How The Boys Work

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At the Warehouse, the shelves were filled with all sorts of items. Pots and pans, Lego sets, camera equipment. As their motto said 'you name it we got it and we deliver it'. How they were all employed was a honest mystery, supposedly it was the only available option and you bet your bottom dollar that they wouldn't be working away from each other at 15. It was basically a knock off eBay headquarters, where they spent their days filling orders and packing boxes ready to be shipped, barely passing being illegal perhaps it was child labour at the time. Around ten years had passed since the day they were employed and they were practically veterans of the place; knowing all the shortcuts and shelf organisations. Did they hate it? Absolutely.

They approached the front desk, where the receptionist Mr Wisel gave them a caffeinated eye roll and look up and down.

"Morning Weasel!" Jack bounced up to him, "any orders?"
"It's Wisel!" He corrected, already over it. "No we're a nation wide company of corse no one ordered from us. It's not like I got notifications and the printer was going off all night." He went to a box labelled 'KELLY Jack' and dumped it in front of Jack. Jack gave him a scoff and picked up his box. Looking at the top it had the department number on it. Number 14 - Garden. He sighed at the boring day ahead of him, and went and sat in a golf cart front seat, waiting for his buddies.

Crutchie was next to approach Weasel. "Morning Mr Wisel." He said with a grin, spreading his sunshine.
"Hey Crutchie! Here you go, have a good one!"

Crutchie went and joined Jack in the passenger seat, propping his crutch at his feet. "What did you get sorted to?"
"Ha same! At least we're not on pots and pans-"

"POTS AND PANS!?" They were interrupted by a baffled Race who was waving his hands around his box and at at Weasel. "Are you fucking serious!? Again?"
"You better watch it or else you'll be fired. Be grateful; you're the best packager there." Weasel jeered at him.
Race took a deep breath, snatched his box and joined Crutchie and Jack, who were already well aware of what was going on. "I swear they put me there every week! I hate it! They know that! Why can't I go do an interesting job?" He looked down at his box before muttering to himself, "Swear I'd rather do delivery than this shit show."

The buggy was joined by Albert and Specs, then Jack took off down the corridors. As he dropped Race off alone at his station, they all gave him an apologetic wave and went to their own stations. Specs at clothing, Albert at beauty, and then Jack and Crutchie at garden. They got out of the vehicle and sat their boxes on the bench. Reaching into the box for his first order, Jack read out loud "Sabrina from- Santa Fe." He paused inspecting the location and tried visualising it. "She ordered a gnome." Crutchie gave a smile as acknowledgment. "What do you think Santa Fe is like? I heard it's pretty nice, not as cold as here."
"Yeah but it's really hot isn't it? Like REALLY hot. You barely survive summer here and it's only half of Santa Fe."
"I guess you're right." Jack grabbed a gnome off a shelf and started wrapping it in bubble wrap. "It just seems a shame that we get these things here and send them all over the place but we'll never get to see them ourselves. Crutchie, there's a whole world out there!" They both thought of the idea of travelling. Seeing the sights, having fun trying new things.

Crutchie peeled the receipt off the paper and stuck it to the box which the gnome was placed in. Taping it up, he let out a "BLAST!" and waved his finger around trying to get the tape unstuck. Jack laughed at him. "Stupid... sticky tape." He pouted.
"It's called sticky tape for a reason."

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