Mrs Mirical

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General POV

Hailey, Jay and Jasmine gathered around the opposite side of DR Charles' desk. Dr Charles fiddled around with paper and stationary, before proceeding to ask how everyone was. "Yeh, we're good. We just need help/advice" Jay replied. "Yes. Believe it or not, this isn't my first rodeo when it comes to this kind of situation- so you're in good hands don't worry" Charles reinforced positively. "So, Jasmine, I here you're having quite a confusing time at the moment" Charles went straight to Jasmine, as she was the main 'issue' currently. "No. I just don't understand what's going on. Daddy has never bought a perp home before, nor send me off to stay at Pops Voights house or Aunty Kims for a long stretch" Jasmine confidently answered. Charles looked to Jay and Hailey with a we've got our hands full look. "Okay. What do you want to know?" Charles wanted to work on the childs term, as it was her who was struggling the most. "Why did Daddy bring her home? What made him choose her out of all the other perps he's delt with?" Jasmine said, her eyes were stricken with uncertainty and fear. "Maby Daddy isn't telling you to protect you. If so, you should just accept that and be kind to Hailey. I know it's hard to accept- I know you're a very curious child- but sometimes we just have to do stuff we don't like" Charles said, handing the child a stress toy to mush around. "But I'm not ment to be around perps according to Daddy and everyone else, so why is she with us? I know I've been with Pops Voight and Aunty Kim, but last night I went home, even though she is here" Jasmine got overwhelmed, her eyes crystallised with gathering tears and she snuggled further into her fathers chest. "It's okay, baby girl" Jay soothed, hugging Jasmine tightly. "Jay, you should answer this one. Only you have the answer" Charles ordered diplomatically ordered, after giving Jasmine a second to calm down. Charles knew the answer (obviously), but that was something Jay needed to answer. "Hailey and I know each other from a long time ago. When I arrested her, I didn't her to end up in jail or back on the streets" Jay clarified for Jasmine, lifting her head by the chin, so she can look him in the eyes. "Hailey, how do you and Daddy know each other?" That was the first time Jasmine had kindly talked to Hailey, so Charles didn't step in at all- he didn't even want to, what was happening was good. Hailey looked to Jay, not sure how to answer to Jasmine. "It's okay" Jay subtly smiled to Hailey. "Your Daddy and I used to work together, up until four years ago" Hailey answered, resisting the dying urge to blurt the FULL truth out. "Oh" Jasmine furrowed her brows, not sure what to do with the new piece of information. "Do you want to know anything else? Is there a way any of us could make this any easier for you?" Charles quizzed Jasmine. "Ugh, I don't know. I'm sorry though, Hailey. If you used to work with Daddy, then I know you're a good person" Jasmine smiled apologetically to Hailey. Jay, Hailey and Charles all looked to each other in complete shock and suprisement, non of them expected that kind of reaction. Not just yet anyway. "It's okay, Jasmine. You didn't know" Hailey patted Jasmines knee in a motherly way, she felt more at ease now she knew her child didn't completely resent her anymore. "Can we be friends?" Jasmines words made Jay and Haileys year. Jay wanted nothing more for Hailey and Jasmine to get along. The back of his mind yelled at him not to let Jasmine create a bond with her mother, but he knew this time was different. "Ofcourse, Jasmine. I'd love nothing more" Hailey cried with pure joy and happiness, she felt a sence of worthiness. She felt like she had a purpose in life and that Jasmine wanting to be friends, only made her more determined to fully pull herself together. She didn't care if her old family hated her, she had Jasmine back. "Thankyou for helping me, Charles" Jasmine grinned, she jumped off Jays lap and ran around to Charles and gave him a big hug. "Anytime, Jazz" Charles hugged the small girl back, and smiled across to Hailey and Jay at the same time. Moments like that is what made Charles love his job so much. Yes he had crap moments, however, all of them were worth it for the good moments. "Thank-you, Charles!" Jay thanked, welling up himself with joy and gratefulness. "You're so welcome- both of you" Charles replied, handing Jasmine a lolly-pop. "Come on, let's get moving" Hailey found a sudden burst of confidence within herself. "Yeh, come on" Jay agreed, reaching his hand out for Jasmines. Even though the three of them had a loooooong journey ahead, the hardest part was already tackled.

Back at the apartment

Jay, Hailey and Jasmine sat on the floor watching a Christmas's film. It was Hailey and Jasmines favourite Christmas film- Mrs Miricle. Jay wasn't keen on Christmas films, but that one was the best out a bad bunch by far. Never in a million years, did Jay- nor Hailey for the matter- ever think that the three of them would be sitting on his floor watching a movie together. It was like a long-shot dream come true. "Hahaha, she fell off the stage" Jasmine erupted into giggles at the scene where the drama teacher fell backwards off the stage- just like she did every other time she had watched it. Hailey had never heard or seen Jasmine laugh, and her heart filled with love and joy. It was music to her ears. "A kid after my own heart. That scene always breaks me" Hailey giggles, pulling Jasmine in tighter briefly without thinking twice about it. Jay looked on at the actions playing out between Hailey and Jasmine, his aren't couldn't be fuller. He loved seeing Hailey be Jasmines friend, it was a chance for Hailey to prove that she could be a mum one day if she keeps her act together. "Daddy, what's up?" Jasmine waves her hand infront of Jays face, in an attempt the bring him back from Mars. "Ugh. Nothing, I'm just really happy" Jay shook his head startled slightly, blinking his happy tears away. "'re getting weirder as you get older, Daddy" Jasmine went back to watching the film, whislt snuggled into Haileys side. "Thank-you, for everything. I won't let you down" Hailey whispered over to Jay, wiping a tear from her cheek. "I know you won't" Jay winked, and proceeded to carry on watching the film. "Thankyou for giving me a miricle, Mum" Jay thanked in his mind, grateful that his mother was on side always- even if she wasn't physically.

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