Daniel : morning
Tegan : hi
Daniel : u took the test
Tegan ; yes still negative Daniel i am not having your baby
Daniel : thank god not that i don't want u having my babies i do but in the late future like very late on
Tegan : chill i get it
Daniel : ok
Tegan ; now that your finally up can we leave for the hike now
Daniel : yes lets go little one
Tegan : shut up

We walk out the door getting in his car and he drives to the hiking place

Daniel : tomrrow me Christian and tyler are going to the gym do u want to come
Tegan ; hard pass u enjoy time with your brothers
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : are u gonna tell your parents about the scare
Daniel : yh me and my family are very close u know this and we tell each other most things so yes is that ok
Tegan ; yh its ok
Daniel : only thing is my mom and dad will probley give me the sex talk even tho i am 20 years of age
Tegan : oh enjoy
Daniel : I'll make u come with me thrn they can both give us the talk
Tegan : u do that i won't talk to u
Daniel : harsh
Tegan ; i love your parents but i do not want them giving me the sex talk it was awakrd enough when mine gave it to me my boyfriends parents even more awakrd
Daniel : true ok i won't bring u with
Tegan ; thank u
Daniel : so i got a question to ask
Tegan : I'll see if i can answer
Daniel : after Christmas i was thinking of going away and i wanted to know if u wanted to come
Tegan : yh i would love to
Daniel : yay
Tegan : where were u thinking about going
Daniel ; Hawaii
Tegan : ooo
Daniel ; so Hawaii
Tegan : yes
Daniel : book it when we get home
Tegan : yh were gonna have fun
Daniel : yh we are I'm gonna show u all the best places u better not be scared of cliff jumping
Tegan ; love cliff jumping
Daniel : good were gonna do plenty of that
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : and possible a lot of practice for when we do atchally want a baby
Tegan ; oh god
Girl ; daniel can i get a picture
Daniel ; um sure did u hear what i said
Girl : no
Daniel : brillant lets take a picture
Girl : can u take it
Tegan : of course

She hands me her phone and i take a few pitures and they talk for a while

Tegan ; she was sweet
Daniel : she was i just hope she didn't take any pitures of us
Tegan ; lets hope cause management sound so fucking harsh
Daniel : they are its horrible but me and the boys are sorting it
Tegan : hope u do
Daniel : me to
Tegan ; ugh my god
Daniel : feel that my legs are killing
Tegan ; oh well lets run
Daniel ; no chance in hell
Tegan : see u up there loser

I start running and i can hear him coming up behind me and i fall over

Daniel : are u ok
Tegan : fine
Daniel : good see u up there loser

He runs past me and i start laughing and i quickly get up running after him and i catch up with him and we run up to the top

Daniel ; shitting hell
Tegan ; we gotta go down aswell
Daniel ; i hate u why did u say lets go for a hike
Tegan : i regret it
Daniel : yh
Tegan : ugh
Daniel ; i want us to get a picture together
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : hey excuse me do u mind taking a piture of us
Women : of course
Daniel ; thank u

He hands her his phone and he pulls me into him and kisses me and we take a couple cringy couple photos

Tegan : your so cringe
Daniel : do i care
Tegan : no
Daniel ; exactly no i don't
Tegan : ok anyway send the photos
Daniel : i will so we heading down
Tegan : yes
Daniel ; and then food
Tegan : starving so yes
Daniel : good lets go

We slowly walk back down and i meam really slowly but we do make it to the car . And we get food and then go back to daniels eating and we book our trip to Hawaii

Tegan ; so existed haven't been away in ages and it's my first ever trip with a boyfriend
Daniel : its my first trip with a girlfriend
Tegan ; first for the both of us
Daniel : it is

I kiss him and he kisses me back

Daniel ; i gotta tell u something
Tegan : what do u break up u only said about me going on the trip so u can bring your secret girlfriend instead
Daniel ; how did u guess
Tegan : just a guess
Daniel : no but seriously
Tegan : ok what is it
Daniel : i love u Tegan cooper
Tegan : sorry i think i miss hears can u say that again
Daniel ; i love u tegan cooper
Tegan ; i love u too daniel seavey

This is the end of this book i hope u enjoyed it

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