Junkies Can't Be Left Alone

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General POV

Jay and Hailey ran into the waiting room, where Kim was pacing back and forth frantically waiting for news. "Kim, where is she?" Jay questioned, grabbing Kim by the shoulders. Kim glanced to the side of Jay and spotted Hailey awkwardly standing. Jay noticed Kims hesitation about informing Jay with Hailey around, so he nodded- giving her the go-ahead. "She has a nasty gash on the back of her head. Her arm is bruised bad, so Natalie took her for an x-ray. That's all I know" Kim explained, falling into Jays arms. Hailey looked on at the actions playing out between Kim and Jay. Slight jelousy grew within her, even though she had absolutely no right or reason to be jelous. "She's going to be okay- she is a daredevil child after all" Jay chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeh, yeh, you're right" Kim agreed, convincing herself that Jasmine is going to be fine. "What she doing here?" Kim muttered subtly, pulling out Jays arms. "I couldn't leave her after the stunt she pulled before" Jay replied, receiving a puzzled look from the black haired woman. "Long story" Jay shrugged the issue off- now not being the right time or place. "Oh" Kim exhaled, catching on to what may have happened.

Jay, Kim and Hailey sat patiently waiting on an update from Will or Nat on Jasmines condition. It had been around half an hour, and they hadn't heard anything at all. "This is ridiculous" Jay started to get agitated with being kept in the dark for so long. All he wanted to do was see his little girl to give her a big hug. In the nick of time, the ginger Halstead brother entered the waiting room and made his way to Jay and Kim. Will staggered backwards slightly when he seen Hailey next to Jay, he had no idea that Hailey was back on the scene. "Ugugu" Jay coughed, pulling his brother back into focus. "Sorry. The gash on Jasmines head has been stitched up by Nat (Kim, you're definitely favourite Aunt for sure) and she has a baldy sprained arm. Other than that, she is okay. One lucky girl that's for sure" Will clarified for the three worried adults. Jay and Kim let out a sigh of relief knowing Jasmine was going to be okay. "Thanks, Bro. Can we see her?" Jay hugged his younger brother out of gratefulness. "Yeh. She's free to go. Maggie and Nat are discharging her now" Will approved, leading Kim and Jay to where Jasmine is. "Wait, what about Hailey?" Will questioned once they got so far. "Ugh..." Jay froze not sure what to do, looking across to Kim for her opinion. "She's your kid, Jay" Kim patted Jay supportivly on the shoulder, making sure that the descion he makes will be okay whichever one he makes. "She can come" Jay gulps with uncertainty. He turns around and waves to Hailey, beckoning for her to join them. "W.." Hailey had the most confused look on her face, when she was about to question Jays choices; but decided just to go with it.

The group of four entered the room Jasmine was in, to see the young child giggling at Maggies actions. The middle aged Nurse, was making funny faces accompanied by weird voices. "Is Aunt Maggie being silly again?" Jay chuckled, leaning against the door frame. "DADDY!" The young girl exclaimed very exited to see her father. "Hey, Kiddo. You gave Aunty Kim and I a big scare" Jay smiled, wandering over to his daughter and giving her a big hug. "Sorry. I just misjudged a little" Jasmine buried herself into Jays side tightly. "Didn't you just" Kim let off a nervouse chuckle, hiding how much Jasmine actually scared her. "The cupcakes looked like they could have been really yummy too" The child pouted, causing her family to chuckle at her resilience. "Yeh well, we can make them another time" Kim said, taking a seat next to Jasmines bed. "Can Nat, Will and I tag along?" Maggie was the biggest cupcake lover ever and wasn't about the let the opportunity to have one slide. "Yes!" Jasmine exitedly nodded. "Okay then, it's a deal" Kim grinned, passing Jasmine her giant winter coat. "Thanks, Aunty Kim. You're the best" Jasmine said, putting her coat on. "Jasmine!" Maggie and Natalie pretended to be offended at Jasmines comment about Kim being the favourite Aunty. "And you both too. Aunt Nat, you have some making up to do though for stitching up my head" Jasmine cheekily hid behind her dad as much as she could for protection. "Yeh, Nat" Will stuck out his tongue to his wife winding her up. "Haha, get out of here" Natalie lifted the short off the bed, guiding her round to the side her father and Aunt Kim was on.

Half way around, Jasmines attention switched to Hailey. She stood looking up at her curiously- sussing her out to say. Everyone held their breaths, nervous for the lengthy list of questions they might get off Jasmine. "Why are you here? I don't know you" Jasmine looked Hailey up and down, making Hailey incredibly uncomfortable. "She is the lady I'm looking after, remeber. Pops Voight explained the other day, when I took off" Jay lied. It wasn't a complete lie, he told her the gist of what who she was. "Ooooh. I forgot junkies couldn't be left alone" Jasmine snarked, showing a side of her that hadn't been shown before. "Jasmine" Jay warned sternly, suprised by his daughters attitude. "What, that's what Abuela Platt always says" Jasmine shrugged, turning her head to eyeball her father. "Your Abuela Platt isn't wrong. She sounds like a very wise lady" Hailey spoke up, trying to defuse the situation. "Don't talk to me. I don't need to be mixed up with messed up people like you" Jasmine gave Hailey a disapproving look, before snobbily walking to her father. "Enough! Apologies to Hailey now" Jay snapped, highly unimpressed with Jasmines behaviour. "Why?" Jasmine looked up to Jay like he was mad trying to get her to apologise. "Because I'm the adult and you're the child. Now apologise" Jay answered, going bright red with embarrasment. "Sorry, Hailey" Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Right, you're going on the step when we get back" Jay picked Jasmine up, and threw her on his shoulders. "Daddy, we live in an apartment. Apartments don't have steps" Jasmine threw back. "Watch the way you're talking to your father, Madam!" Maggie pulled out her scary side, knowing that would definitely reign the child in. "Yes" Jasmine nodded, resting her chin ontop of Jays. "Thankyou" Jay mouthed to Maggie, as the group made their way out the cubical. "You're good to go. Take it easy though for the next few days" Natalie said, waving the group of four off. "Thanks, Nat" Jay called back.

A/N: I have no idea what this chapter is. I just had to pull Jasmime back in to the story and for her to meet Hailey somehow. Just don't ask, the day when I wrote it was a long one😂

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