Lunch Time (again)

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You felt the relentless shaking of the bag come to a halt as Serena stopped moving and sat down, placing her bag on the floor.

Serena plucked you up and placed you onto the log table, excitedly smirking at you.

You noticed the other girls hadn't arrived yet, leaving just you and Serena together.

'You may have noticed that I haven't brought a lunch today my sweet,' Serena said softly, 'Well that's because my lunch is... YOU!' She said in a more vicious tone, plucking you up and bringing you to her face.

You felt her humid breath envelop you as she brought out her tongue and began to lick you.

'Mmmmmm, you're just as good as before...' Serena moaned as she placed you onto the table again.

You saw her grabbing too giant slices of bread and placing them beside you on the table. She put a few lettuce leaves on them before smothering you between the bread.

You felt yourself being lifted up into the air as she picked the sandwich up. You saw her licking her lips and you saw her teeth get ever so closer until... CRUNCH!

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