Show day

Tegan : oi
Romeo : what

I mess his hair up

Romeo ; why
Tegan : felt like it
Romeo : meh
Tegan : I'm going out for the night I'll see u later
Romeo ; ok be safe
Tegan : i will bye
Romeo : bye

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to the venue and there was a lot of people but i messages jack

Tegan : out side the venue where do i go

Jack : someone called jons gonna come get u just stay where u are and he'll find u

Tegan ; ok

I put my phone in my pocket and i wait around for a while untill jon finds me . And we go into the venue

Jack ; hey
Tegan : hi

I hug him

Jack : how u been
Tegan : brillant how have u been
Jack ; so good u would not belive but i am so tired
Tegan ; get sleep
Jack : i try anyway tegan Gabriela Gabriela Tegan also Tegan lav
Tegan ; hi
Gabbie : hey
Tegan : and hello little baby

She flaps her hands

Tegan ; aww she so adorble and u can see she looks like u both
Gabbie : she does indeed look like us
Jack : yh
Gabbie : she needs a nap so i will be on the bus
Jack ; ok love u
Gabbie : love u too

Me and jack walk off and we find the boys

Jack : dudes
Zach : Tegan
Tegan : yes hi
Jonah : i recognise u where do i know u from

I shrug my shoulders

Jack : shes an actor
Corbyn : sick
Daniel : hi
Tegan : hi
Zach : I'm bored
Jonah : dude we litrally go on any minute
Zach : i know
Corbyn : how can u be bored
Zach : i just am i won't be when we go on stage but at the minute I'm bored
Daniel : weirdo
Jack : right u can watch here or be in the audience
Tegan ; here's good
Jack ; ok
Daniel : excuse me

He puts his hand on my waist walking past me and jack starts laughing

Tegan : what
Jack : nothing

He gets given a microphone and him and a load of people do a hand shake and i watch as they go in stage . And perform and they were amazing .

Tegan : ok your all cool that was amzing
Jonah : thank u
Corbyn : so fun
Zach : I'm bored again
Daniel : dude shut up
Zach : make me
Tegan ; sounds like u want him to make out with u
Zach : ew no got a girlfriend
Corbyn : speaking of girlfriends gotta call Christina
Jack : we're going to the sprinter vans come on
Tegan : and where are theses sprinter vans going
Jack : taking us home
Tegan ; i brought my car
Jack ; get it tomrrow your coming with
Tegan : fine ok

I follow behind them all getting in the sprinter vans and we go to there aprment complex and zach goes off with his girlfriend

Jack ; hey so me and Gabbie are going back to our lavs ill
Tegan ; jack u told me to come with then your leaving me with your frineds
Jack ; sorry enjoy

He quickly walks out

Corbyn : don't worry we don't bite
Jonah : no we jusg drink
Corbyn : a lot
Tegan : ok
Daniel : u drinking or being boring
Tegan : drinking of course

I sit down and jonah pours me a drink

Tegan ; i swear your doing a show tomrrow
Corbyn : we are but its in san Diego so its only a few hours away
Tegan : ah
Daniel : u coming to any more shows
Tegan : just tonights
Jonah : did u enjoy tonight
Tegan ; yes i love going to concerts and seeing one my old frineds performing 
Daniel : concerts are amzing
Tegan : there just the vibe
Corbyn : they are
Jonah : so did u and jack ever date
Tegan : excuse me
Jonah ; I'm curious if u did or didn't
Tegan : no never he dated one of my frineds and she cheated the song liar is about my friend .
Daniel : oh wow
Tegan ; yh
Corbyn : he never really spoke about the girl just that she cheated and liar was formed
Tegan : yh
Daniel : she nice apart from the cheating
Tegan ; she's nice or was i don't speak to her anymore
Daniel : ok
Jonah : refill

He pours us all more drinks

Corbyn : whos ready for late nights and early mornings
Daniel : late nights fine with early morning no
Jonah : see the opposite no to late nights yes to early mornings
Corbyn : well u like having coffee and reading in the morning we don't
Daniel : coffee disgusting
Corbyn : its ok now still not the best thing but its not the worst
Tegan  : i agree with that
Jonah : no coffee is the best
Daniel : its disgusting
Jonah : I'm about to slap u
Corbyn : the alchols getting to your head u never hurt anyone
Daniel : don't break anuther tabel
Jonah : fuck off
Tegan : what's this
Daniel : few months ago we were on tour we had been drinking on the tour bus jonah got drunk . And broke the tabel
Tegan : omg
Corbyn : watch this

He hands me his phone

Tegan : u look high
Jonah : i was drunk thats it the flash was bright
Tegan : ok
Daniel : that was a good night
Corbyn : oh it was
Jonah : was a good night but the morning after wasn't
Tegan : hung over
Jonah : so bad
Daniel : consequences of drinking
Jonah : u drink all the time
Daniel : i don't
Corbyn : when were not on tour your at a party every week
Daniel : i have fun leave me alone
Tegan : aleast hes not getting in danger fun is better then danger
Daniel : shes right
Corbyn : k fair point
Jonah : drinks
Corbyn : yes please
Tegan : atchally i should go
Daniel : what boyfriend wants u home
Tegan : what boyfriend

They start laughing

Jonah : sorry shouldn't laugh at that
Tegan : its fine it was nice meeting u all and enjoy traving
Corbyn : nice meeting u to
Daniel : yh it was
Tegan ; yh anyway bye
Daniel : bye
Jonah : see u around
Tegan : yh

I walk out the door and i order an uber and it gets me and i go home

Tegan ; sup
Dad : hi
Tegan : surprised your up its 1
Dad : just getting a glass of water going back to bed
Tegan : ok I'm gonna walk the dog
Dad ; its 1
Tegan ; it will just be on the beach litrally out there
Dad : be careful
Tegan : i will

He goes upstairs i get kiwis lead and we walk out the back door walking along the beach

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