Start Of Something New

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The next morning, the sound of huggee and ralf being groaned startled Jay awake. Out of automatic reactions from being a father to Jasmine, Jay lunged out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom down the hallway.

Jay forgot to slow down and check if the door was unlocked, and bounced backwards of the solid door when he tried to open it; falling flat on his ass in the living area. "Great one, Jay" Jay mumbled to himself. He picked himslef up off the floor and tried to open the door again to see if Hailey was okay. "Hailey, open up" Jay ordered mid yawn. Hailey didn't open up, and kept violenty throwing up in the bathroom alone. Jay slumped down against the wall, and waited for Hailey to stop throwing up and open the door. "Hailey" Jay called again, but didn't receive a response of any kind from the blond woman.

Haileys POV

I could here Jay calling my name from the other side of the door. I felt bad not responding to him, but the sickness was to much to get out a word in response. Finally, after about ten minutes, the sickness had stopped. My crippling head ache, stomach pain and nausesness hadn't stopped though. He slowly rose from the cool ground of a God-send, and gingerly plodded to the door. I creaked the door open a jar, just incase Jay was leaning against it; which was something he always done when I was ill with Jasmine. "Hey" I heard Jay say. I stood up sharply off the ground and grabbed me protectively by the arms- clearly checking my whole body for injuries or something. "I'm so sorry, Jay" I shiver. My whole body had the chills and the shakes real bad, withdrawl was really getting me good. "Forget it: you need sleep" Jay caringly dismissed the awful sound he awoken too, and guided me back to the spare bedroom. The man never seized to amaze me. I was completely brutal to him before I pettifuly stormed out on him, and dissappeared into thin air for four years, yet he still makes sure I'm okay and looks after me. "Honestly, Jay, I'm okay" I insisted; but I was already being tucked back into bed by Jay. "No. Hailey, you're staying in bed. I'll get you something to ease the.....whatever this is, then book you an AA appointment" Jay instructed, sounding like he had planned the whole situation out over night. "Jay, no. I don't want you trailing around after me- not after what I've done" I said, throwing the duvet covers off me. "Hailey" Jay glared sternly. "J..." I began, but the slam of the bedroom door closing behind Jay bought me to a halt. That was obviously what Jay thought of the situation.

Jays POV

I rummaged through my 'hangover cupboard' for food that Hailey wouldn't bring up so easily, and that might make her feel just a tad better. Right at the back, I found a packet of honey crackers, they were the perfect hangover food. You had the savory base which soaked up the alchaol, and the honey for a sugar boost. Along with a mug of coffee, this was the perfect mix. For the drug side of it, that was beyond my knowledge; so I hoped that the hangover food helped withdrawl too.

I opened the door to the room Hailey was in carefully, not wanting to wake her up if my chance she fell asleep. Once the door was open far enough for me to see the bed, I found Hailey in the fetal position and shaking badly. "Hailey..." I breathed out, placing the breakfast tray down on the bedside table and crouching down next to Hailey. I still had a whole stack of hatred towards Hailey, yet my heart had no hatred towards her. The need to tend to her and make sure she was okay was crippling inside, it was like my mind and heart were having a fight. Seeing her in this state killed too, she put herself in this position, but she didn't deserve it my heart told me. "Jay....I...I can't" Hailey stuttered between groans of pain. My heart sank, I knew exaclty what she was meaning. I wish I could just shake her frail body and get it into her mind that she can get herself out that mess, and become the old Hailey again. "Yes you can. I've got you. I won't let you go, not this time. Remember Hailey, you're strong. You always have been, you're Hailey Upton for goodness sake" I chuckled encouragingly. I wanted to make sure that Hailey believed in herself, believe that she could become the old Hailey again. "Jay, I'm to lost. I'm to gone. You need to be with your child, not looking after me. Let me go, please" Hailey practically begged. Her eyes said it all-  she had given up, she hadn't the faith or strength to fight. "Hailey, please" I pleaded desperately. "Ja..Jay, you hate me. Why are you wanting to help me?" Hailey asked. Deep down, I didn't know why. I did hate her, but part of me still cared deeply about her. "I..I can't lose you again. I just can't" I admitted. If I let Hailey go again, I could never forgive myself, nor could I do it to Jasmine. "You can't, you never got me back: not the Hailey you used to know" Hailey argued. The darkness in her eyes told a story: I could read it whislt looking at her, during her defensive arguing. I could see she wasn't all gone, she just needed lured back. Her eyes pleaded for help, not backing up what comes out her mouth. It was like a TV show, her brain was the projector and her eyes the screen. All her thoughts and terrible memories played over and over again, them telling a different story to everything else. "Hailey...stop" I interrupted her mid ramble, I just couldn't listen to it anymore. She vulnerable face lifted up slightly, a startled and socked emotion appeared on her face. "I refuse to let you out the door alone. You've got this. I'm with you all the way; just like the old days" I smiled, hoping some of the old memories from the good times would come flooding back and convince her to change her mind. "Promise?" Hailey questioned, after a visible light switched on in her eyes. "Promise" I smiled vulnerably, cupping her wrinkly hand in mine. "Okay" Hailey agreed- which was the best thing I'd heard in a while. "Okay" I chuckled in disbelief and happiness.

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