Tegan : lily
Lily ; hi your awake
Tegan ; romeo and dad
Lily : romeos ok hes asleep and he could be asleep a few more days but hes ok
Tegan : and dad
Lily ; he's not doing so good but hes doing better then yeserday the doctors think he could have possible brain damage they won't know unless he wakes up ....Tegan they don't know if he'll even wake up
Tegan ; he will be fine hes a cooper
Lily : true dat how u feeling
Tegan : i want to see romeo
Lily : no u aren't moving
Daniel ; i agree with that bed rest
Tegan ; daniel
Daniel ; hi

He walks in kissing my forhead

Lily ; u happy to be out
Daniel : very
Tegan : whats this
Lily ; I'll leave u to explain here's your phone I'll message u on a update on your dad and Romeo
Tegan : thank u Lily
Lily ; of course

She walks out

Tegan : whats this then
Daniel : I'm the one who found u romeo and your dad and i called the police and ambulance amd i got arrested for your attack the police thought it was me
Tegan ; no
Daniel : yh i got put in a cell and everhyhing but your mom confussed to attacking u all and i got out
Tegan ; please tell your fans don't know
Daniel : lily some how manged to keep it quiet she knows people
Tegan ; thank god are u ok I'm sorry u got put in a cell and got aressted
Daniel : don't worry about it or me i want to know how u are are u ok
Tegan : feel like I've been hit by a truck
Daniel ; u got hit around the head with a bat and kicked several times not surprise
Tegan : my head does kill
Daniel ; I'll get someone
Tegan : no don't
Daniel : u sure
Tegan ; yes
Daniel : tegan u do realise if u ever scare me again i will kill u then I'll do proper time in a cell
Tegan ; jeez
Daniel : just saying so don't get hurt
Tegan ; i will not get hurt
Daniel : thank u
Tegan : come here
Daniel ; no I'm not hurting u
Tegan : your hurting me by not coming here
Daniel ; fine

I move myself over a bit and daniel gets in next to me

Daniel : I'm not hurting u am i
Tegan : no
Daniel ; say if i am
Tegan : be quiet Daniel
Daniel ; ok

I lean my head on his shoulder and i grab his hand drawing patterns and we stay quiet .

Tegan ; lil messaged romeos doing good and dads ok
Daniel : that's good there gonna be ok
Tegan ; I'm praying
Daniel ; good u gotta have a little faith
Tegan : yh

He kisses my cheek

Tegan : what was it like in prison or what ever it was
Daniel : horrible do not end up there its not nice the person weren't nice at all they were scarey and the food was disgusting i couldn't eat it
Tegan : so the worse place
Daniel : yes 1000%
Tegan ; be a good boy
Daniel : be a good girl
Tegan : i will
Daniel : me to
Tegan : daniel
Daniel ; yh
Tegan ; u leave for Europe tomrrow u need to rest
Daniel : i am resting and I'm not going tomrrow
Tegan : excuse me
Daniel ; I'm not leaving u
Tegan : omg u aren't staying because of me Daniel your going tomrrow don't be stupid
Daniel : i can't leave u like this
Tegan : yes u can
Daniel : no I'll go in a few days
Tegan : you've said how strict your management is u aren't staying u leave tomrrow and thats end of discussion
Daniel : tegan
Tegan : no
Daniel : fine jeuse
Tegan ; thank u
Daniel : even tho your badly hurt your still feisty
Tegan ; i will be forever
Daniel : so i may have to live with this for the rest of my life
Tegan : possibly depends if we last
Daniel : i guess but i don't wanna think about us possibly not being together when we've just got together
Tegan : yh no more talk of possibly breaking up in the future
Daniel : ok
Tegan : so u exited for Europe
Daniel : i am but obviously I'm leaving u at the worst time possible when u need to people most . And leaving family is gonna be suckie but i am existed for Europe i enjoyed every other time being there
Tegan : yh well u better send my plenty pitures
Daniel : i was going to ask if u wanted to come to Europe for a few shows but u can't do that now
Tegan : sorry
Daniel : don't be sorry judt focuse on getting better
Tegan : I'll be focusing of my brother and dad
Daniel : u need to focuse on yourself first because if u worry about them and yout not taking care of yourself your just gonna get ill and then be no help to anyone else .
Tegan : mmm
Daniel : hey u ok
Tegan : yh tired like really tired
Daniel : I'll let u get some rest I'll call tomrrow just before my flight
Tegan : ok

I kiss him

Daniel : please take care and call day or night I'll answer
Tegan : i will call if u need me
Daniel : i will

He gets up

Daniel : bye
Tegan : bye

He walks out and i message lily for a while

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