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Sun shone through Haileys bedroom curtains, illuminating her sleeping body with a golden colour of light. Sturing, Hailey let a out a rhythmical yawn and stretched out as far as she could. Outside, she could hear faded laughter and words coming from Jay and Jasmine. Smiling happily, she stumbled out of bed- eager to join in with the fun.

Hailey was bought to fits, when she seen Jay and Jasmines faces pasted in some kind of mixture. Some one still in the mixing bowl, but most was on the Jasmine and Jay. "Wow, that's a different kind of make-up" Hailey laughed, joining the two in the kitchen. "We're making cupcakes for breakfast" Jasmine grinned the cutest, most messiest grin Hailey had ever seen. Hailey slipped her phone out her PJ pocket and snapped a picture of Jasmine with her grin, and Jay looking like he was in his element. "Cupcakes for breakfast, aren't you lucky" Hailey swiped the edge of the bowle with her finger, and licked the mixture dangling off the end of her finger tip. "That's good" Hailey passionately nodded, her taste buds melted with deliciousness. Hailey seen a mischievous grimace on Jays face, he was clearly looking at the mixture she managed to get on her nose. "What?" Hailey asked, now all self-conscious. "You got a...little..." Jay reached over Jasmine to wipe the mixture of Haileys nose himself, creating a romantically awkward moment. "Will you two get it together already. Daddy, you've got the mixture of Hailey nose, so you can now stop drewling- same goes for you, Hailey" Jasmine said with disgust, not enjoying being in the middle of a cheesy romantic moment. "Shut up" Jay swiped a little bit of mixture onto Jasmines nose, sticking his tongue out at the same time. Jay poured what was left of the mixture into bun cases, and slid them into the oven for fifteen minutes. "Let's put Muppets Christmas Carol on" Jasmine exitedly danced in her chair hopefully, really in the Christmasy mood. "We gotta go to work and you've gotta to school" Jay turned down, washing his hands to get rid of mixture. "But only have a half day today....and I was hoping I could have the day off" Jasmine hadn't managed to get her homework done, and she wasn't about to drop from top student to second or third if she could help it. "What have you done?" Jay questioned, picking up on Jasmines guilty look. "I didn't do my homework last night. Well, Hailey and I tried, but she was stuck and so was I...kind of" Jasmine crossed her fingers infront of her face, praying her dad would let her off. "We could warm her up, then spring it on her" Hailey mouthed to Jay. "Fine. Just this once though. you can do your homework today" Jay caved, mostly so him and Hailey could warm her up for the truth they were planning on telling her later in the day. "Yeh!" Jasmine exclaimed, running to the sofa and switching the Muppets on. "Should we take the day off? Voight will understand if he knows what we're going to tell Jasmine" Jay said, wanting to make Jasmine as happy and comfortable with Hailey as he could, before dropping the bombshell. "Yeh, I think that's a good idea. Especially after yesterday" Hailey agreed, watching the film more than listening to Jay. "Yeh, what was that yesterday? I've been wanting to ask?" Jay asked, still in the dark about it all. "Just a guy from the past. He wanted, well his friend, wanted something: I refused though. It's all behind- hopefully" Hailey explained, downplaying the seriousness of it all. Charlie wasn't someone to get on the wrong side of at all, nor was Pablo. "Okay, as long as you're sure" Jay said, bending over to lift the cupcakes out the oven. "Yeh" Hailey lied, she wasn't sure in the slightest about any of it. "Okay. You call Voight and I'll get us breakfast ready. Blueberries okay to go with the muffin?" Jay asked, opening the packet ready to open. "Yeh" Hailey nodded, grabbing her phone and headed into her bedroom.

Jay layed out three plates, putting a handful of blueberries and a muffin onto each, accompanied by a class of fresh orange juice. "Jazz, come get your breakfast" Jay called over to Jasmine, who was extremely engrossed in the film. Jasmine came hurtling over to Jay at the speed of lightning, grabbing the plate and cup and ran right back over to the sofa just as quickly. "You're welcome" Jay dug, reminding Jasmine of her manners. "Thankyou, Daddy" Jasmine said with a mouthful of blueberries. Hailey strolled back into the living area shortly after, nodding to Jay that Hank had given approval for their day off. "Jazz, we're having a fun day of movies and junk food. Hailey and I have the day off" Jay said, as him and Hailey sat down next to Jasmine on the sofa. "Really?" Jasmines eyes widened, with the buzz of having being allowed to eat junk all day and watch films. "Yeh" Hailey tee-heed, taking a mouthful of her muffin. "You are both the best!" Jasmine widened her arms out and pulled both adults in for a grateful hug. "We know" Jay smiled smugly, receiving a pinch on the back of the arm from Hailey. "Just saying" Jay stated, rubbing the sting in his arm. "Mmhmm" Hailey glared, turning back to watch the film.

Later In The Day

A major snow storm had just ended and Jasmine decided that Jay and Hailey should suffer in the cold, so she could make a snowman. The three dressed up for the artic and wobbled down the apartment stairs- struggling to walk properly with the insane amount of layers they were wearing. For two people who go to work in jeans and a relatively thin coat, they were dressed like they just spent ten years in the Bahamas. "Nice look" The doorman chuckled, amused at the three weebles infront of him. "Thankyou, Sir" Jasmine saluted, leaping out the open door onto a heap of snow. "Thanks, Bud" Jay smiled, closing the door behind the group of three.

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