Dad : hi
Tegan : hey
Dad : what have u done now
Tegan : what do u mean
Dad : your limping
Tegan : cramp
Dad ; fuck sake
Tegan ; langue
Dad ; I'm an adult
Tegan ; so am i so if u can swear so can
Dad : no
Tegan : yes fair is fair
Dad : still no
Tegan ; damn it ok
Dad : any plans for today
Tegan : nope i am going back to bed just getting a glass of water
Dad ; lazy
Tegan : bye

I get my glass of water and i go back upstairs getting in bed and i cheak my phone and i have a message

Daniel : what u doing

Tegan : sleeping

Daniel : clearly not u replied back

Tegan : well I'm sleeping now

Daniel ; no come meet

Tegan : noooooo

Daniel : pleaseeee

Tegan : fine where

Daniel : get lunch on hollywood walk of fame i know a place meet at Simon Cowell half an hour

Tegan : ok see u there 😂

Daniel : ok

I get out of bed getting dressed getting dressed and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going back down stairs

Tegan ; turns out I'm going out
Dad : ok
Tegan : bye
Dad : bye

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to hollywood walk of fame  and i wait for a while

Daniel : sorry i took forever traffic was so bad
Tegan ; its ok didn't wait long
Daniel ; good
Tegan : so where are we going cause i am straving
Daniel ; this diner its so good come on
Tegan : coming

We walk to the this diner

Tegan : this place is nice
Daniel : the food nice atchally its better then nice its like the best place for chicken tenders
Tegan : chicken tenders
Daniel : yes please tell me u like chicken tenders
Tegan : vegetarian
Daniel : excuse me i need to go i can't be associated with u
Tegan : omg
Daniel : no u omg how are u vegetarian meat is amzing especially chicken tenders
Tegan : jeez
Daniel : that was a lot
Tegan : just a tad
Daniel : sorry
Tegan : don't need to apologise
Daniel : i do
Tegan : nope don't worry

This women comes over taking our orders

Daniel : looks like we got here at a good time it pouring rain
Tegan : yh we did thank god
Daniel : not a fan of rain
Tegan : i don't mind it but it makes my hair go like a lions
Daniel : ah
Tegan ; do u like rain
Daniel : not really u get wet and when u don't wanna get wet u get annoyed
Tegan ; fair enough
Daniel : have we really gone to talking about the weather
Tegan : looks like it
Daniel ; ok well lets change that i wanna get to know u
Tegan : u already know a lot we spoke  most days
Daniel ; still wanna get to know u
Tegan ; why
Daniel : i just do
Tegan : ask and I'll see if i can answer but u have to answer aswell
Daniel : right ok do u have any pets
Tegan : dog do u
Daniel : no but soon I'll be moving in with my brothers and were talking about getting a dog
Tegan : ok
Daniel : any brother or sister
Tegan ; older brother i know u have a brothers cause u just said and i know u have a sister cause Jack said yeserday
Daniel : yh 2 older brothers and younger sister
Tegan : your poor sister 3 brothers
Daniel ; we aren't bad
Tegan : awful
Daniel : what how did u know i was gonna say we aren't bad were awful
Tegan : just a feeling
Daniel : can u read minds
Tegan : no but i wish
Daniel ; ok
Tegan ; if u weren't singing what would u be doing
Daniel ; oh god um...probley a nurse or archaeologist
Tegan : really
Daniel : yh
Tegan : wow very diffrent to what u atchally do
Daniel : yh music has always been my dream and i never thoght it would happen but it happend
Tegan : yh and u were on idol weren't u its how u and jack met
Daniel : yh
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : what would u be doing if u weren't an actor
Tegan : doctor 
Daniel : why a doctor
Tegan : i wanna help people but acting was my dream and i made it happen
Daniel ; yh ah cool
Tegan : yh
Daniel : do u have any weird obsessions
Tegan : boys i can't go a day with out thinking about some guy and thinking there cute or hot i need help
Daniel : omg 
Tegan ; yh moving on do u have any obsessions
Daniel : I'm a clean freak everything has to be clean
Tegan : ok your current celeb crush
Daniel : dua lipa 1000% shes just wow
Tegan : she is very pretty and such a good singer
Daniel ; she is indeed whos your
Tegan ; james lafferty
Daniel : who
Tegan : uhhh

I get my phone showing him my lock screen

Daniel : shirtless really

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; yess
Daniel : my god
Tegan : but yh thats james lafferty
Daniel : ok
Tegan : u probley think I'm even more weird
Daniel : yh but oh well

Our food the arrives and we eat

Tegan : my god so full
Daniel : same i need to sleep it off
Tegan : me to
Daniel : lets make a move
Tegan ; yes

We get up walking out and we walk to my car

Tegan ; well thank u for showing me that place it was nice and asking me to come
Daniel : of course thank u for coming
Tegan : yh
Daniel : see u around
Tegan : hopefully i like hanging out with u
Daniel : i like hanging out with u aswell
Tegan : right go it pouring and were getting wet 
Daniel ; yh just gotta do this

He kisses me and i was kinda taken back

Daniel : bye

He walks away

Tegan : b-bye

I get in my car driving home

Dad : God your soaked
Tegan ; um yh
Dad : go change
Tegan ; i-i am
Dad : u ok
Tegan : yh fine bye

I walk upstairs going to my room getting in my pjs and i sit down calling Jack

Jack ; hi
Tegan : is lav around
Jack : no why
Tegan : daniel fucking kissed me
Jack : ay my man making moves
Tegan : Jack
Jack ; is it a bad thing
Tegan : no but I'm just shocked i wasn't expecting it he just kissed me and walked off
Jack : my dude
Tegan : my god
Jack : he likes u
Tegan : no he doesn't
Jack ; he does but u think what u wanna think bitch
Tegan : meh
Jack ; do u like him back
Tegan : maybe
Jack ; so yes
Tegan : maybe
Jack ; aww
Tegan : bye
Jack ; u like him

I hang up

Tegan : dick

I grab my remote turning on the tv and i watch one tree hill

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