Jack : heyyy
Tegan ; let yourself in why don't u
Zach ; alredy have
Daniel : happy birthday
Tegan ; thank u
Corbyn ; your old fart
Tegan ; your 20 aswell so
Corbyn : old fart still
Jonah ; what am i then
Corbyn : old fart
Zach ; i need to fart
Jonah : no
Jack ; yes
Tegan ; u stink your our out

He farts and we all start laughing

Jonah : that's so bad
Daniel ; what the fuck have u eaten
Zach : Chipotle
Jack : make sence
Tegan : out
Zach : nope
Daniel : sorry about him
Tegan : all good i got a brother and i delt with him and Jonny
Jack ; oh god the time we all stayed at each others and me and jonny would fart and u would just slap us
Corbyn; sounds lovely
Tegan ; right lets order food starving
Jonah ; with u there
Corbyn ; yes

They tell me what they want and i order the food

Tegan ; all done
Daniel : good
Tegan : yh
Daniel : now were alone i want to give u this
Tegan ; u didn't have to get me anything
Daniel ; well i did
Tegan : Daniel
Daniel : open it
Tegan ; ok

I open the box and it was a bracelet

Tegan : thank u
Daniel : hope u like
Tegan : i love it

I hug him and he kisses me

Jack ; lovely
Daniel : Jack
Jack ; need cups were gonna start drinking
Tegan ; lets

We grab glasses and we go to the front room pouring our drinks

Zach : never have i ever had a 3some
Corbyn : never have i ever really
Zach : yes so drink up if you've had a 3some

Nome of us drink

Tegan : never have i ever thought a fan was cute
Jonah ; of we all have

We all drink

Jack ; never have i ever made a tik tok shaking ass

I drink

Daniel ; excuse me
Tegan ; what
Daniel : you've shaken your ass for tik tok
Tegan ; maybe
Jonah ; so yes ok never have i ever had a kid
Jack ; haha funny

He drinks

Corbyn : never have i ever had a one night stand

They all drink

Tegan : naughty naughty
Jack ; please you've had a one night stand
Tegan ; i haven't atchally
Jack : well ok
Daniel : never have i ever never have i ever peeded in the shower
Corbyn : oh come on

We all drink

Zach ; at one point we have
Tegan : I've got a good one never have i ever never showed up for a date
Daniel : really
Jack :wait what
Jonah ; oh daniel never showed up for his date with Tegan
Jack : daniel
Daniel : i fell asleep and i apologised were good
Tegan : we are
Jack ; ok
Corbyn ; drink up tho

He drinks

Zach : I'm done playing lets just take shots
Tegan : me and u think the same
Jonah : we have a flight early
Zach : don't care
Jack ; lets drink

We pour shots and we drink plenty

Daniel : were fucked tomrrow
Corbyn : tell me about it
Jonah : oh well lets have fun now and regret it in the morning
Tegan : and while u all regret your decisions tomrrow I'll be in my nice warm bed
Daniel : yh yh shut up
Tegan : make me
Daniel : might have to
Zach : are me and kay like this cause if we are ew
Jack ; your worse
Zach : great
Jack : oh yh what was with that tik tok u sent me yeserday i don't get it
Tegan : your not meant to get it its ally baker
Jack : no its not
Tegan : yes
Jack ; wait

He gets his phone

Jack ; omg its ally baker when did she have a baby
Tegan : aprently not to long enough but she had a baby
Jack : shit
Corbyn : bruh have no clue who your about

The door then goes and it was our food and we all ate

Jonah ; man my head
Corbyn ; don't break anuther tabel
Jonah ; shut up u duck

They all laugh

Tegan ; I'm confused
Daniel : Corbyn aprently looks like a duck i look like a giraffe and jonah and lama or something
Zach : it's the fans
Corbyn : i don't get it
Tegan : oh right
Jack : u looked so fucked
Tegan ; i think i am
Daniel : aww

I lean back

Zach : look at this magazine 20 things sexual things to do with your patner
Corbyn : lets look

We all look at the magazine

Jonah ; no way in hell will i ever try 13 6 8 and 3
Jack ; I've done most of them aprt from the ones jonah said
Zach : jeuse Christ
Daniel ; I've done 14 to 20 and 5
Tegan ; you've done 5
Daniel ; yh we aren't talking about that
Corbyn : I'm same as daniel
Zach ; same
Tegan : I've done 13 to 20 and 8
Daniel ; u done 8
Jonah ; oh my god
Jack ; i can't look at u
Corbyn : how
Tegan : I'm not guy it's diffrent for girl then boys
Jonah : ok thats true
Daniel : ok
Zach : why do u have this magazine
Tegan : brothers him and hos girlfriend done some kinky stuff
Jack : do u rember just before i left for LA we went to yours and we walked in on your brother and that random chick doing it on the kitchen counter
Tegan : vividly sadly
Jonah : ew
Jack ; dude most scarring thing ever
Zach : i swear u have so many storys
Jack ; we have loads and you'll hear them all at some point
Daniel : can't wait
Corbyn ; they are intresting some of them
Jack : i know
Zach : we have some good storys tho
Jonah : like the time jack fated on me
Jack ; ay that was a good fart
Jonah : no and i still hate u for that
Jack ; it was ages ago
Jonah : still
Corbyn : whos rembers Daniel peeing in that trash can in the middle of out fit change at one of our shows
Zach ; i do
Daniel ; i was desbrate
Tegan : lovely
Daniel : i know
Zach : i don't feel so good
Jonah : maybe thats our cue to order an over i mean uber
Jack : smart
Jonah : shut up
Corbyn : ordering it
Daniel ; come on I'll get u to bed
Tegan : i can do it myself
Daniel : get up and walk then

I stand up and i almost lose my balance

Daniel : yh taking u to bed
Jack : happy birthday
Tegan : thank u
Zach ; thanks for the invite
Corbyn : yh
Jonah : bye
Tegan : bye

Me and Daniel walk upstairs

Daniel : u changing
Tegan ; to lazy
Daniel : ok come on

He pulls the covers up and i get in bed

Daniel : sleep well
Tegan : I'll try
Daniel : see u soon
Tegan : have fun at the stores
Daniel : i will
Tegan : byeee Daniel
Daniel : miss u
Tegan : u too

He kisses my cheek and he walks out

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