Ground Hog Day

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Jays POV

When I heard a click from somewhere within the apartment, I was pulled out my nightmarish stance. The clip of Hailey lobbing the saucer at me played over and over again, exept that time it seemed to hit me. I look around the empty feeling room, to see I was alone. Hailey was missing. I stupidly let her go again. Panic shot through my veins and I ran for my car keys and out the door.

The roads were slippy; but all I cared about was finding Hailey again, without Hank having to find out she legged it again. Every alleyway and ginnel I passed, I examined very carefully. My mind went blank with worry and I completely forgot what Hailey was wearing, so all I had to work with was a short woman with dirty blond hair. "Come on" I hissed to myself in terrified anticipation, as I put my foot down on the exelorator extra hard. The engine reved above the ice, and I swerved dangerously through the traffic.

Everything was a blur due to the idiotic speed I was driving at, so I abruptly slowed down....and thank goodness I did. Out the side of my eye, I spotted a wobbly looking woman holding a large bottle of wine in her hand. The blond woman staggered down the street, gripping onto the building walls with her spare hand. Even though I could only see the back of the totled woman, I knew it was Hailey. She had my dark blue Chicago jumper on, and the pair of trainers I bought her the other day from Walmart. Parking at the next avaliable parking space, I lunged out the car and did a u-turn back to meet Hailey.

Hailey rolled her eyes instantly when she spotted me. She might have still been a good distance from me, but her eye roll was impressive. "Hailey" I bellowed down the street. She spun around and walked the way she and I just came from. It was like trying to control a wild teenager, who refuses to stick to a 10pm curfew. "Hailey" I repeated, running to catch up with her- which really wasn't hard. I grabbed the back of Haileys arm, stopping her in her tracks. "Get. Off. Me" Hailey demanded, trying to yank her arm out of my strong grip. "Not a snowballs chance in hell" I took a slightly tighter grip on Haileys arm, making it very clear that she wasn't going anyway anytime soon. "I hate you! Let go!" Hailey growled, playing tug of war with mine and her arms. "Hailey, you want me to call Voight? I'm more than happy to it needs be" I said in a threatening manner. "I don't need you or anyone. I just want to go back home....not your home" Haileys voice got a little choaked up: it was clear her mind was fighting against her heart. "Oh, but you do" I replied, looking at Hailey caringly. "You don't know me, Jay. Not anymore" Hailey stroped. "Oh, but I think I do" I slowly took the bottle out of Haileys hand, and placed it on the outside windowsill of the building next to her and I. "J..." Hailey was cut off by me pulling her into a tight, secure brace. I held Haileys shaking body as close as I could to my warm one, and took a moment to enjoy Hailey being back in my arms. It, however, was a rather peculiar sense of enjoyment I felt when I held Hailey in my brace. I couldn't quite describe it even to himself if I tried. A collection of safety, regret, hate and love all in the same pool. "Let's get home, before you decide to pull another stunt" I muttered down into Haileys ear. "Okay" She slured a little, now the alchaol was really getting to her system. I kept Hailey close to me as we walked back to my car together, trying not to slip on the ice.

****Intelligence Office

After FINALLY wrapping up the case Hailey got tangled in, the team flopped down into their chairs with exhaustion. Trying to balance their personal feelings towards the case and keeping professional at the same time, ontop of battling with the biggest dealer in Chicago, was so hard. "Man, that was a rough one" Adam sighed with tiredness. "That's an understatement" Kim yawned, throwing her head back for affect. "You heard anything off....?" Kevin asked Voight, pulling a funny face to indicate who he was going on about, so he didn't have to say it infront of Jasmine. "No. Not since I seen her the other day. Thingy definitely has their hands full with magiggy" Voight answered, running his hands through his hair. "Who's thingy and Who's magiggy?" A small voice asked that came from next to Kims desk. "Ugh" Kim eyes widened with panic. Jasmine was a smart kid, if they were going to lie to her, it would have to be a good lie. The team let out a lot of "ugggh" and "ummm" noises, as they thought desperately for a lie that the child would believe. "Mickey and Mini mouse" Adam blurted out, completely screwing the situation up even more. "Nice try, Uncle Adam" Jasmine frowned, not impressed at all. "Well done" Kim snaped at her ex. "Aunt Kim, what's going on?" Jasmine asked, looking up to Kim with the same death stare as Hailey used to give. "Hey, Jazzy, Abuela needs some special help downstairs" Platt stuck her hand out for Jasmine to take in hers, in an attempt to save the teams ass'. "Okay, but I won't forget about this" Jasmine skeptically examined her familys behaviour, before taking her Grandmothers hand and headed down the stairs. "Mickey mouse? Really?!!" Kevin questioned to his best friend, as soon as Jasmine was out of earshot. "What? It wasn't like ya'll had any better ideas" Adam said defensively. "Nothing would have been better than bloody Mini and Mickey mouse" Antonio chuckled, accepting Adam is Adam; and there isn't anything that could change that. "Sorry for trying to help. Next time I'll leave ya'll looking like you have stage fright infront of the Queen Eloise" Adam put his arms up in surrender. "Who's Queen Eloise?" They all furrowed their eyebrows from confusion in unison. "Queen of England" Adam answered, acting like he was stating the obvious. "Queen ELIZABETH is the Queen of England you idiot" Kim smirked, chucking a scrunched up peace of paper at Adam- hitting him right on the forhead. "Okay, let's all go home. We need a brain refresh- clearly" Voight instructioned, taking an amusing dig at his youngest officer. "Yes, Sir" Kevin grabbed his belongings and was down the stairs quicker than you could say his name. "Bye, Sarg- try not to bump into Queen Eliose on your way home" Kim smiled, proceeding to stick her tongue out at Adam. "Funny" Adam rolled his eyes.

Jays apartment****

After about ten minutes of Jay trying to calm Hailey down, she finally passed out on the sofa and into a deep slumber. Jay tiptoed into the kitchen and grabbed himself a much needed beer, then made his way into his bedroom to catch up on shows he has missed.

Jays POV

Taking a refreshing swig of beer, I flopped onto my heavenly bed and switched the TV, to catch up on the many shows I've missed. I flicked through approximately six shows, but non of the caught my attention really: my mind was to busy thinking about the last few days to focus for even a short amount of time. My phone flashed next to me due to a news notification, but I wasn't interested in it; because behind it, was a my lockscreen wallpaper. It was a picture of Jasmine, Kim and I at last years Christmas pantomime- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Jasmine was the happiest I'd ever seen her, the beam across her face was magical. Kim had become a God-send over the last four years when it came to helping out with Jasmine, and because of that we had become even closer friends than we were beforehand. Jasmine idolised her Aunt Kim, so she often came back to the apartment after work and stayed for tea. She was practically Jasmines mother. How I missed the days of Kim and Jasmine playing some daft make-believe game whilst I cooked tea for us. "Daddy misses you, Jazzy" I whispered to the phone.

After giving up on the idea of catching up on shows, I switched the TV off and fell asleep. It was only mid afternoon, however, it felt like it was midnight.

General POV

Jay hadn't any idea of how long he had been asleep for, when he heard his mobile phone and landline going insane. He jumped up startled at the headache-worthy noise, and answered his phone instantly. "Halstead" Jay yawned, still half asleep. "Jay, it's Kim. Don't panic, but Jasmine has had an accedent. I've taken her to Med, and Natalie is with her now" Kim informed. Even though Kim told him not to panic, Jays heart beat went from fifty to one hundered in a slip second. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jay yelled down the phone, as he ran around his room to find his shoes and coat he flung off earlier on. "She fell off the kitchen island when we were making cupcakes" Kim replied, beginning to tear up on the other side of the phone. "Oh my God! I'm on my way" Jay ghasped, hanging up on Kim.

He flung open his bedroom door and seen Hailey still passed out on the sofa. He completely forgot she was there and held his horses. He couldn't leave Hailey on her own after the stunt she pulled before; he also needed to be with his injured child at Med. "Hailey" Jay shook Hailey gently to wake her up. Groaning and wriggling around, Hailey woke up and almost fell off the sofa. "Easy, tiger" Jay caught Hailey before she fell completely, and helped her maneuver around the tight space for a better position. "What's up, Jay? Why you crying?" Hailey stood up, alarmed by the tears that pooled Jays eyes. "'s Jasmine. She's at Med, but I can't leave you on your own" Jay rambled, wiping the escaped tears away. "I'll come with. I'll keep my distance though, don't worry" Hailey said, wanting for Jay to be with his child. "Yeh?" Jay checked. "Yeh. Come on" Hailey hurried Jay along and slipped on her heals.

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