How Miss Medda Came Back

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Hauling the delivery bag over his shoulder, Albert looked across the pathway to see the other boys following him, all carrying large boxes and bags of nick nacks. They walked up the steps for a fresh looking town house which was seeming a bit neglected and forgotten. Knocking on the door Albert held the little sign off machine at his side, waiting for someone to answer.
Miss Medda stepped out and practically screamed when she saw all her boys familiar faces staring back at her in awe. She didn't see them too often, but sometimes they would tag along with Jack and they'd all spend hours singing songs as they helped her put on a show.

They began to bring all the packages inside. "Quite the crib you got going on here, Miss Medda...' Race whistled as he looked around the empty living room, gaping at the large windows and stunning house that she now inhabited.
"Well what do you think I got all these for?" She motioned around at all the boxes which were building a house of their own on the floor. "Say, would you boys mind helping me out here? I may look no older than a day over twenty, but these bones are brittle and must be protected."

Of corse they all agreed to help the woman out. Jack walked through the front door with a few boxes piled on top of each other and didn't even realise where he was when he put them with the others. "AH! Medda what are ya- oh is this your..."
"New place? Yes, Kelly." She smiled at him and he didn't shut his mouth once as he looked around in wonder. The morning light was flowing through the windows and the trees outside cast a shadow over the white living room walls. While the house was gorgeous, it just wasn't Medda.

The walls were a basic white, which contrasted the extravagant outfits the eccentric lady was often found wearing. The only thing in the room that seemed to fit her well was the funky plates at the kitchen counter which were painted with all sorts of colours and swirls. Romeo picked one up to examine it before Specs hissed at him to put it down before he broke it.

Once all the boxes were inside and unpacked, they sat on the floor, cross legged and in a circle. Miss Medda had made them sandwiches which consumed contently, exhausted from all the heavy lifting and carrying they had done. "Takes 'carrying the banner' to a whole new level-" Crutchie muttered to himself dramatically, although all he really did was tell them when everything was symmetrical and gave constructive and encouraging comments such as 'oh you're doing just amazing' and 'nope to the left more?' as he was sprawled out across a freshly unpacked couch. They all gave him a ripple of laughter and agreement as Elmer smacked him over the head playfully.

"You didn't even do anything!" He splattered.
"Aye I said takes it to a whole new level, not me. However I am a brilliant life coach." Crutchie defended.
Miss Medda laughed and shook her head "Just like old times."
"I'll toast to that!" Race exclaimed and they all toasted their glasses of fresh lemon water that Miss Medda had prepared while they made the furniture.

Finally, Jack looked at the time. "Woah we better be heading back Fellas! Weasels gonna be pissed." They all signed and groaned as they got back to their tired feet. Each giving Miss Medda a hug on the way out the door, they said thank you for the snack and drinks to which she patted them on the back with laughter.

It must have been a funny scene, a group of young boys all scrambling out of the apartment, cardboard boxes stacked at the front. Crutchie sat in a box and mockingly pointed ahead of him, "ONWARDS MEN! TO BATTLE!!!" And Finch pushed the box from behind. They all skipped and danced beside him. Yeah they were grown and independent, but deep down they were all just the same children at heart. Perhaps it was from the lack of childhood they all shared, so they tried to accomodate in their late teens and early twenties.

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