Skip a few months the boys have been to Europe asia Australia everywhere even done the jingle ball I've seen them they've just been really bussnie . Romeos doing good after the attack my dad is doing ok aswell he woke up he just needs a lot of therapy .

Daniel : tegan
Tegan ; omg your back

I hug him

Daniel ; yes I'm back and for a while thank god
Tegan ; yh ahhh

He kisses me

Daniel ; but no wonder u didn't hear me knocking on the door the music is so loud
Tegan ; yh I'm having a little dance party for myself
Daniel : why u so happy
Tegan : cause your back
Daniel : missed me that much
Tegan ; yes
Daniel : i missed u to loads
Tegan : missed u more
Daniel ; u can't of missed me as much as I've missed u
Tegan ; bs
Daniel : no
Tegan : yh
Daniel : nope
Tegan ; shut up
Daniel : i will not

I grab his hands

Tegan ; Oh baby, why don't you just meet me in the middle
Daniel : are u singing to me
Tegan : I'm losing my mind just a little
Daniel : yh
Tegan : So why don't you just meet me in the middle

I look up at him and we keep eye contact

Me and daniel : In the middle
Baby, why don't you just meet me in the middle
I'm losing my mind just a little
So why don't you just meet me in the middle
In the middle, oh

I kiss him and he kisses me back and he pushs me aganist the wall and picks me up and i wrap my arms around his neck he swiping his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . I pull his shirt off And he pulls my shirt off he lays me down

And u know what happend

Daniel : hello kiwi
Tegan ; u know that means Romeos back
Daniel ; yes

We get out of bed getting dressed

Daniel : so do u wanna stay at mine tonight
Tegan : yes your bed is extremely comfy
Daniel : i know
Tegan : can we go on a hike tomrrow
Daniel : sure i gotta start working out and eating better
Tegan : no u don't
Daniel : i do i wanna gain muscle i have the time to now start focussing on working out now .
Tegan : ok but your perfect the way u are
Daniel : thank u
Tegan : ugh so u all ready for Christmas
Daniel : yes I've got most my precents or most of them a lot i orderd online cause u know tour
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; u ready for Christmas
Tegan ; just so stressful
Daniel : tell me about it
Romeo : tegan u home
Tegan : yes and daniel
Romeo : ok
Tegan : do u need anything
Romeo ; no just cheaking your home
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : hows your head
Tegan : come on u know my gead healed ages ago
Daniel : i know but u got a scare or has it gone
Tegan ; uhh

I move my hair from my forhead

Tegan : a little scare
Daniel ; oh yh i see it
Tegan : thank god i have plenty haor to cover it
Daniel ; u wouldn't be able to see it the only reason i can see it is because i know its there but its not noticeable
Tegan : mmm
Daniel : also makes u look tuff and very sexy

He pulls me into him

Tegan : sexy
Daniel : very
Tegan ; oh yh
Daniel : yh
Tegan : how about u have a massive gash on your head then
Daniel ; damn it i thought we were gonna jave sexy time again
Tegan : shut up romeos here
Daniel : why don't we go to mine then
Tegan : were go to yours and see what happens
Daniel : ok
Tegan ; I'll pack
Daniel ; ok

I get up and i get my bag packing a few things for the night and we head down stairs and we day bye to romeo and we get food and then we go to daniels eating .

Tegan ; I'm gonna get in my pjs
Daniel ; ok I'll set up the office if that's ok
Tegan ; yh sounds good
Daniel ; ok

I go to daniels room getting in my pjs

Daniel : tegan....Tegannn
Tegan : coming

I walk out going to the front room

Tegan : yess
Daniel : are u late on your peiord
Tegan ; um...i don't know i need to think about it why
Daniel ; here

He hands me my phone and theres a notation on my phone saying I'm 7 days late

Tegan ; i-i guess I'm late
Daniel ; u don't think your
Tegan : no no aleast i don't think i am I've had no symptoms
Daniel : but your late
Tegan ; could be a number of reasons

He looks at me

Daniel : we haven't always been safe
Tegan ; crap
Daniel : fancy a late night drive to the drug store
Tegan : let me change again
Daniel : ok

I walk back to his bedroom changing and my heart was pounding out my cheast full of nervous . And me and daniel go to his car and he drives to the drug store and we stay quiet the whole time but i buy the test and i go into the bathroom taking it .

Daniel : how long we gotta wait
Tegan ; 3 minutes
Daniel : ok
Tegan ; I'm scared
Daniel : i am aswell but what ever happens were have each other
Tegan ; what if its positive daniel were 20 your in the band travling all the time
Daniel : lets wait for the results and from there we see what our options are but no matter the out come were have each other . And we can support each other

He pulls me into him and i lean my head on his shoulder

Daniel : 3 minutes up
Tegan : ready
Daniel ;no but gotta know

I grab the test looking at it

Tegan ; oh thank u lord jeuse Christ
Daniel : thank fuck
Tegan : never been scared in my life
Daniel : that makes 2 of us
Tegan ; right from now on we are always safe
Daniel : agreed but why are u late then
Tegan : theres a number of reasons but pregnancy is not one them
Daniel : we sure the test is right
Tegan ; 99% accurate but I've brought another one and I'll take it tomrrow just to make sure
Daniel : ok
Tegan ; should we head back
Daniel ; yes
Tegan ; ok

We walk out the bathroom and out the store and Daniel drives home

Tegan : my heart is still pounding
Daniel : mine to
Tegan : uhh

I hug him and he hugs me so tight

Tegan : can't breath
Daniel : sorry
Tegan : can we just chill out for the night
Daniel ; yes come on

We sit down and we put on the office

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