Chapter 2

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Crouched down, he didn't mind the small stinging feeling the dark water gave him. It was as corrosive as usual but he knew there were things much more worse that he needs to deal with right now. He could feel the child's fear, wrapped in bold determination as the sickening sounds of metal scratching and grinding grew closer.

The blue light flashed over the ground, searching, moving. He stayed absolutely still as the blue light passed by the rock he was hiding behind. He peaked out of the rock, the creature's tail still looming over as it passed. The monster reminded him of insecticons, only longer, more legs, floating and looked like some sort of shrimp.


Right. And judging its movements, as long as it doesn't spot you with its light, you're safe. He almost jumped as a hand took his servo, looking down he saw a child just about the height of the one he's seeing through. They wore a strange looking mask and was staring at their own feet as their body trembled greatly. He tightened his grip on their hand and felt pity ache at his spark. He wanted to say something to comfort the child.

Red. The color draped over them as the creature growled and raised its head higher. The red light from its eye blinking dangerously.


Opening his optics, he took in the surroundings of his room once more. That was...trippy. Rubbing his optics, he needed to make sense of the false recall. It wasn't him in those...visions. Not at all, no. They were children for sure about the size of the human Rafael. A warning flared in his optics, one he's never encountered before. It was a symbol of a star. He tried blinking and rebooting his optics but it was still there, pin pointing some place. As he attempted self diagnose, the symbol disappeared and results of the diagnostic showed he was fine.

It happened again while he was scanning the hammer Wheeljack found and once more in the evening while talking to Ratchet. It was getting annoying how it blinked at random times.

" I'm going for a drive." He announced to the fellow medic as he changed his alt mode. He groaned as the symbol blinked again. " Fine. Fine! I'll come to you." He growled as he stepped up the gear and followed the symbol that was growing closer everytime he saw it. Speeding up the highway, he knew he was getting closer to whatever was annoying him the whole day. " Let's see what are you..." He muttered to himself as he drove towards it.

" Knockout, where are you?" Ratchet's voice entered his comms.

" Just driving. What do you want?"

" Bumblebee just contacted us about some intruders on the Nemesis."

" What does that have to do with- Oh FRAG!" Immediately, he swerved to the left in order to avoid the unknown pedestrian. With a screeching sound, he barely avoided falling off the highway as he transformed to stop himself.

" Knockout! Are you alright? What happened?" Ratchet questioned as Knockout vented with relief. He grumbled as the symbol appeared again and turned around.

" What kind of person walks in the middle of the fragging...road." He blinked a few times to make sure his optics weren't malfunctioning. The figure hid behind a tree and made a small noise that could be described as a little honk. Humans don't typically make that kind of noise. The symbol appeared again as it hid and disappeared when it peaked out of the trees to check on him. " What.." The figure was about the height of the human Miko, the skin was unnaturally dark, and it had white shoulder length dreadlocks.

Carefully, the humanoid creature stepped out of its hiding place and stared at him for a while. He wasn't sure what to do with the strange situation. The childlike creature started to approach him carefully, curious but cautious. It wore a blue uniform, deep navy blue pants that reach up to its waist with matching boots, draped over its shoulders was a blue cape, gold patterns decorated the cape beautifully and gold orbs lined the rims. A white fox mask with orange decorations hid its face as it approached him further.

" What are you?" Knockout asked as the humanoid creature stood before him. The creature cupped its hands over a strange gem over its chest, light gathering at the touch and in its hands formed a white candle. This things was in his dream, he was sure of it. He took a half step back as it crouched to one knee and offered the candle to him. " Wha?" It waited for him to move as he stared at its proposal. Where did that candle come from? Why is it being offered to him? The questions filled his processor as he cautiously reached out to accept it. He froze as the candle evaporated into bits of light, glowing softly as it trailed up his servo and surrounded his chasis. He almost yelled as the light entered his spark, confusion filled him as the creature stood there. " What did you do? What was that?" He interrogated the creature as held his chasis. It was his spark, if anything happened to his spark who knows what'll happen.

" Can you hear me?" The creature asked.

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