Chapter 6

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The group was split into two. End, Knockout, Hyde, Ultra Magnus, Sunshine and Bumblebee went to collect the creatures and lead them to an area much closer to base where they won't cause trouble while Weslen, Bulkhead, Val, Smokescreen and Patch track the Elders which they're able to do after coming into contact with the hammer. Arch stayed with Ratchet at the base in case there were any changes to the hammer as Perry prepared to receive the creatures.

" So, what does a Weslen do exactly?" Bulkhead asked the black caped warrior as they walked through the rocky mountain surrounded by greenery.

" We guide those who are incapable through the Golden Wasteland." He answered simply.

" Ah yes, the Wasteland." Val said almost bored. " I don't see anything golden about that terrible place."

" I swear to the Elders..." Weslen sighed. " We don't just guide the kids through the Wasteland, we make sure nothing bad happens to them." He paused a bit and looked left and right. " Two signatures."

" So we're splitting up again? What is this a horror movie?" Val sighed.

" We'll cover more ground at least." Smokescreen said with a smile.

" Little moth, I recommend you stay with Weslen for now." Val advised. " I'm no babysitter and partially, not a very good oober."

" Seriously?" Weslen raised a brow. " I thought you'd like telling her all your 'glorious' racing victories. Isn't that what Val's are into?"

" Not all of us, no." Val said bitterly. Weslen led them away without another word until Val and Smokescreen were out of sight. " That kid could've been a Val too with those looks if he weren't so stubborn."

" You know him long?" Smokescreen asked.

" You could say that. I've met plenty of Weslens. Some are more social than others." He shrugged. " It's funny, everyone loves Weslens. Not as much as Vals but still, they have quite the number of admirers. I don't blame them." He jumped over a log and continued walking down the path he followed. " Brave, heroic, always stupidly putting their lives in danger. I'd be surprised if he decides to be an End someday." He glanced up at Smokescreen who stared at him with interest. " The Wasteland guides are always at risk with the dangers of the Wasteland itself but Ends, those idiots are practically suicidal." He groans as they came upon a bit of a clearing, a strange looking fungus like plants was growing. " Hang on, I gotta melt that. It's hazardous." He flew up to one branch and started melting the dark tree. " This'll take a while."

" What's it like being a Weslen?" Patch asked him curiously as they walked, hand in hand.

" Hmm? It's fine. We dodge krills, melt dark flowers, get people through the Wasteland." He answered. " That and we monitor for other kinds of problems. You interested in being one?" He asked cautiously.

" Wha? No! I'm pretty comfortable as a Patch. You know, fixing bugs and stuff."

" Sounds like something a Wrecker would do." Bulkhead told her. " You know, we even have a human Wrecker on Earth."

" Really?" Patch asked. " That's so cool! What do you think, Weslen?"

" Yeah, sure." He answered as he tries to squint at the small light up ahead.

" I wonder how Val's doing." She pondered. " Do you meet a lot of Vals in Wasteland? I hear they do that sometimes."

" I do." He said grimly. " Listen, kid. Val's can look pretty but not all of them are cracked up to be. Ever heard of Griefers?" Patch nods nervously.

" Griefers?" Bulkhead echoed.

" They cause nothing but trouble. They tend to imitate Vals and hang around new moths. Then they take them around the realms, playing nice at first like a good veteran." Weslen's steps slowed down and he turns to Patch slowly. " Then they use them as bait for the Krills. I've seen too many kids get dropped mid flight as sacrificial lambs while those Griefers get away unharmed. Could you imagine that? You trusted someone and they just toss you into three light hungry krills." He paused as he noticed Patch take a half step back. Did he raise his voice? " Sorry, I don't really like Vals."

" Okay." Bulkhead said awkwardly.

" You didn't seem surprised when you met End." Weslen said as they continued to walk.

" I'm kinda used to meeting Ends."

" You what!?" Weslen said in disbelief. " Do Patchers always get to meet Ends?"

" Well, we do work together to fix the realms? They monitor, we fix." She said a little more cheerfully. " I don't get why people would be so scared of Ends. They're really polite and nice."

" Moth, Ends are like our role models, mentors. Running through Eden literally every week is insane." Weslen said with awe. " An End saved my life a long time ago, that's why I wanted to be a Weslen. You have to be a Weslen first before being an End."

" Cool, didn't know the qualifications are like that." Patch said as she thought. "Is that a manta?" The creature hovered over the water of the creek, circling the small area with a small collection of glowing butterflies there. " We should bring them back." Weslen nodded but paused. He held out his staff and crouched. Bulkhead was about to ask what's wrong until the sound of grinding metal grew closer. He signalled them to take a few steps back as a blue spotlight shone. " Oh, no."

The sharp growl from the black creature as its light turned red made both children wince as it raised its head hungrily at the panicking manta. With a great roar, it rushed forward, swallowing the poor creature whole.

" Krills." End grunted as made Sunshine duck behind the trees.

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