature they've ever seen emerges from the surface of the sea with a sprout of water. It wasn't anything like the whales on Earth.

" Damn!" Sideswipe whistled in an impressed manner.

" It's incredible."

" There's only three that we know of. One at the beginning of Wasteland, one here and the last one is at the Hidden Forest." Jeane explained proudly as  Reed looked on.

" Not bad for another dimension, right Bee?" Knockout glanced at Reed who smiled up at him. She had a few new scars since he last saw her and has started wearing gloves too. It concerns him a bit but there's not much he can do. For now, they can enjoy what they have so far. Right here, on the Sanctuary Islands.

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