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Tegan : loser going ok
Romeo : bye bitch be safe
Tegan ; i will love ya loser
Romeo : u to

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to daniels

Daniel : hey
Tegan ; ello

I hug him

Daniel : missed be able to hug u in person
Tegan : i have aswell
Daniel : and this

He kisses me

Tegan : i have aswell
Daniel : good

I walk in and we sit down

Tegan ; how was the pop up shop
Daniel : really good it was fun
Tegan : looked fun
Daniel ; it was
Tegan ; I'm jelouse
Daniel ; don't be
Tegan : try not to be
Daniel : how did your audition go the other day
Tegan : got a call back
Daniel : thats brillant
Tegan : yh so lets hope i get this
Daniel : routing for u
Tegan : thank u
Daniel : have u seen the first episode of twin my heart
Tegan : yes Christian better fucking make it
Daniel : i already know who won
Tegan : who
Daniel : just have to wait
Tegan : Daniel please
Daniel : nope
Tegan : please i beg u
Daniel : you'll have to wait
Tegan : fuck u then
Daniel : atchally I'll fuck u
Tegan : what 30 seconds
Daniel : 45
Tegan : 30
Daniel : 45
Tegan ; if u think so
Daniel : i know so
Tegan ; ok

He tickles me and i scream

Tegan : no

I grab his hands

Tegan : please no
Daniel : 45
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : thank u
Tegan : I'm so mean to u why do u like me
Daniel : i like that your mean to me
Tegan : u have a weird tatse in girls
Daniel : u clearly have weird tatse in guys
Tegan ; according to yours fans I'm a clout chaser and only useing u so daniel I'm useing u
Daniel ; oh dear I'm so dumb
Tegan : yh clearly
Daniel : yh
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; shut up

He kisses me putting his hand on my lower back and i put my hand on his jaw and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins .

Daniel : my room
Tegan : yes

We get up going to his room and i pull his jacket off and he pulls my shirt off and i pull his shirt off and he starts kissing my neck finding my sweet spot

And u know what happend

Tegan ; 30
Daniel : omg

He tickles me again

Tegan ; fine fine fine 25
Daniel : fuck u
Tegan : no I'm joking

I lean my head on his chest

Tegan : don't hate me
Daniel ; i don't
Tegan : good cause i don't want u hating me
Daniel ; i couldn't hate u unless u cheated or done something really bad
Tegan : well I'm not really your girlfriend so u can't get pissed at me
Daniel ; well i could get annoyed because were kinda getting togther but hey if we aren't I'll go sleep with other girls
Tegan : no
Daniel ; i wouldn't but i could
Tegan : i think we should official
Daniel : u bitch

I sit up

Tegan : what
Daniel ; i was about to ask if u wanted to be my girlfriend and u say lets go official u bitch u took what i pretty much what i wanted to say
Tegan : well should of said it quicker then
Daniel ; yh well were gonna act like u didn't say that so Tegan will u be my girlfriend
Tegan : I'm gonna have to think about it
Daniel ; oh yh
Tegan ; yh 

He pushs me down and kisses me

Daniel : u still gotta think about it
Tegan : Nope

I lean up kissing him

Tegan : I'll be your girlfriend
Daniel : yes

I cuddle into him and we go quiet and he draws patterns on my arm 

Daniel : can't belive i litrally got back but in a few days I'll be leaving for Europe
Tegan ; sleep and chill out as much as possible
Daniel : trust me I'll be chilling with u and chilling while seeing my family
Tegan : yh
Daniel : tomrrow we should just stay in bed watch the office
Tegan ; i like that idea
Daniel ; good cause its happening come here as soon as u wake up
Tegan : ok do u want me to bring anything
Daniel ; chips and salsa
Tegan ; and chcoclate and i know j don't like it but i can have it
Daniel : ew ok

My phone then starts ringing and i grab my phone

Tegan : yes
Romeo ; your moms here and she's going crazy at me and dad please come home and sort her out
Tegan ; my mom
Romeo ; yes
Tegan ; I'm on my way
Romeo ; ok

I hang up

Daniel : everything ok
Tegan ; its my mom i gotta go

I get out of bed getting dressed

Daniel ; wait
Tegan ; i can't I'll see u tomrrow maybe

I kiss him and i walk out his room and out the door amd i go to my car driving home . And when i walk throw the door my dad and Romeo are on the floor coverd in blood and my mom with a baseball bat

Tegan ; ok mom
Mom : stay away
Tegan : shh its ok u need to give me the bat
Mom ; n-no no
Tegan : yh its me come on

I make her sit down and i take the bat out her hands

Tegan ; stay there i need cheak on them
Mom ; o-ok

I sit on the floor cheaking my dad and Romeo puls and they've got a puls and i grab my phone about to call 911 and i hear a noise behind me and i look up and my mom had the bat and everything goes black

Daniel pov

I grab my phone calling Tegan and nothing

Daniel ; come on answer

I get out of bed getting dressed ans i walk out my room getting my keys and i walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to tegans and i knock on the door nothing .

Daniel : anyone home

I try opening the door and i couldn't get in so i walk round to the back door and i mange to get it and when.i walk in i see tegan and her family's body on the floor

Daniel ; crap

I get my phone calling 911

Man ; 911 whats your emergency
Daniel ; uh yh ambulance and police please my girlfriend and her family have been attacked in there house i think i don't i just got here and there all face down on the floor coverd in blood
Man : ok sir please come down whats your address

I tell them where we are

Man ; can u feel a pulse
Daniel : um

I bend down feeling there pulses

Daniel : yes but david the dads is weak i think i don't know
Man ; people will be there in 3 minutes do u want me to stay in the phone
Daniel : no
Man ; ok

I hang up

Daniel : come on wake up please

I keep cheaking there pulses and the paramedics arrive and not long after the police

Women : so u say u found them like this
Daniel : yes
Women : why did u come here
Daniel ; i was worried she was at mine got a phone call and said something about her mom and she left . And she didn't answer the phone so i came here and i found them like this
Women ; ok well i have reason to believe u had something to do with the attack daniel seavey I'm arresting u on the suspicion of the attack . Of Tegan cooper Romeo cooper and david cooper
Daniel : what

She grabs my putting hand cuffs on me

Daniel : i didn't do this

She pushs me out the door into the cop car

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