Chapter 15

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Erudina didn't exactly spent much of her day sitting around like some would expect as most of the work was done. She had taken to exploring the surroundings and even studying some of the organics on the planet. " Well, being an End Runner means getting to know your surroundings to the absolute smallest detail. And as a part time Archivist, I'd like to record anything knowledgeable here."

" I'll write a report on the incident today." Arc offered.

" Thank you." She said cheerfully. " You know, it'd be nice if we could get some flowers back but, you know, Eden and stuff."

" I could bring some for you, child." The Vault Elder offered.

" Really? You're gonna bring flowers to sky?" Sunshine and Perry asked cheerfully and squealed as she nodded.

" I could bring you guys a list of easy grown flowers." Raf ordered to which the sky children responded happily by crowding over him and asking about the plants to be listed.

" Come on, Bulk. Let's get our new friends their parting gifts. It's gotta be great!" Miko jumped into Bulkhead's passenger seat while Jack went with Arcee to meet up with his Mom to buy some flowers.

" You guys are really nice. Your government doesn't have to sponsor flowers, you know. This whole mess is kinda our fault." Val said to Fowler.

" Consider it a diplomatic thank you gift for at least cleaning up this mess." Fowler gave a short bow to the Elders who smiled down at him.

" We appreciate your help in caring for the children." The Wasteland Elder spoke. " They are still quite young."

" But I must ask." Knockout began. " Why did we share those dreams? What for?" The Elders exchanged glances as Erudina looked at him sharply.

" That is not a common or favorable occurrence." Forest Elder told him. " Usually, dreams are shared to form a bond with a creature that shares similarities with ourselves and our innermost light. The bond regards you as the temporary guardian of the child in question but it's not usually a good sign."

" What does it mean?" Hyde said as she took a half step back.

" Hang on, calm down everyone." Erudina said with an eased smile. " It's just a small possibility and trust me, at most with how your guardians are, you should be just fine." She gave Hyde a gentle pat on the head and a soft smile.

" The Hunter's Act." End muttered. " There's...a broken light here?" Her tone was more of a question than a statement, to which the Elders did not respond. The older End Runner turned to her with a soft look in her eyes, Knockout has never seen End look so...terrified. There was clearly something they weren't sharing and by the looks of the other sky kids, they don't know either. The portal door rumbled and opened just for a moment, enough for two figures to step through.

" Eru, we've got a change of plans." The first one said with a worried look. He was as small as Sunshine, gold veins covered his arms.

" Aiden, Nella." She spoke their names with a great fondness. The bots were quick to register the sad smile on her face. " How many."

" One." Nella, she wore a flower petal shaped cape. " Medium height, around 14. This won't be pretty."

" I see." The End Runner replied stiffly, her smile stayed. The other bots had returned with their charges and a few potted flowers. " On behalf of my kind, I'd like to thank you all for just about everything. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we aren't exactly done yet."

" Got more of those Krill things?" Arcee guessed.

" No." Aiden said bluntly, he seemed to struggle to say what was next.

" We can't help you if you don't tell us." Ultra Magnus said in a calm manner to coax the sky kids.

" Do not concern yourself upon this." The Wasteland Elder said, eyes closed as his head hung low. " We have used enough of your hospitality."

" There is....there's..." Even the usually stoic Forest Elder was struggling to find the words. " We cannot bring ourselves to harm a child. Yet....we'd allow children to harm each other."

" A corrupted. There's a corrupted child here." Arch finished as his eyes widen. " A fully corrupted child. A child of darkness, a murderer. Is. Here."

" Yes." Erudina confirmed with a stiff smile as she glanced outside. " We have a few hours to spare. Weslen, may I borrow your staff?"

" What?"

" You don't have to if you don't want to. I have a few extra firework spells but I'd prefer more chances." She said to him.

" Hold on, what are you planning, Erudina?" Val questioned as he stood between her and Weslen.

" I'm just doing my job. You understand what kind of rumors come from End Runner auditions, don't you?" They've discussed it with the bots before. The sort of myths and rumors circulating each occupation, even End discussed hers. They've even talked about rumors of those who were corrupted beyond help. Those who become so consumed by darkness, they start going after those who still have light. The bots compared the corrupted with their own sparkeater myths. Remarkably similar in many ways.

" You're going to kill them?" Perry said in a shaky voice. " We can help them."

" If we could, we would've done that, darling." She said calmly. " A corrupted child is in the vicinity. I urge you to follow conduct until further notice. I recommend locking up this base. He'll be coming here." Erudina flexed her gloves and moved towards the open hangar.

" Where are you going?" Bumblebee asked her. " We can help."

" Are you willing to kill a child?" She asked them before they could move forward. Bulkhead glanced over at Miko as Bumblebee and Arcee did the same with their charges. No one spoke or moved. " Then I'll be out preparing for the hunt. Stay inside." Nella was quick to step up to her side. She glanced at her friend and smiled.

" You're not hunting alone this time, smiley." She told her. " End Trio remember? Friez would be waiting for us at home."

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