How Jack Became A Life Coach

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Perhaps he was ashamed to admit it, but as Jack walked to the bus stop he hoped to find the old lady there. He didn't often talk to people other than the Boys, Katherine or Davy, so having someone else with wisdom and age somehow helped him. He was never much of a deep thinker, if anything he tended to make spontaneous decisions because he knew either consequence would get him somewhere.

As he approached the bench, he saw her sitting with a bouquet of flowers in her hands.
"Hello again." She smiled up at him, scooting her bags over so he could take a seat. "Fancy seeing you here again."
Jack gave a weak smile back, trying not too look to happy. "Who woulda thought? The names Jack Kelly." He held his hand out to shake.
"Hannah. Nice to meet you Mr Kelly." She took his hand and shook gently. Her hands where gloved in a light wool, Jack was glad as he worried his cold fingers would freeze her thin hands.

They talked for a little while, and Hannah grabbed another bar out of her bag, insisting Jack took some. They munched peacefully. The boy couldn't stop looking at the flowers. "So, what's the occasion?" He said finally, sucking the caramel residue off this thumbs.
"Well, today would have been my 50th anniversary with my husband. Unfortunately he is no longer with us. He was a wonderful man, and I miss him dearly. Although he may have been taken physically, he will always be here." She pointed to Jacks heart with a warm smile which made Jack hold his breath a little bit. "Every Thursday I go see him, talk to him where he rests. Perhaps I'm a crazy old lady and you think I'm mad, but if I'm ever alone I do talk to him. You know, I see him in you."
"You do?"
The old woman's eyes twinkled in the street lights, "Indeed. You two have a similar build, at least when we were younger of corse! Also similar eyes. I'm sorry if I'm frightening you, but I want to say thank you."
Jack was taken aback "No no you're not frightening me, ma'am. For what though?"
"For letting me see what I had almost forgotten, and what photos can never bring back."

Her bus pulled up and hissed as the breaks went down. "Please, Jack here's my address if you ever want to drop by for tea. Or even just to chat. I really like talking to you and you're a wonderful listener"
"Thank you ma'am." He nodded while helping her out of her seat. She smiled and he helped her into the bus, passing her bags to her.

When the door closed he looked down at the address when he had sat back down. It was his own street. He was shocked he hadn't seen her before. When he looked at the apartment number he tried to imagine it in his head. His eyes opened widely when he realised which apartment was hers and how perhaps the two had an invisible string tying them together. Perhaps it wasn't a string at all and in fact, a turtle named Jimothee.

The mad woman with the bathtub out front was in fact, the old woman at the bus stop.

Filled with guilt he was almost overwhelmed. The nights the boys had stayed up making stories of the house, watching the curtains and listening as she talked to no one. The myths of demons and her own witchcraft. Race had once said he saw her up one night pacing the street talking to the sky, Albert jeered that he caught her talking to the plants. Of corse none of them expected her to be talking to her husband who she lost years ago. Jack didn't know whether to tell the boys what he had found out, whether they would think she were crazier than before or they'd never walk past the pretty apartment same ever again.

When Katherine jumped off the bus as usual and greeted Jack with a warm hug, she looked into his glassy eyes. "Well you look like hell..."
"Jeez thanks Kath. Nah I'm fine."
"Aha you know I was joking." She elbowed his side.

They walked down a few blocks, Katherine went on about her day at work, the 'psycho' kids in her class who enjoyed making like extra hard. "Then he SPAT the eraser out. SPAT IT!"
"What do you mean spat it?"
"He bloody got the eraser from his friend, chewed it up and then when his mate asked for it back he spat it onto his book. I don't get it; just WHY?"
"You know who would have probably done the same when he was 8 years old?" Jack looked at her reassuringly. They looked at each other with an eye roll.
"Race." They said simultaneously, laughing at their synchronised thoughts.

"It was probably his first tobacco." Jack prompted.
Katherine poked out her tongue in disgust, "jeez I don't think it would taste good. Like tobacco is one foul thing but rubber? Really? It's just bad I can't stand it." Perhaps the job was making her loose her mind. She had always been a frantic stresser and only one thing could calm her down.

Jack stopped and gently held Katherines face between the palms of his hands. "Listen to me..." he began, "You are an incredible teacher ok? Kids like me never got the chance to have someone like you giving us no education. They may be lousy, but you have the power to change their lives." Katherine nodded. "Now repeat after me... I am strong."
"I am strong?"
"I am a legend"
"I'm a legend" she was smiling now
"And even though I have the weight of the world on me, I can do this."
She stopped for a bit and Jack raised his eyebrows at her. She huffed "gosh you're a dork..."
"Say it. Say it. Say it." He began to chant.
"Even though I've got the world counting on me, I can do this.. or whatever"
"Close enough." He leaned in and gently kissed her. They kept on walking to dinner hand in hand.

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