How Jack Was Reunited

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Perhaps he didn't want to be vulnerable to Les, but being in the studio bought back memories he had perhaps he had forgotten. When he was younger he had danced himself, not with lessons, he couldn't afford it and he was taking care of his parents so he had no time anyway. However he still knew the dance instructor who had helped him with a grocery purchase when he fell a few dollars short. She was a bigger woman, but she was mighty fabulous. Dripping in accessories that glistened and a large hat that flopped as she moved her head.

She asked Jack why he was shopping alone at only 8 and he explained the situation. She took him under her wing immediately and he often visited her own dance studio in which performers came to practice their big broadway auditions or to stretch. She taught Jack a few moves as he was mesmerised, until he realised he really could not dance and he gave up. Instead she put him on props for her community productions and he helped build all sorts of things. He seemed to be taken in by all the other prop workers who taught him to paint, and it became a passion for him.

After his parents passed away, he found himself at the studio in almost all of his time and she kept him off the streets.

The woman had moved a few years previous, heading across the country to finally try to make the movies. Every bone in her body was filled with talent, and while it was a bitter sweet goodbye, before she left she had said to him 'Don't worry, you'll see me on the big screen soon, Kid.' Jack walked past the cinema on the way to work every day after she left, looking  at all the posters and praying she would make an appearance but she never did. Maybe New York was where she was meant to be, and live theatre was truly her calling, no matter how much she dreamed of cameras.

Jack took a seat at a small arm chair where a few middle aged women were swiping on their phones or gossiping with each other about what a 'star' their child was. He rolled his eyes at them. Les was with the other kids stretching and gave a smile and wave to him. He smiled back with a nod.

Looking down the hallway, more studio doors were closed and the sound of all sorts of music boomed through it. Classical, hip hop, show tunes that Jack hated to admit he knew well. One song in particular bought back a few memories, Mary Poppins.

One of the doors opened and a woman stepped out, adjusting her earphones and breathing heavily. Jack blinked at her in shock. Could it be? He gave Les a wave as if to say 'bye' as he tapped away, and then a thumbs up as he felt bad for leaving the child. Les waved back to approve his departure than instantly returned to his intricate dance number.

Jack practically jogged down the hall after the lady, and tapped her on the shoulder. He removed his beanie and held his breath and she turned her head to look at him.
"Oh my- am I seeing stars or is that Jack Kelly?"
"You miss me Miss Medda?" He smiled at her. She held out her arms and he launched in for a hug, the person who he had been missing was finally back. She unravelled herself from the hug and held him an arms length away by the shoulders, examining the fine man he had grown up to be.

"Where ya been kid?"
"Well I could ask the same to you." He was slightly hurt, how she left him for all those years.
She pat him on the shoulder. "Walk with me would ya?" She looped her arm around his, "Things didn't go as planned. Apparently I wasn't what they were looking for at Hollywood, and they never wanted me to sing. Made me realise something that I'm shocked I hadn't seen before. What's New York got that LA ain't?"
Jack thought about it before answering "Subways and yellow taxis?"

Of corse. Broadway. The one place people dreamed of. Seeing their name in lights as theatres sold out across the board and they performed live for thousands. "Miss Medda I thought you were over broadway?"
"So did I! LA was never home Jack, this is home. Sweaty studios filled with starry eyed dreamers and desperate theatre degree carriers who just want their dreams to come true. A movie is cool for a while, but a live show? Now Jack, that's an art you can't create with a paint brush. You can't erase any mistakes. You mess up, you have to walk it off. No retakes. I miss the adrenaline."
"So that's why you're here, back cause of what you were already doing?"
"To put it shortly, yes. Plus, it was weird without you always bugging me about paints and props."

Jack hugged her again, inhaling her floral french perfume he remembered so distinctly. Only four years of his life was she in it, but she was more than his parents ever were to him.

He walked her to the subway where they said goodbye, and she told him where her new home was and Jack was baffled they hadn't ran into each other sooner. It was only two blocks from the boys apartment. As she stepped on the train headed to her latest audition, he waved farewell and part of him was worried. What if they lost each other again? What if she never returned again? No way was he going to loose her like he had before. While the thought hang in the air for a few minutes, he smiled as the important factor was established. Apart of himself had returned home, and he was reunited with Miss Medda Larkin again.

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