Chapter 1

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January 24, 2011 (1:05 pm)

Da..dada. DAA! Ready for this. I've given it a lot of thought.... well no not really. You all no how long my attention span is. I thought of this half way through my bio midterm. That was exciting. (Sarcasm) Anyway, I hope you are prepared for this. Seriously, some of you might be crying by what goes on. Sorry about that. Well, no actually I'm not. I don't get guilty like most people do. It's just like.... they deserved it and now I can move on.


Dani's P.O.V.

Dani's Journal

Dear Journal,

It's been almost five years since my near death, well I actually did die, so let's call it my "accident". I'm twenty-one now and we are on the trail of the forty-sixth rouge. 

We only have about a month left to kill the last two rouges, Jace and I. The Spirit Wolf kept it's promise and hasn't allowed any new wolves to go rogue. Kuruka, it the psychic that has been helping us. Her name comes for the Pawnee name meaning 'bear.' At first, I was surprised to discover that she is only fourteen when we first met her. Honestly, I was expecting some old spiritual lady.

But Kuruka has been really helpful and I will forever be grateful to her. She knows just about everything. It seems that the Spirit Wolf had sent her a vision about us and was more than happy to comply. Jace and I were led here, Northern California, by her.

The two of us are so far away from home. We barely get to see our family. Ryan's getting married in a couple months and I just hope that I will be there for their wedding. Cody and Ben are turning eighteen, soon. I can't even believe it. It seems just yesterday that they were having their tenth birthday party.

They've both decided to come back home for college. The boys have missed home so much. So have I. Jace and I visit from time to time, but not very often. Twice a year if we're lucky.

Our appearance, Jace and I, it hasn't changed. I look the exact same as I did when I was sixteen. Jace looks like what he does at eighteen. It sucks that we're stuck in place. That we're the same. We see everyone else around us change, but we don't. They get to live the lives they want as normal people. But Jace and I... it's like we're stuck in a world that changes while we're the rocks that are thrown off to the side of the road that don't move forward.

Jace still had that shaggy brown hair and deep brown eyes. He hadn't grown an inch nor had he lost or gained any weight. The same went for me. My hair was still dark and shoulder length. And my eyes were still bright green. Neither of us would tan or even burn. We were the same as when we met.

Henry and Savannah have taken control of the pack now that we're gone. I'm really glad they're there taking care of things. Katie and Shane are together, too. They seem to be doing well. I miss them all so much. We still e-mail each other, but it's really hard.

What's harder is Jace and I. Things have been different since we've gone of this mission. We've agreed to postpone most of our feelings for each other until we've got this done. The first couple of years, we slipped up sometimes, though it never went further than a full blown make out session.

Now, though, kisses are less frequent and Jace is more determined to destroy the rouges. The last time he told me he loved me was last month and we used to tell each other every night.

The only thing that's somewhat the same between us is the fact that we share a bed. But no longer do we curl up next to each other. He doesn't hold me anymore and doesn't smile as much. It's like I've already lost him.

I know that's a bad thing to say, but what else is there now? I want my Jace back. The one I met at sixteen. The one I love.

Maybe today things will be better. Maybe things will change. And hopefully for the better.


𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔦 ☪

Jace came into the motel room abruptly, making me jump. "Come on, Dani," he said to me.

I blinked. What could this be about? He looked so excited. Maybe we would actual take a break and do something normal for once. "What?" I asked my voice had a hint of hope in it.

"Kuruka called. The rouge is close. It's in the forest here!" he said and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the door, but I pulled back. "Dani, come on. We don't have time for this."

He was different. "Jace," I said quietly.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you see?" I asked him. "This is the only thing you care about. Hunting down the rouges. It's tiring and it's... disappointing."

All of the sudden he was angry. "Are you serious, Dani?!" he shouted. "You can't see why I'm doing this?! I'm doing this for you! For us to be together! Because of the deal you made!"

"Calm down," I said.

"No, I will not calm down! Rouges are the reason you died. They're the reason my father died! I'm glad that we're on this mission because rouge's deserve to be stopped and killed. They don't deserve to live in our world."

I was getting angry. He wasn't listening. He didn't care. "Jace, stop it! They're dead. The rouges that killed your father and I are dead!"

He looked so mad that he would hit something, but I didn't back down. This should've been said a long time ago. "Do you not realize that I am doing this so you don't die again? We have a limited time, Dani! If we don't kill the last two rouges within the next month, you die and I am going to be stuck like this forever!"

"Do you honestly still want me around, Jace?" I asked him softly.

"That's crazy, Dani!" he said his voice getting softer. "I'm doing this so we can be together. We're mates, remember. We're supposed to be together."

"We don't have to be," I said. "It seems like this is just a burden to you, having me around. You act like you don't even love me anymore."

"Dani, you know how I feel about you."

"Do I? When was the last time you kissed me? When was the last time you even told me you loved me?" I could answer both of those questions in my sleep."Sometimes I think it'd be better if I never came back. If I never accepted that stupid deal."

Jace's face fell and he came over to me, but I turned away. He sighed. "I don't. I'm glad you came back to me. I would be dead if you didn't. Come on, let's just get this one out of the way."

But I wouldn't move. "I'm not going tonight," I said stubbornly. How different he was from when he was eighteen. Jace didn't even understand why I was upset. And that said something.

"Fine, then!" he said and stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

I looked back at the door and sighed. My journal was still on the bed after Jace had barged in. Quietly, I put it away in my drawer and sat down on my bed.

"Happy Birthday to me."


January 24, 2011 (2:45 pm)

And another thing that bugs me... mean comments from people. I mean if you didn't like the story... why'd you read it in the first place? Some people have to get their thoughts straight sometimes....

Well, first part of the next book! Nice, you think?

Vote, Comment (only nice ones please), and Fan if you want. They are really helpful to figure out how to make my story better.


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