Romeo : ass hat
Tegan : what the fuck
Dad : be nice u langue
Romeo : were messing around
Tegan ; u should of got used to this by now
Romeo : yh dad u really should
Dad : i know u mess around but will u ever have a day where u don't mess around
Me and romeo : nope
Dad : great just eat your dinner

I sit down and we eat

Tegan ; thank u for dinner that was good
Romeo : i do agree
Dad : u agree on something
Romeo : yh
Tegan : anyway romeo your cleaning I'm reading
Romeo ; fuck u
Tegan : bye

I get up going upstairs getting my book and i go back down stairs going out the back door and i sit down reading my book and lisening to the waves hit shore . And then i get a message

Daniel : heyyyyy

Tegan : hi?

Daniel : why the question mark

Tegan : confused of why your messaging me

Daniel : I'm bored so i thought I'd message u

Tegan : aren't u doing a show

Daniel : we've done the show were at a hotel now litrally everyone has gone to bed

Tegan : really

Daniel ; yes i am so bored

Tegan : well I'm staying up for a bit longer so i can message for a bit

Daniel : yesss thank u

Tegan : so what are u doing

Daniel : litrally nothing eben the guy I'm shareing a room with is asleep so i can't lisen to music

Tegan : headphones ?

Daniel ; i lost my air pods buying new pair tomrrow in Vegas

Tegan : ah that sad

Daniel : it is but oh well
Daniel : so what u doing ?

Tegan : reading a book at the beach

Daniel : should u be at the beach that late

Tegan ; i have a house on the beach I'm on the decking

Daniel : oh ok makes sence

Tegan ; yh

Daniel ; so u live at the beach

Tegan : yes

Daniel : luckey I'd love to live at the beach

Tegan : its cool but when storms hit its not so cool

Daniel : oh yh

Tegan : so how was your show

Daniel : so good and meeting fans was fun

Tegan ; i bet

Daniel : by the way your lame

Tegan : why am i lame

Daniel : your reading a book

Tegan ; well I'm not now I'm messaging u

Daniel : lame

Tegan : fine I'll leave u to be bored bye

Daniel : no no no don't leave me please
Daniel : message me back pleaseeeee
Daniel : damn it your now mean
Daniel : i didn't mean it your not mean

Tegan : 😂

Daniel : thank u

Tegan : surely u have better people to message then me

how it started / Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now