Still daniels pov

Man ; seavey u have a visitor

I stand the garde handcuffs me and pushes me around and i go to this room

Girl ; u don't know me
Daniel ; i don't wanna answer questions
Girl : no no I'm lily I'm romeos girlfriend
Daniel ; is Tegan ok romeo there dad
Lily : Tegan and Romeo are ok they have a bad concussion and are asleep and they could be asleep for a few hours to a few days . There bodys need to heal david isn't doing to good he has swelling on the brain and the doctors say if he might not wake up . And if he woke up he could have brain damage
Daniel : omg
Lily ; yh
Daniel : u need to know i didn't do this i wouldn't hurt Tegan or her family i wouldn't hurt anyone
Lily ; i believe u
Daniel : u do why u don't know me
Lily ; romeo called said that tegans mom arrived and things aren't going good between Stella and david
Daniel ; Tegan and romeo have diffrent moms
Lily ; yh David cheated on stella with romeos mom and Romeo happend
Daniel ; ok
Lily ; i know it was stella she has a past of going crazy and beating people up
Daniel ; she does
Lily ; yh i don't know wither tegans told u stuff but tegan and Romeo didn't have a good child hood Stella used to hurt them
Daniel ; she never mentioned anything everything Tegans ever said about her mom has all be good
Lily : oh
Daniel : what did she do
Lily ; i don't know much Tegans never spoke about it Romeo doesn't speak much about it . All i know is that stella used to hurt them a lot but Tegan got it worse cause Romeo used to go to his mom . But i think when Tegan was 11 maybe 12 there was an incident where stella hurt Tegan badly and tegan still suffers with what happend cause she'll get blurred vision and she'll fall over or something thats why she has cuts and bruises all over her .
Daniel : i never knew any of this
Lily : like i said shes never spoke about it and I've knowen her years now
Daniel : i should have knowen tho i should of protracted her
Lily : she should have been locked up a long time ago
Daniel : no shit why wasn't she
Lily ; i don't know i told u romeo never spoke of it much I'm sorry I'm not much help
Daniel ; i could get years in prison for something she Probley done i didn't lay one finger on them . I could lose everything
Lily ; i know people I've manged to keep your name out of everything no one knows apart from your family I'm guessing
Daniel ; my parents saw me this morning how have u kept my name out of it
Lily : i just know my people and have my dirt on them
Daniel : thank u
Lily ; don't have to mention it your incent and this shouldn't be happening to u stella should be in here
Daniel : why would she attack them all
Lily : crazy or drugs either one
Daniel ; but how could u hurt your own child
Lily ; Daniel people do its sad but they do
Daniel : its so wrong
Lily ; i know
Daniel ; please can u come in every now then and keep me updated on everyone
Lily ; i will
Daniel : thank u
Lily ; right I'm gonna head back to the hospital take care and stay tuff don't seem scared
Daniel : but i am
Lily ; try not to be stay safe
Daniel ; I'll try thank u lily
Lily ; no problem

She walks out

Daniel ; am i going going back to my cell
Man ; no
Daniel : w-why
Man ; we got a new update on the attack
Daniel : what
Man ; stella Langley came in and confessed to attacking the cooper family were getting papers sorted then u should be relsised in a few hours
Daniel : i said i was incent and no fucker belived me

The man looked at me and i go quiet and i wait around in this room for ages and finally the papers are done and i get given my stuff and i get set free and i order an uber and it gets me and i call my mom

Mom ; daniel
Daniel ; I've been relsised no charges Stellas confessed to attacking Tegan.
Mom ; oh thank god
Daniel ; u do not know how relived i am to be out
Mom : where are u I'm coming to get u
Daniel ; I've got an uber I'm going to the hospital to see Tegan and then I'll get an uber back
Mom ; come see us when u get home we want to see u
Daniel ; i will
Mom ; God what a mess the last 24 hours have been
Daniel ; don't I'd rather forget the last 24 hours
Mom ; god daniel
Daniel ; i know
Mom ; no more scares please
Daniel : no more i swear
Mom ; ok love u Daniel
Daniel : love u too

She hangs up and after a while i finally get to the hospital and i find tegans room

Daniel ; jeuse

I sit down on the chair grabbing her hand

Daniel ; swear to god u ever scare me like this again i will atchally kill u... no but really u do it again were gonna have troble cooper u hear me troble

I laugh at myself

Daniel : God you've even got me talking to myself pretty much u make me go crazy Tegan
Women : um excuse me sir visting hours are over
Daniel : can i please stay she has no one
Women ; I'm sorry
Daniel : ok

I stand up and i kiss tegans forhead and i walk out

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