Our Favorite

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General POV

Just after the movie had finished, Jay and Hailey turned to see that Jasmine was fast asleep against Haileys side. Hailey and Jays heart completely melted. If Hailey could freeze time in that moment forever, she would for sure. "What do I do?" Hailey smirked unsure of what to do with Jasmine, she'd never had an experience like this before. "You can either leave her and stay with her, lift her onto the sofa, or carry her to bed. It's your choice" Jay advised, hoping Hailey would stay down on the floor with her. "Okay..." Hailey tried suss out what she should do next, she wanted to stay down; however her butt was going a little numb. "I'll stay down, I've never had a moment like this before" Hailey decides, rubbing her hand up and down her daughters leg. "She'd appreciate it too" Jay smiled, as he flicked through the TV channels to find another show or film. "What are we doing for tea? It's half four already" Jay asked, seeing the time in the corner of the TV screen. "Up to you" Haileys shurgged, not minding what they had for tea. "Chicken Alfredo? Jasmine loves it" Jay suggested, as he put another Christmas film on. "That sounds delicious" Hailey groaned, happy with Jays choice of meal. "That's that sorted then" Jay chuckled at Haileys pleasurely groan, and stood up to go make it. "Hey, Jay" Hailey called over to the kitchen. "Yeh?" Jay called back, rummaging through the fridge. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I won't ever do it again. I'll go to a last meeting soon though. I'll never let you nor Jasmine down again: neither of you deserve it" Hailey said, really meaning what she said for the first time in a long while. "I'm glad" Jay nodded, having full faith in Hailey. "I...ugh, I want to go see the unit tomorrow. The long I leave it, the worse it'll be. I mean, you seen Kims, Wills, Maggies and Natalies face yesterday" Hailey said, wanting to make amends with everyone. "Okay, I'll get them around here for lunch" Jay replied, cutting up chicken and vegetables. "Yeh, okay" Hailey fiddled with her tied up hair anxiously. Only was it about a week ago that her and Jay completely hated each other, nor know what each other were up to. Reconciling with Jay was the easy part, the unit have been incredibly protective over Jay and Jasmine ever since Hailey left, and they weren't about to let her back in all to easily. "Hey, cheer up. You'll be fine. If they see how much Jazz has taken to you, that will certainly bode well for you" Jay assured, mixing all the ingredients together and pouring it into a pie dish. "Sorry" Hailey apologised. She tilted her head to rest it on Jasmines tiny head; and suddenly all her worries drifted away for a while. "Don't apologise" Jay smiled, knowing how hard all of it was for Hailey. "I'm sorry, but I gotta move her. My rear-end is way to numb to handle anymore" Hailey laughed, awkwardly maneuvering Jasmine around in a bid to not awake her. Hailey slid a cushion under the childs head in replacement of her leg, and covered her with a fluffy throw that was next to her.

Jay watched on at Hailey. He always found it difficult to move without waking Jasmine, and he hoped if she did wake, that it wouldn't put Hailey off "You're a pro already" Jay smirked, impressed at how easy Hailey managed to get away. "Ha, not my first doing that. Don't be so impressed" Hailey smiled wide-eyed, telling Jay not to go further with the comment. "Okay!" Jay said in a high-pitched tone. Jay chucked Hailey a bottle of peach water and they both sat around the island peacefully. "She's so amazing for a four year old" Hailey complemented, turning her head to look back at her "friend". "Yeh, she's brilliant. Her childhood's been far from typical, but she loves it" Jay took a swig of water and subtly looked Hailey up and down. "I didn't mean that against you. I just ment that spending most her time in a cop station, and her being left alone suddenly" Jay quickly added, realising how bad that sounded. "Hey, it's okay. I can't be boring that's for sure, she's a lucky kid. Her and Kim seem to be really close" Hailey said, after picking up on the bond the two had when they were at Med yesterday. "They're best friends. Honestly, I don't know where either of us would be without Kim. Jazz idolises her" Jay was so grateful for the way Kim had practically taken on the Mum role from day one. Anytime their was a problem with Jazz, or if Jay needed an extra pair of hands, Kim was always by his side. "She's going to be a great Mom one day. She's always been good with kids that had to be bought into the district" Hailey said, always believing that her old best friend would make a great mother one day. "Totally agree" Jay nodded, strongly believing the same thing.

The oven timer beeping sang through the room and gently woke Jasmine up from her nap. "Uuugh, Daddy?" Jasmine panicked tiredly, as she woke up with no one around her. "Hey, Kiddo. I'm over here, don't worry" Jay said, taking the baked dish out the oven and placed it on the island. "Oh my gosh, that smells, just, amazing" Hailey wined, taking a big sniff of the delightful smell of Jays skilled cooking. "Is that my favourite, Daddy?" Jasmine grinned, plodding over to join Hailey and Jay. "Sure is. It's Haileys favourite too" Jay chuckled, serving out the dish onto three separate plates. "Really!" Jasmine exclaimed exitedly. "Yes" Hailey nodded, lifting Jasmine up onto the stool. "That's so awesome" Jasmine said with a smile plastered across face. Jay smiled at how motherly Hailey was being with Jasmine, she just took to it so naturally. He watched the two girls on the other side of the island drewel at the taste of his cooking. They were both giggling, joking around and eating like they'd known each other forever. "Jay, I haven't ate anything this good for years" Hailey complemented, her mouth still half full of food. "Glad to be at service then" Jay replied, looking into Haileys eyes soulfully. They both wanted to flick their eyes away from the others, but they couldn't do it. It was like two magnets being forced together, that couldn't be separated for love no money. "Uuughh, Hailey, Daddy" Jasmine waved her arm in the space between the two adults, trying to remove them both from their lustful trance. "Ugh, yeh?" Jay shook his head in a bid to sort himself out, and turned to his daughter. "Are you both okay? You were both being weird- a bit like Uncle Adam and Aunty Kim go occasionally" Jasmine raised her brows, wondering if it was some contagious thing within the district. "What? Us? No!" Hailey stuttered, still not quite with it. "Hu?" Jay and Jasmine both grunted, neither of them able to make any sence out of what Hailey just said. "I don't know" Hailey shurgged, not even understanding her owns words. "Well, I'm done and I'm going to go in my room. You two should sort whatever  that was out" Jasmine lept down from her stool and wandered off to her bedroom. "I'll do the dishes, you can chill" Hailey said, collecting all the dishes up. "Okay, yeh" Jay murmered.

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