Hidden In The Mess

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Jay froze completely dumbfound by the sight infront of him. Seeing Hailey, was more of a shock to the system than any other shock he has ever experienced. His heart froze and head span; confusion ran around his mind. "Crap" Hailey gulped, pulling her greasy hair away from her pale face. Breaking the silence, the original cop began to explain what Hailey had already told him. Six people barged in, started shooting many rounds, punching people at random, and shot the biggest dealer in Chicago. "Jesus" Jay whispered, this was one of the biggest cases Jay had possibly worked. "Yeh. I'll take blondie and leave you to it" The cop said, grabbing Hailey by the cuff of her hand and began to lead her out the building. "No, leave her with me" Jay said, wanting to get to the bottom of what the hell Hailey was doing. "Have her, saves me having to wipe the floor with her" The cop happily handed Hailey over to Jay, and left them alone together.

The building felt a different type of cold, not one that you could warm up by switching the fire on. The two bodies stared at each other, each of them waiting for the other to talk first. "Well.." Jay searched Haileys face for an answer, knowing the chances of getting an answer out of her is slim to non. "You can talk to me, or you can talk to Voight. If you choose Voight, he is already in a mood and won't go lightly on you" Jay warned. Hailey opened and closed her mouth several times looking like a fish, changing her mind everytime she went to talk. "Spit it out" Jay hissed, getting impatient of watching his ex looking life a fish. "I don't know what to say" Hailey shurgged. "Atleast we are on the same page for something" Jay said. He span Hailey around and gently pushed her forward towards the door. "Jay...please no" Hailey begged. Haileys fear grew higher and higher as she got closer to the door. Closer to the door that exposed her broken and lost soul to her old friends. "Get a grip. The drugs and alcohol should numb the same a bit" Jay was taking no nonsense. He didn't care that Hailey it was his ex-wife, she didn't deserve his backup. The day she chucked the saucer at him and stormed out, was the day Jay lost all hope.

Jay opened the door and let Hailey go first. The brightness stung Haileys delicate eyes, and her head throbbed massively. Still feeling a tiny ounce of protection over Hailey, he guarded her with his tall body and blocks her from the rest of units sight until he prepares them. "This doesn't mean I don't hate you" Jay made clear to Hailey, that him guarding her didn't mean that he still cared about her.  "Ofcourse" Hailey understood. Jay started walking towards the team that had re-gathered by Voights car, something big had definitely been found. The way they crowded around each other, was the way they always did when they wanted to keep something between them only. "Um, don't go mad" Jay coughed, and turned the teams attention him. Their expressions went from shock, to anger and a mix of tangled emotions in a split second. "What the hell?" Voight barked. He didn't need an explanation to what Hailey was doing at the club, her face and clothes told everything Voight he needed to know. "I'm sorry" Hailey stuttered. She sheepishly hid behind Jays muscular guard for protection, scared of Voights next move. "Sorry my ass, you're coming with me" Voight ordered, his anger shooting sky high rapidly. "Sarge" Jay said, mentally telling Voight to lower the heat a little and hear Hailey out atleast, before he let his hot head take over. "Go with Jay. You're lucky he isn't flying off the handle" Voight stormed off towards the dingy building, leaving Hailey and the rest of the team in limbo. "I'll take Hailey back to the district" Jay said, opening his car door that is right next to him. "Yeh, I'll call Platt and warn her" Adam half smiled. They all hoped that Platt would get the hint- or atleast use her common sense- and get Jasmine out the way before Hailey and Jay arrive back at the district.


Jay pulled up outisde the district and parked the car infront of a pile of snow. He climbed out and made his way to the door Hailey was sitting next too. The whole ride was an uncomfortable silence, Jay occasionally looked up into his rear-view mirror to check on Hailey, however turned his eyes back to the road as soon as they made eye contact. "Come on" Jay said, as he opened the door for Hailey to climb out. Hailey  climbed out of the car and onto the slippy pavement. Jay tuck the leed and lead Hailey into the warmth of the district. Even though eyes weren't on Hailey, her paraniod state of mind made her think so. She kept her head down, as her and Jay headed to the gate. The gate she used to walk through as a detective, not as a perp.

At the top of the stairs, a rush of nostalgia ran through Haileys veins. She looked around her old work place with partial regret of what she done, but proudness of what she achieved in the past. Hailey seen her old desk was cleary taken again- pens and paper littered the wooden desk, along with other pieces of small items Hailey couldn't make out. "Who's your new partner?" Hailey queeried, a slight hint of jelousy creeping up. "No one. If I need back up, and we are all out, Platt often tags along" Jay replied. Hailey was now very confused, desks aren't piled with paper work and pens for no reason, something was definitely off. "Oh cool. I've always wondered what Platt looked when out on the field" Hailey attempted to play the humour card to lighten the mood, but she made a fool of herself instead. "You can joke about people all you want, after you've explained what went on back there" Jay said, beckoning her to follow him down the corridor and into the intergation room.

Once in the intergation room, Jay closed the door behind him and took a seat opposite Hailey. Even though the table only divided them slightly, it felt like a whole ocean was between the two of them. Jay asked Hailey the simple questions like, how are you? Where have you been? Etc. "I'd be better if I wasn't stuck in the one place I never ever wanted to be. And where I have been, has nothing to do with you" Hailey answered. "Yeh well, that's your doing" Jay said. "Why were you with the biggest dealer in the city?" Jay let the attitude at the end of the last sentence she said go, he wasn't in the mood for arguing. "I wasn't" Hailey denied, looking Jay straight in the eyes. "Okay, cut the crap before you even fully start. You know how this works. Stop lying, and help yourself to get a little further out the hole you've dug yourself into" Jay rubbed his hands through is toughty hair with frustration, he couldn't  understand anything about Hailey at all. He could read her like a book, he knew exactly when something was bothering and when her fuse was about to frazzle, but now it was like reading blind. "I might never forgive you, but I do want to help you. If you just tell me what's going on, it can give me something to work with" Jay pleaded. "If you do, I'll give you a picture of your daughter" Jay bribed Hailey with her one possible weakness. He felt awful using Jasmine as a tool, but it was his only choice. "I will if I can see her in person" Hailey demanded. Jay laughed with how stupid and delusional Hailey was. Not a snowballs chance in hell was Jay letting Hailey anywhere near Jasmine. "I hope you're joking" Jay flung his head backwards, after hearing the silliest thing he has heard all day. "Nope. Why would I be joking? I see Jana you get the info you want" Jay scoffed at the fact Hailey insisted she sees her child, yet can't even call her by the right name. "It might help your argument just a little if you got right name" Hailey blushed with embarrasment and shame. In that moment, she realised she was worse than she thought. Forgetting her own childs name was a big shock to her barely sober system. "Juan Markillo" Hailey gave in, and gave Jay the only name she knew that belonged to someone high up in the food chain. "More would be nice" Jay grabbed his notepad and pen, and got ready to scribble down everything Hailey was about to tell him. "He is friends with the top dog. Really good friends. Him and I are tight; I've been hanging with him for a while now" Hailey continued, as Jay wrote. "That's all I know. Promise" Hailey finished. Sitting back in her chair, she let off a sigh of partial relief. Telling Jay all she knew, lifted some guiltyness off her shoulders. "Thanks" Jay nodded, and stood up out of his chair. Pausing just before walking out the door, he turned to Hailey and smiled weakly "I hope for your sake, that you aren't lying and are willing to cancel your own funeral".

A/N: Sorry for such a long chapter, I got carried away (oops🙈). I hope you enjoyed it- no offence taken if you got a little bored reading it😂. I promise I'll try to make the chapters less lengthy in the future.

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