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After cleaning the Lab both came for class.

Avneet went to join Brokenheads and found that Riyaz is missing, so she asked Frank bout him.

Frank - I think He's gonna flirting with someone at corridor.

Avneet - Frank!!

Frank - Just kidding He's gone, to attend Sid.

Rahul - He's right!! See Sid is going outside for doing something.

Avneet - Oh no!! I'm sure of Sid's Stupidity!! He will be sure planning undesirable things to Riyaz, I have to save him!!

Avneet searched them all over school but they're not present in campus.

But Suddenly Avneet found them at boy's washroom's front door!!

Sid was holding any liquid on his hand and Riyaz wasn't going to look over him.

Avneet went closer to find out what was going on!! And She realized the test tube in Sid's hand and Riyaz was drunked of something.

Avneet heart melted towards Riyaz side and She pushed Sid backward.

Sid was too out of his mind.

Riyaz hugged Avneet in drunken way and told her that Sid was wanted to keep his face burst so that He'll claim over Hers!!

Avneet's mind blown of Riyaz statements and she looked over Sid who wasn't in his full mind.

Sid - I'll kill you Bastard!! how you claim to my sweetheart, MY AVNEET!!

Avneet - God both are so much drunked.

Riyaz smirked then said in cute voice - Avneet, Don't trust him, He's not wanted me in around you. He wanted to bully you forever and I won't allow him.

Avneet looked Sid whose hand are roaming here and there when test tube's liquid started to pour into floor.

Riyaz - See Avneet!! It's Hydrochloric Acid [HCL].


Riyaz thought - I'm not fool!! that I'll give him the real acid for this act!!


Avneet was crying since the accident happened and rubbing her eyes when Principal came and ask Her what happened there!!

She told all the things as Riyaz Point of view and principal asks her not to mention their name for their parents sake!!

Avneet dissapointed of his words when Riyaz and Sid came in little normal way in front of hers.

Principal ordered three of them to leave this day immediately otherwise students will know the reason of fight.

And Principal left three of them there alone.

When Avneet was going to pack her bag to go on her house.

Sid came and by kneeling towards Avneet face.

Avneet turned her face in disgust when he said with a smirk - Hey don't ignore me, I'm still loving to hate you!!

Avneet was confused of his words.

Sid - You're thinking what I'm saying you this things?!

Avneet softly nodded.

Sid - Because I hate you from my inner heart you know.

Avneet - But you said that time that I'm your Sweetheart?!!

Sid - That was only my false words of bad reaction of too much alcohol, I don't like you in anyway but I love to play with you and Bully you!!

Avneet amazed by his so much dishonest and cruel talks.

Avneet went for her house after telling Jai without telling him the reason.

Riyaz and Sid were stood outside the school gate.

Riyaz - Sid, Why just you tell her bout Who gave you that alcohol.

Sid - You wanted to keep your bad side open in front of hers?!!

Riyaz - I know Why you not told her about that because you know her well, if you'll say her that I'm the one who trapped you in my plan then she'll be sure about you're lieing to hers.

She's obviously my side so why she believes in your great words?!! Right!!

Sid smirked - You know me so well but you're forgetting about me, I WILL DESTROY YOU VERY SOON BOY!!!

From behind Avneet came and slap him!!

Without looking once Sid Moved his hand towards Avneet to slap her but he won't slap her.

But tightly gripped her wrist!!

Avneet - Ouch!! Leave me..

Riyaz - Leave her!!!! Sid..!!!

Sid throwback Avneet towards Riyaz in very Cruel way.

Riyaz saved her from any damage.

Riyaz - See Avneet!! He's so cold for you.

Avneet - Thank you Riyaz to support me.

Sid was going in his way to bike when Avneet asked him.

Avneet - Stop Psycho!! I wanted to know your rudeness is high over me from the first night we met?!!

Why you don't just behave normal for my sake!!

Tell me dammit!!


Get that!!

Avneet laughed in anger - Haha...thank God I'm luckily born as a girl.

Sid - You're so stupid Avneet?!! You don't get me!! I HATE YOU whenever I see you with this Brokenhead fatboyish slumy face RIYAZ!!

Riyaz - Oh please, you're jealous of me.

Sid - I'm going to Jannat's house, Don't mind if i did something wrong with her, it means hanging her above the ground?! Or something more bad enough...

Riyaz - I'LL KILL YOU!!

Sid - Turned his bike towards Jannat's house to do his commitment..

Riyaz was in hurry!! He left Avneet their and stressfully starts his bike.

Avneet - Riyaz!! What he was talking bout? Who's Jannat?!!

Riyaz's bike started and he opened his mouth to speak.

Riyaz - Jannat is my Girlfriend, You know?!!

And he left her their Speechless!!!



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