Chapter 10

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Ratchet wasn't sure how to treat the organic life form that just came into his med bay. He had requested a hospital bed from Agent Fowler but he wasn't sure what he could do for her. For now, he must focus on what he can for Knockout. The mech needed to be stabilized immediately. " Is he alright?" He almost jumped at the voice. He was surprised to find her just standing there, no longer lying down on her hospital bed. Nurse Darby should've been here by now. What he found a little surprising was the crimson red eyes that stared back at his blue optics.

His attention returned to the red mech as the machines alerted him how his spark was pulsing weakly. Flying up to her, Arch honked with a slight panic. He must've been surprised to see her awake.

" His light is fading, Arch." A honk of protest. Ratchet was losing him, he needed a jump start immediately. Ratchet scrambled to save his spark however he could. The first jump start resulted with no change. She flew over to Knockout's chasis, she was a little surprised that her cape reacted like it was in some way charged up. She had an idea. As Ratchet prepared the second jump, she took in a deep breath. Time was ticking. " Owl eyes!" She practically screamed at the same time as the jump start. Ratchet saw the energy she gave off from his e.m. field. Knockout's spark was becoming stable more quickly than anything he's ever seen. Arch immediately ran to her and coaxed her to return to the hospital bed. " But I'm fine." She insisted but he wasn't going to let her be.

" Where's the patient?" Nurse Darby said as she hurried to the hospital bed where End was sitting patiently with Arch checking on her vitals. Ratchet had ignored them completely as he worked. The others were waiting outside with the new guests while he did his best on the red mech. " It doesn't look like she's been injured much." She said as Arch backed off with a shrug. " Do you feel hurt anywhere?" End shook her head, knowing well that the human wouldn't understand her. " To think that I'd visit and find another giant alien with small alien kids." She huffed as Arch stared at her in disbelief. Leaving her, End figured he must be going to greet the Forest Elder. To her surprise, he returned about half an hour later with the Vault Elder herself. " Oh, another one. Uh, hello?"

" Elder, I greet you." End said to her as she knelt down gently. She lifted End's chin to inspect her and brushed a finger over her gem. It felt warm and safe. The Elder stared into her red eyes with her white ones and leaned in, kissing her head gently.

" You must rest, my child." The voice was haunting, gentle and soft. It echoed when she spoke and sent chills to whoever heard it. Frankly speaking, everyone in the room heard her voice. Ratchet hoped he wasn't being rude for ignoring her but he had work to do. " Your red gems are a pain you carry well. But not to carry alone. " She said softly as she withdrew her hand. She nods to Nurse Darby and to Ratchet before gesturing to Arch to take her back to the others.

" Is Owl eyes alright?" She asked Ratchet innocently.

" He's stable for now but please, I need to work." He allowed her to remain in the med bay with Knockout. She seemed eager to wait for him to awaken. Val and the other sky kids came to visit her later that day with company from the humans.

" Four krills." Val grit his teeth. " You're really looking forward to dying aren't you?"

" Not exactly." She replied with a shrug.

" What's a krill? Is it dangerous? It's the thing that attacked Knockout isn't it?" Miko asked. " And you guys look really cool by the way. I heard you could fly. Is it because of the capes?"

" Miko." Jack sighed. " Slow down."

" Right, sorry." She said with a smile. " So, you guys are like actual kids. Are there seriously no adults?"

" Well, the oldest among us in our realm would be 35 I think." Weslen informed them. " Even then, they were alone too."

" A world without Adults, sounds cool." Miko smirked.

" What about all these creatures?" Raf asked eagerly.

" They've been around way longer than we have, that's for sure." Hyde answered. " I'm just glad the ones that got through was the mantas and butterflies. The birds are a bit stubborn last I checked."

" Can you imagine if the whale made it here?" Perry asked. " And we only know two of them! Ah, the Sanctuary Islands wouldn't be the same without it." They continued swapping questions and answers for the day. Patch noticed how often End would glance around the room, looking a bit troubled and would relax when they call for her.

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