A New Begining

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Haileys POV

I awoke to the sound of a blender wuzzing insanely loud, from outside my bedroom door. Not in the mood to wake up just yet, I pulled the duvet up over my head. I was dropping back off to sleep, when it suddenly stuck me. Today was the day I was going back to work for the first time in four years. I sprung out of bed and ran into the living area, to meet an amused looking Jay and Jasmine. "Forget?" Jay took at sip of a newly made smoothy, cleary try to hide the growing grin on his face. "No" I lied, even the they obviously knew I did forget. "Yeh" I sighed, grabbing a piece of Jasmines chopped apple. "Thought so" Jasmine smirked smugly, swatting my hand for stealing some of her breakfast. "Shut up" I punched Jay jokingly on the arm, forgetting how Jays arms were made of concrete. "Ouch" I hissed, gripping my knuckles tightly. "Karma that is. I didn't even make the comment, so that's what you get" Jay stuck his tongue out, flicking my ear with his fingers. "Dude, what was that for?" I tried to ease the sting on my ear, with a warm mug of coffee from the dispenser. "I think that was for punching him. Also, that's such a blond move" Jasmine double wammied me- insulting my pain relief idea and pointing out the obvious. "Tuck your tiny neb away, Child" I teased, swiping another apple slice out of kind spite. "You tuck your hand away, Missy" Jasmine sassed, shoving the last piece in her mouth for effect. "Okay, Children, calm. Jazz, go get ready for school, Hailey, go get ready for work. Can we do that without arguing?" Jay imitated a head father role of two children, instead of just one, rushing Jasmine and I off to get ready. "I don't know" I shrugged, running off before I could pour his smoothy over me.

General POV

An hour later, the three of them pulled up outside Jasmines schools. It was weird for Jay sharing drop-off time with Hailey, but he also welcomed it very much. "Do I have to go in today? It's just maths, English and science today; which is soooo easy" Jasmine gave Jay the puppy eyes. When she gave the puppy eyes, she usually won the argument. "Not today. If it's easy, it should be a stoll today" Jay said, climbing out the car to open the door for Jasmine. "Hailey?" Jasmine attempted to get backup from Hailey, shocked that Jay said no to her go to weapon. "Sorry, I'm not arguing with your dad" Hailey was staying well out that argument, not wanting to go against Jay. "What if Hailey walks you to the door, instead of me?" Jay suggested, not caring if he or Hailey walked her in, aslong as it got Jasmine into school. "Yesssss, please!" Jasmine eagrly jumped out the car and ran around to Haileys side. "Come on, Hailey" Jasmine jumped up and down outside Haileys door impatiently, waiting for her to climb out. "Okay, chill" Hailey chuckled, climbing out the car. Hailey looked to Jay to make sure he was okay with her taking Jasmine, and that he wasn't just saying it to get Jasmine out the car. "Go" Jay egged, waving them both off. "Bye, Daddy" Jasmine waved, as she walked off holding Haileys hand.

Walking hand-in-hand with Jasmine to the door felt like she was in foreign territory, she'd never done a school run before. On the other hand, it was the best feeling to Hailey ever. She felt like a Jasmines mum for a minute, not just her friend. She stood tall and proud, as she walked her daughter to the school door. "This is nice" Jasmine randomly threw out, looking up to Hailey. "What do you mean?" Hailey looked down at Jasmine, curious to what the child ment. "You walking me to the door. It feels natural" Jasmine replied, abruptly throwing herself into Haileys side for a hug. "Aw, that's sweet" Hailey was taken aback by Jasmine, lost to what else to say. "MISS HALSTEAD, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE" Jasmines head teacher yelled across the yard, causing the two girls to part. "Bye, Hailey. By the way, I know" Jasmine had a dig to the conversation the conversation she over heard a few days ago, about Hailey being her mum, and ran off before anything could be said. "Know?..." Hailey thought to herself, staying static with puzzlement. "HAILEY!" Jay yelled, dragging Hailey out her confused stance. "Yeh, coming" Hailey shook herself back into one and jogged back to Jays car. "You good?" Jay asked, seeing the look of Haileys face. "She said she knows" Hailey said, looking to Jay to see if I knew what Jasmine ment. "It could be anything. I wouldn't think much of it" Jay dismissed, climbing back into the car. "Yeh, you're right" Hailey agreed, plugging herself in.

District 21

Hailey followed Jay upstairs. Her whole body shook with nervous and anxiety shot through her veins. "You'll be fine" Jay assured, briefly squeezing Haileys hand. "Yeh, I know" Hailey nodded, sqeezing Jays hand back. Moments later, cheers and celebratory whistls echoed through the office room. "Good to see you back in the office...for good reasons" Adam hugged Hailey tightly. He still cared deeply for Hailey after they broke up a few years ago, and it never faded much- even when he was supposed to dispise her. "Good to be back for good reasons" Hailey said, taking everything in. "Hey, Kiddo" Voight greeted, coming out his office to join the gang. "Hey, Sarge. Thanks for giving me my job back: you didn't have any reason to" Hailey was so greatful to have such an amazing Sargent, who allowed her to have her job back after years of betrayal. "It was always yours, Jay wouldn't let it be anyone elses" Hank chuckled, scruffing Haileys blond locks up. "Still, thankyou" Hailey smiled, sorting her hair back out. "I want you staying on desk duty though, and to carry on going to AA classes" Voight instructed. "Ofcourse. I went to the last one the other day, but if going to more lets me keep my job, then so be it" Hailey obied, really having a good attitude towards getting back on her feet. "Then let's get to work then" Hand ordered, earining a chorus of cheers from the team. "Welcome back, Partner" Jay muttered into Haileys ear, before they separated to their desks. Hailey just smiled at Jay, but it was enough the brighten the whole room for Jay.

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