Tegan ; hey kiwi

I sit on the floor playing with him and he jumps on me

Tegan : no don't get hair on me

I push him off and i get up opening the back door and he runs out and i watch kiwi for a bit and then we head inside and i cheak the time and it was half 8...he was late . I sit down turning on the tv waiting a little while and still nothing and i messaged still nothing so i called Riley

Riley : hello
Tegan ; what u doing
Riley : nothing
Tegan : do u wanna come round go to the beach
Riley : don't u have a date please tell me it didn't end already
Tegan : he never showed
Riley ; coming round now

I let out a little laugh

Riley : see u in a bit
Tegan ; ok

I hang up and i go upstairs changing and removing my makeup and wait around untill Riley gets here

Riley ; bitch his dick is gone
Tegan : shut up beach
Riley : fine

We head down to the beach and i put my towl down

Riley ; we got here at the perfect time the sun is setting
Tegan : perfect time for pitures
Riley ; yes heres my phone get my butt shot
Tegan ; oh god ok

I take her phone and i take pitures for her and then she takes pitures for me and i post


Tegancooper : 💓💓

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Tegancooper : 💓💓

Riley ; we do be cute
Tegan ; u be cute me no no probley why i got stood up I'm can't be a famouse singers date or girlfriend or any of that crap
Riley ; shut the fuck up u beautiful bitch its his loss go fuck one of his band mates
Tegan : no I'm not that low
Riley :  what if i find u a guy to fuck make sure the guy posts about u and I'll make sure Daniel sees it
Tegan : no Riley
Riley : fine
Tegan : god
Riley : sorry im baddie bitch who likes getting revenge
Tegan ; i know but leave it
Riley : ok
Tegan : so tell me any wedding dates yet
Riley ; nope
Tegan : have u got anything planned
Riley : no
Tegan : really if i was getting married dude I'd be planning stright away or if your like me have it planned already
Riley : we wanna think about it we want it to be perfect and we don't wanna rush into getting married were 21
Tegan : ok
Rikey : have u really got your wedding planned
Tegan ; yes
Riley ; omg u loser
Tegan : shut up
Riley : never knew u were a loser

I push her

Riley : ok chill
Tegan : not a loser I'm just... thinking ahead of time so when it atchally happens I'm ready
Riley ; sure defantly not a loser

I push her again

Riley ; ok I'll stop with loser
Tegan ; thank u
Riley : so what is your wedding like that you've got planned
Tegan ; get married in a barn and when we walk out the barn all my our guests open theses boxs that have butterflies in them and fly off that's all I'm saying cause i can see u like that idea
Riley ; sorry tegan I'm taking that
Tegan : everyones gonna think i stole it from u
Riley ; I'll give u credit for the idea
Tegan ; u better u bitch
Riley : oh love u

She hugs me and we lay down and i look at the sky

Tegan : omg i forgot to send this to u but look at the tik tok me and my dad done the other day
Riley : no way he did a tik tok
Tegan : he tryed
Riley ; I'm watching all your tik toks
Tegan : oh god ok

I hand her my phone

Riley : omg you've litrally got a tik tok with all our frineds your parents romeo and your ex
Tegan : he's not my ex
Riley : may aswell be your ex 
Tegan : no but the ones with my mom dad killed me
Riley : and me and your mom shook her ass
Tegan : oh god don't
Riley : wish my mom did that no atchally i don't should would scare me for life
Tegan : I've seen your mom shake her ass
Riley : the fuck when
Tegan : do u rember the other week when u said to meet at your moms and i got to your moms before u did and u said for me to just walk in
Riley : yh
Tegan : well i walked in she had some guy over and was pretty much shaking her ass on this guys crotch 
Riley : omg I'm gonna be sick no

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; yes
Riley : the fuck who
Tegan ; i don't know
Riley : right were going throw my moms face book frineds and if u see the guy tell me
Tegan : ok

She gets her phone and me and riley go throw her moms friends list

Tegan ; him
Riley : peter Whitehall
Tegan : yh u know him
Riley : I'm gonna throw up
Tegan : what

She gets up walking away and i quickly getting the towls following jer inside

Tegan : Riley whos peter Whitehall
Riley : my uncle
Tegan : excuse me
Riley : on my dad side my moms sleeping with my uncle dads brother how could she
Tegan ; u said they got close after your dad pasted
Riley : yh i didn't realise in there pants close i thought they were with each other all the time for moral support
Tegan : oh
Riley : imma gonna throw hands now bye
Tegan : good luck

She walks out

Tegan ; shit

I grab my phone calling james

James : yo
Tegan ; no time for that Rileys pissed
James : what , what's happend
Tegan : she may have just found out her uncle and her mom are sleeping together
James : no
Tegan : yh and she said shes gonna throw hands and left pretty much and i would of gone after her but u know i did that she would tell me to fuck off . And not lisen to me
James : yh yh i know thanks for telling me I'll try get in contact with her
Tegan ; ok good luck
James : thanks

I hang up 

Tegan : ugh this is gonna be messy

I cover my face

Tegan : fucking dumb ass

I walk upstairs going to thebathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed

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