Prologue: How it started

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"Just in hot. A car owner reported his car missing. We've received news about numbers of cars being stolen and the numbers of people reporting who claimed to have seen couple of Pokemon riding on cars. We've never heard of this kind of phenomenon where Pokemon are driving cars! Is this the future where Pokemon are beginning to adapt through technologies?" Stated by the news reporter on TV and I closed the TV down.

I sighed to myself as more and more cases of car thefts by Pokemon are being recorded. "I'm glad I'm not like that." I said to myself before getting up from my pillow and approaching my mirror to look at myself. My name's Ryo, a Lucario who previously was owned by a trainer, but now abandoned by my missing trainer. My goal in life was to reunite with my missing trainer.

I fixed myself in front of the mirror and went out of my room before walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Grabbing a glass of water, I looked over to my left and saw my small living room where I used to spend quality time with my trainer after a day of work, and above it was my cute little clock.

I recall those times where he drove me up and down the Mt. Akina with his Toyota Trueno AE86. I recall that day that he raced against a Toyota Levin AE86 with me. I was by the passenger seat as he drift around the corners of the mountsin pass. After that incident he thought me how to drive a manual transmission car, his 86 specifically, but all of that disappeared one day.

I finished the glass of water and placed it back in the cupboard before suddenly being startled by a car horn coming from outside. I checked my window and there I saw the white AE86 Toyota Levin of my friend Aki. I stepped out of my house to greet him as he steps out of his car. Aki, my best friend Cinderace who's always by my side ever since I became alone.

"Hewo!" I greeted before being greeted back by him.

"Are you busy?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Good, because I'm showing you something." He then pulled me inside the car and we drove off.

"W-Where are you taking me?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh don't worry, it's a place where you take a walk every week."

... I wonder what he's talking about. Soon we arrived at the bottom of a mountain pass and we pulled by the parking lot. "Aki, why are we here?" I asked and he gave me a smirk.

"We're going to drive!"

W-What?! Does he want me to drive?!

"Hey, what's with the face?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Aww, why not? You told me that your trainer thought you to drive, so why not test your skills and see if you still got it? It's getting dark soon which is good because not many cars drive here during those hours. I'll go drive to the top, then your turn downhill. Also, this is my trainer's car, so don't ruin it. Got it?"

Not wanting to deny, I shooked my head and smiled before starting the engine again and driving out of the parking lot and on the roads of the mountain, driving in a pace...

This is the start of my journey.

Initial D: Project PokemonFanfic by: Frosty

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Initial D: Project Pokemon
Fanfic by: Frosty

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