Chapter 1

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His spark ached as he treaded through the the dark water. A hail storm of rocks and boulders showered over him mercilessly. The red gems pulsed and glowed dimly, they were a curious things truly. He had gotten a bit too close to them, the gems vibrated, the glow brighter as he felt it leech off him painfully. It didn't take too long for him to realize that this wasn't him. He wasn't there. He looked down and saw the unclear reflection of a small being, much like a human but it wasn't.

The small figure moved its frame through the harsh winds, hands wrapped over its body, pulling what appears to be a cape closer in a feeble effort to gain some warmth, its gem glowing dimly in the middle of its chest. He could feel everything this small creature felt, hear everything it hears, but he wasn't there.

Just a little more.

The harsh winds against the many cuts over their arms and legs, the way the dark water stings like acid eroding their feet. He felt all of this. He felt his spark ach further as the small being's gem grew dimmer.

I just need-

Knockout sat up from his berth with a gasp, cold sweat dripped down his faceplates. He took in his surroundings and sighed. Still in his room at the Earth base, not wherever that was. Nightmares were not an unfamiliar thing to him. Not since the war, no. At times like these Breakdown would've been around to comfort him, tell him it was alright. But those days were long gone. After a few kliks he finally got ready and was prepared for the day. Or so it would seem.

" Morning, Red." Wheeljack greeted him.

" Morning, Wheeljack." He replied as he walked down the hall with data pad at hand. " You're usually the type not to stay in one place as Bulkhead says. Got bored in Cybertron?"

" More or less. I was mostly just cruising through the atmosphere on Earth this morning and you wouldn't believe what hit me."

" A rock?" Ratchet implied without looking away from his screens as they arrived at the main area.

" Very funny, Ratchet." Wheeljack placed a large briefcase like container in the middle of the space. " I'm not sure what it is but it's not like anything I've ever seen."

" Hey guys!" Miko greeted happily as she arrived with the other humans and Smokescreen. " Ooh! What's in the case?"

" Is it even safe to present in front of humans?" Knockout questioned with a raised ridge.

" Aw, you're worried about us, Knockout?" Miko teased.

" No, I'd prefer not having to deal with the aftermath if it goes wrong." He scoffed but still smiled at them.

" Fingers crossed." Jack said as they watched from the platform with Ratchet. Wheeljack carefully unlocked the case, a dim glow already leaking from the cracks. They watched as he lifted the lid slowly and placed it aside, the glowing object in full view. " It's..."

" A hammer?" Smokescreen pondered. " It's so glowy. An Iacon relic?"

" Not from these readings, no." Knockout explained after scanning the object. " It is however, similar in certain areas to The Forge Of Solus Prime."

" Impossible." The younger mech said immediately. " One, I saw the Forge used up by Optimus. Two, it doesn't even look the same." The hammer before them had a far simpler design. The white glow that surrounded it's white frame was a rather interesting finish. Upon close inspection, one could find traces of engravings all over it and it was certainly an ancient relic by how faded certain engravings were. " Also, I don't remember The Forge ever humming before."

" True." Ratchet shrugged.

" Hang on, it hums?" Jack asked as he carefully approached the box.

" You guys don't hear it?" Wheeljack asked. " And I thought Sunshine here was getting old."

" Do not call me that." Ratchet warned only earning a teasing smile from Wheeljack. " Perhaps it's on a frequency only heard by us."

" Since I hear it too, I suppose it's plausible." Knockout agreed. Miko and Raf followed behind Jack closely as he knelt down next to the case.  He leaned in a bit, feeling a brush of something warm calling. " I'd prefer if you don't touch that."

" Okay, fine." Miko retreated with a groan. " Well, guess we'll leave the magic glowing hammer to you guys. Video games?"

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