The Hallway

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You heard Aurnia's voice boom from inside her bedroom, she was still on the phone to her friend.

You ran to the side of the hallway as you heard Aurnia approach, Aurnia walked past you and went down the stairs.

You continued to run.

After 5 minutes of running, you were out of breath and took a second to breathe. Your body began to shake as you felt the ground tremble as Aislinn and Aurnia's mother stomped towards you.

Her foot got eerily close to you, you trembled as you braced yourself as their mother was about to stand on you.

You could smell the stench of her sweaty foot and clenched your fists preparing to be stood on by the giant woman.

Her foot touched onto you, you could feel the pressure she was putting on and you collapsed.

Suddenly, a ringing sound could be heard from the distance.

It was Aislinn's alarm.

Their mother turned and began to walk to Aislinn's room, yelling at her to get up.

'Aislinn! Up out of bed now honey!' Aislinn's mother yelled as she stumbled past Aislinn's handbag.

'And move that goddamn handbag out of the hallway!'

You turned and began to run towards Aislinn's handbag after her mother went downstairs.

You could see Aislinn getting changed in the distance and you stopped and began to admire her. You quickly regretted this as you heard the ground shake again.

You ran behind Aislinn's handbag. You peered out and saw Aislinn's mother

After yelling at Aislinn, she went back downstairs. You then saw Aislinn hurry out of her room and speed downstairs.

You climbed into Aislinn's bag as you headed her stampeding back upstairs.

Aislinn was frantically searching her room and caught Aurnia doing the same.

'Errrr, hey Aislinn. What are you looking for?'

'Nothing, you?'

Aurnia smiled at Aislinn 'Doesn't matter'

Aurnia then walked downstairs and went into the kitchen.

Aislinn sulked and walked over to her bag and picked it up. Aislinn looked inside and saw you lay in there.

She smiled at you before closing the bag, and heading out to school...

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