Chapter 9

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" Move it, pal!" It surprised Weslen how quickly Val had arrived, shoving him to the ground as they dodged one krill. Taking the staff from his hand, he aimed and fired it directly at the krill's eye, causing it to shriek. " You know how they work, don't you? Then do things properly." Four krills were a lot for two sky kids to take on while protecting a little one. Luck would have it that they weren't alone. Bulkhead made sure the krills never got to them on time while they made sure he never got charged at.

" Don't worry, Patch. You're doing great!" Weslen reassured her as she hid behind the spear after charging it up, allowing a beam of light to pierce the night sky. He never thought they'd make such a great team. With a Val, nonetheless. " Any minute." He glanced over to Bulkhead as he punched one krill in the face, shattering its horns as one more locked on him from behind. A loud shout came from afar as a figure launched itself towards them. The shield crashed down upon the krill, breaking it into pieces and allowing the dark creature to evaporate.

Bulkhead was stunned for a moment as the figure stood as tall as him with about the same size. He had the same hair as Weslen and wore a metal horned mask to shield his face. Shattering another krill from the side with the shield, picking up his spear and stabbing another through the eye. He moved to destroy the last one as Bulkhead shattered its head with all his might. The Elder spirit stared at him, cautious.

" Wait!" Patch called loudly and waved as he stood between the two giants. " He's a friend!" Val and Weslen joined her as they stood before the Elder Spirit and the three of them bowed deeply at him.

" Um, hi?" Bulkhead tried to give a little wave as the Wasteland Elder stared for a moment before nodding to the Wrecker. He looks down at the children and immediately puts down his shield with one knee down and holds out his hand towards the children. Weslen stepped forward first and climbed on before the others joined him. With what seemed to be a relieved sigh, he looks down at his shield and back to Bulkhead with an apologetic look. " Oh, don't worry! I'll carry that for you." He gave Bulkhead a grateful nod with a happy hum. " Mission accomplished, Ratchet. Open up the space bridge." Bulkhead looked around for a bit. " Uh, Val. Where's Smokescreen?" The child looked around, he'd completely forgot about him.

" I am very honored to meet you." They heard Smokescreen say as he approached them with another figure who was a little shorter than Arcee in height. The figure wore a long robe, long white hood with a square head gear that framed her face with runes scribed over it. Like most of them, her mask was a pale white color with a small scar beneath the left eye and a scar on the lower right side. " So, uh, which one's the Wasteland Elder?" He asked when noticing the larger spiritual figure.

The ground bridge opened and Ultra Magnus was the first one to appear with a worried expression. " Thank Primus you're all alright."

" Did something happen to the others?" Val asked.

Upon reaching the base, they were greeted by the face of the Forest Elder who nodded to her fellow Elders as Sunshine and Perry rushed to meet them.

" Are you guys okay?" Perry asked.

" We're good. Wasteland Elder was awesome! He saved us." Patch said in an excited voice.

" I'm glad you're all safe." Bumblebee said with a smile.

" How come they get to go?" Miko asked. " We go to school for one day and so much went down!" She complained. " Wheeljack brought us here instead and the moment we get here, Doc Knock's bleeding and this other girl was-"

" Slow down, Miko." Jack urged her. " They just got back."

" Wait. Which one? Who else was hurt?" Val asked but all Miko understood was an amount of honking before Hyde turned up. She didn't say anything as she looked down, hugging herself uncomfortably. " End." He immediately jumped down and flew towards Hyde. " Where is she? What happened?" The humans were more than confused with the amount of honking in the room. Weslen honked at Sunshine and Perry and they returned the honk hastily. Val sounded like he was raising his voice while Weslen started to argue with him over something that seemed to be offensive. Before long, Patch looked like she was about to cry with whatever the sky kids were talking about.

A loud call grabbed their attention as Arch bowed deeply to the worried looking Elder Spirits and said something only the sky kids could understand. There was relief in the room from the Elders to the kids. The Elder that Smokescreen found moved towards Arch and gestured to take her to the injured.

" New alien language we gotta learn?" Miko asked Raf. " Hang on, you didn't get that either?"

" No. It's a lot different from Cybertronian." Raf said with a surprised look.

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