How Jack Found A Gold Mine

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Walking home, Race cursed at his phone which he held with both hands landscape. Like usual,the 5pm horse races were on, and he was eager to bet his little dough. He had a problem for sure and everyone knew it, but it was no use telling him to stop. They all had a sliver of hope that one day he would have a strike of luck and end up bringing home a couple grand. Maybe after his mad antics and theories of winning, it would pay, however from the cussing and grumpy mutters directed towards the handheld device, they knew there wasn't much luck today.

"So how was everyone's day?" Crutchie asked the squad in his usual polite manor.
Race didn't flinch from his phone and only gave a statement. "Don't talk to me tonight, I got a headache. Bloody pots and pans clanging all day." Romeo gave him an apologetic pat on the back which made Race wince.

"Well I for one, had a great day," Albert began smugly, "They put me on the food department" The boys all looked at him eagerly. "Well we all know what happens when there's an unsupervised work place. It'd be a shame if someone was too..." he reached into his jacket pockets and sleeves, "gather some goods."
"AYEEEE!!!" The fellas rustled his hair and pet him on the back, Finch put his hands on Alberts shoulders and launched himself over his head like a leapfrog, almost knocking the goods Albert had acquired out of his hands.
Albert handed out the snacks. He had some muesli bars, sweets, and somehow managed to get some bags of chips. How he got away with it they were unsure, because as soon as the snacks were distributed his sleeves were insanely less bulgy.

It had become a silent deal over the years that if in food department, the employee would sneak as much as they could. Sometimes if they had a feeling that morning they would be on food supply they would wear a large jacket that they would be able to shove snacks into.

At home the boys threw the snacks in the pantry and all said hi to Jimothee. Seeing him gave Specs a reminder. "Oh the- the turtle! We need to feed Jimothee!"
Jack knew they had forgotten something. "Ok who wants to go get the scraps?" The kitchen fell silent. "Bottle Alley?" No replies. "Ok looks like I'll be back soon. Don't do anything too dumb while I'm gone."
As he walked out the door Elmer called behind him "Don't count on it!"

Jack rolled his eyes as the door closed behind him and he set off down the street.

Jack walked down the pavement, kicking a small stone in front of him. The moon was starting to rise and a few birds were roosting on a power line. The sunset was beautiful. Golden and pink, the clouds looked like slices in the sky. He reached into his back pocket and retrieved his phone to take a quick picture that he'd probably paint later if he had time. He called Katherine.

After a short ring he heard her voice on the other side. "Heyyyyy!!" She was smiling through the phone, Jack could tell. "What's up?"
"The boys got me getting food for the turtle."
"I need to meet this thing." She laughed.
"It's name is Jimothee."
"So you said." There was a short, comfortable silence. "You know how we were going to grab subways together later? I was thinking, what if I picked up a few for the others as well and swung by you guys. Might as well, plus I haven't seen all of them for a while."
Jack smiled. He didn't mind it not being just the two of them, as much as he loved having Kath to himself, when she was in the room it was always a good time. She was a radiant sun that managed to brighten everyone's mood with terrible jokes and equally outstanding intelligence she had good vibes. A little dead inside yes but she was doing great and trying nevertheless. "That would be great. I'll pick you up from the bus stop then?"
"Sounds good! See you in around 40 minutes, the bus is late again."

Jack hung up the phone and secured it back in his pocket. He swung the dumpster lid open and it smelt like any grocery store dumpster. A small cat rubbed against his leg and he reached into the bin and retrieved a scrap of fatty meat. He threw it down the ally for the cat who ran after it and frantically scoffed up the remains. Looking in again, Jack picked up a handful of cabbage leaves which were lightly browned, a few bruised apples and a whole pumpkin which had nothing wrong with it besides one bad brown patch. "God bless the picky people." He muttered.

A nice collection of vegetables sat at his feet by the time he turned around to leave. Before departing the ally, he looked for something else for the stray cat. Some expired meat packages were at the bottom of the dumpster, and Jack unwrapped them and put the foam dish on the ground which the cat gladly helped itself to before a few kittens came out and joined it. He smiled to himself at the little family thinking how he did a good deed.

He went to try and put all the vegetables on the pumpkin, then altered to carrying them all in his arms. If he knew it would be such a prosperous dumpster he might have bought a bag. He contemplated putting a few things back, but there was no way he was letting it go to waste. He then gave a sigh of realisation as he recalled his surroundings and remembered where he was. An ally. Full of garbage. In New York. Of corse there was a plastic bag from 7/11 floating around in the night breeze somewhere. Alas, in the corner a bag shifted in the night and was pleasantly clear of bin juice.

With all the gatherings in the bag, he carried the pumpkin under his arms and headed to the bus stop to meet his girlfriend. A successful shopping trip.

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