Skip a few weeks

Tegan : sup
Romeo : yo
Tegan : I'm going out u wanna come
Romeo : I'm good gonna go see lily
Tegan : ok see u later
Romeo : bye 

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to jacks complex

Tegan ; ello
Jack : hey
Tegan ; u ok
Jack ; yes come in u bitch
Tegan : rude
Jack ; you've called me worse
Tegan : ok true
Jack ; how are u
Tegan : tired
Jack : same tour was a lot and lav desied to stay up most of the night
Tegan ; oh dear where is she
Jack ; gabbie Rachael which is gabbies sister and daniels sister anna took lav out for lunch
Tegan : ah so u got the place to yourseld
Jack ; yes i was gonna catch up on sleep then u were like lets catch up
Tegan : could of said i feel bad
Jack : don't its fine I've got a while to catch up we got a little break
Tegan : thats good
Jack ; yh also don't tell daniel i said this but i told Daniel u messaged me for a catch up and he was like do it meet her and I'll act like i need something from yours so i can see her
Tegan : what
Jack : he thinks your cute
Tegan : um
Jack : don't tell him i said anything
Tegan : got it
Jack ; so do u want anything to eat or drink
Tegan : I'm good thank u
Jack ; ok
Tegan ; i can't get over your dad
Jack ; i know its crazy if someone said 5 years ago i would in band travling the world and have a daughter i would laugh in there face and tell them to fuck off

I burst out laughing

Tegan : sounds like a thing u would do
Jack : i know
Tegan : how are your sister and your mom
Jack : there good hows your family
Tegan : me and romeo still call each other names dads good my mom shes good aswell
Jack ; i heard about your parents divorce I'm sorry
Tegan ; don't be its ok happend a long time ago now
Jack : still crap tho
Tegan : yh
Daniel : oh hi i didn't realise u would be here

Me and jack look each other and we both start laughing

Daniel : what
Tegan : nothing hi
Jack : what can i help u with
Daniel : Apple juice i have no apple juice yh that
Jack ; sorry have none
Daniel : oh ok bye
Jack ; stay for a bit
Daniel : ok
Tegan : nice to finally see u in person again
Daniel : yh and u how are u
Tegan : I'm good u
Daniel ; I'm good aswell
Tegan : good
Jack : guess who messaged me the other day
Daniel : who
Jack ; u don't know her but Lydia
Tegan : no
Jack ; yh she was like i heard your talking to Tegan . again and she went to your show where was my invite and i said I'm sorry but me and tegan are atchally frineds me and u never spoke so I'm not gonna invite u sorry . And she got so rude to me
Tegan : shit
Jack ; i know
Daniel : she sounds nice
Jack : the nicest
Tegan : she was never really nice she used people and was fake
Daniel : damn
Jack ; yh oh well
Daniel : is that a new bruise on arm
Tegan : yes
Daniel : how did u do that this time
Tegan : this time i don't know woke up with a random bruise
Jack ; i don't get that gabbie wakes up with random bruises aswell
Tegan : demons get us at night
Daniel : clearly
Jack ; do u rember when we were at mine and u were sitting on that blow up bed and me and jonny jumped on the side of the bed and u went flying
Tegan : very clear its how i got the scare on my knee
Daniel : what
Jack ; she went flying off the blow up bed hitting her knee on my bed
Daniel : bully
Tegan ; I've done worse
Jack : much worse
Daniel : what have u done
Tegan : there was a time when i got drunk at a party jack tryed taking me home and i didn't want to and i accidentally kneed his dick
Jack ; "accidentally"
Tegan ; it was
Daniel : ahh i can feel that pain
Jack : same
Daniel ; ok now your the bully
Tegan : do u rember that time u were skating and u messed up on that trip and u bored went between your legs
Daniel : shit
Jack ; clear as day
Daniel : you've had so many accidents on boards
Jack ; to many
Daniel : look watch this video

He hands me his phone

I burst out laughing

Tegan : oh god
Jack ; plenty accidents
Daniel : no shit 
Gabbie : little ears
Jack : hi
Daniel : sorry
Gabbie : hi and its ok
Tegan : as jack won't help

I get up taking the bags off her arms

Gabbie ; thank u
Jack : i was gonna do that
Daniel : sure u were
Tegan : where do u want me to put theses
Gabbie : kitchen side please lav is crawling and is getting into everything at the minute
Tegan ; ok

I put the bags on the counter

Daniel : hello little one
Tegan : shes got big 
Gabbie : to big it feels like yesterday i had her
Jack : stop growing
Gabbie : please stop
Tegan : she needs to grow then she can get a boyfriend
Jack ; no boyfriends
Gabbie : well she can just gotta wait till shes 25
Daniel : 25
Gabbie ; yes
Jack : i can agree to 25
Tegan : thats a long time away
Gabbie ; whole point
Tegan ; ok fair enough

I sit down and lav pulls herself up on my legs

Tegan : hello
Daniel : your her jungle jim
Tegan : looks like it
Gabbie : shes gonna dribble on u
Tegan : its fine
Jack ; shes had plently dribble on her a lot of its been her own when she goes down
Gabbie : jack
Daniel ; omg
Jack ; inappropriate ok
Tegan : i can't believe u said that
Jack ; well true
Tegan ; I've changed since high school doesn't seem like u have
Gabbie : what was he like in high school I've only heard a few storys
Daniel ; yh
Tegan : disgustingly inappropriate always messing around getting in troble
Gabbie ; of course
Daniel : storys
Tegan : umm
Jack ; someone put a Logie in my drink amd drank it just to clarify i didn't know
Gabbie : ew
Tegan : i rember that everyone dying of laughter
Daniel : i knew that story but disgusting
Jack : i know

I take lavenders hands and we have a little dance

Jack ; yess dance party
Gabbie : wooo
Daniel : u getting baby fever
Tegan ; I've had baby fever for a long time seeing lav makes it worse
Gabbie ; babies are beautiful and fun but they aren't fun when there up at the crack of dawn . And u don't get sleep
Tegan ; yh
Daniel : well i would be good with the no sleep thing i barley get enough as it is
Tegan : thats u a problem
Daniel ; hey
Tegan : hi
Daniel : omg
Jack ; shes weird you'll soon learn
Daniel : i know we FaceTimed a lot
Gabbie ; u did
Tegan : he called me
Daniel ; u called me aswell
Tegan : cause u asked me to
Daniel : still
Tegan : our talks were good tho so I'll say i called aswell
Daniel ; ok
Jack ; swear u spoke everyday
Daniel : most day
Gabbie : really

She looks at jack

Tegan : what
Gabbie : nothin

I nod my head

Tegan : anyway i should make a move
Jack ; ok
Gabbie : nice seeing u again
Tegan : and u
Daniel : see u soon
Tegan : yh bye
Jack : bye

I get up walking out and i go to my car driving home

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