Skip a few days

Dad : afternoon
Tegan ; hi
Dad : u going out
Tegan ; yes
Dad ; have fun
Tegan ; i will peace
Dad ; can't u day goodbye like a normal person
Tegan : I'm not normla so no
Dad : ok
Tegan : bye
Dad : bye

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to daniels aprement

Tegan ; why did u force me out of bed to come here
Daniel : hi to u to
Tegan : hi 
Daniel : thank u
Tegan : but why did u force me to come
Daniel : i didn't force u
Tegan ; u said get out of bed and come to mine or i will come to yours and drag u out of bed
Daniel : right
Tegan : so u kinda did
Daniel ; yes ok what ever
Tegan : so
Daniel ; just bored and i wanna give u something
Tegan ; what
Daniel : don't worry its nothing special just wait here
Tegan ; ok

He walks off and i just stand there for a few minutes

Daniel : here
Tegan ; omg

We both start laughing

Tegan : bubble wrap
Daniel : now u can be careful
Tegan ; u really expect me to wear this
Daniel : yes
Tegan : no chance
Daniel : well thats rude i got that especially for u
Tegan : daniel u have bubble wrap all around your living room doesn't look like u got it for me
Daniel ; ok so maybe i got bubble wrap cause i move soon but still i saved u a bit
Tegan : well thank u might come in handy one day
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : ok so your bored what are we doing then
Daniel ; i don't know thats why i asked u here
Tegan ; well u gotta think of something
Daniel ; well i don't know
Tegan : lets go for a drive
Daniel : lisen to music
Tegan ; yes
Daniel : lets go I'm driving
Tegan ; ok

We walk out and we head down to his car

Tegan : a Tesla
Daniel : yh
Tegan : my god
Daniel ; i worked my ass of i desverd to treat myself to a car i want
Tegan : not saying u don't just like damn u make thoese money moves
Daniel : what happens when u tour for almost 3 years stright
Tegan : yh isn't your band anniversary coming up
Daniel : end of September
Tegan : wow 3 years
Daniel : probley the best 3 years of my life i get to be with my 4 brother travel the world and meet fans and I'm doing what i love
Tegan : yh
Daniel : i love it
Tegan ; if your doing what u love u will love it
Daniel : what is it like acting
Tegan : what do u mean
Daniel ; how can u play someone your not
Tegan : never been asked that question
Daniel : well u have now
Tegan : i don't know really when u become an actor u know your gonna be playing someone your not u could have similarities to the person your playing ugh i don't know
Daniel ; don't worry about it i can ask Christian
Tegan ; yh he'll be better
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : i like your ring
Daniel : thank u got for my 20th
Tegan : your old
Daniel ; fuck u to

I let out a little laugh

Daniel ; well u can't be far off 20 u were in the same years as jack in school and me and jack would of been in the same year at school so
Tegan : I'm 20 in a few days
Daniel : happy early birthday
Tegan : thank u
Daniel : u got any plans for your birthday
Tegan ; to get drunk
Daniel : that sounds like a good idea
Tegan : it is
Daniel : anything else other then getting drunk
Tegan ; no my dad goes away tomrrow for a bunnies trip and also my brother and his girlfriend go away
Daniel : your mom
Tegan ; she lives back in Pennsylvania
Daniel : so your gonna be with frineds
Tegan : all alone
Daniel : no u can't
Tegan : i can
Daniel : no u shouldn't be
Tegan : why not
Daniel : its your birthday u can't be alone on your birthday
Tegan : its my choice my dad begged me to go but i said no
Daniel : your not spending it alone
Tegan : i am
Daniel : no I'm not having u spend it alone I'll come
Tegan ; u don't have to
Daniel : i want to and if u want to i can see of the boys want to come and we can get drunk like u want to
Tegan ; fine but don't force the boys if they don't want to and if u change your mind u can
Daniel : i won't
Tegan : ok

He looks at me

Tegan : what
Daniel : nothing
Tegan ; no there something is there something on my face
Daniel : no
Tegan : then what
Daniel : leave it
Tegan : tell me cause if there something wrong i wanna know 
Daniel : i-i like u
Tegan : ok

We both go quiet

Daniel ; i shouldn't of said anything cause now its gonna be awakrd
Tegan : maybe a little but its gonna be on my half because I've never been in this situation where someone says they like me . I've never had a boyfriend I'm just used to having a fling
Daniel : oh
Tegan ; i like u too
Daniel : so...what now
Tegan ; u tell me
Daniel ; do u maybe want to go on a date tomrrow
Tegan : i could possible pull myself out of my bed
Daniel ; of we could have the date in your bed

I hit him and he starts laughing

Daniel ; joking
Tegan ; mmm ok
Daniel ; I'll pick u up from your 8
Tegan ; ok I'll send where i live in a bit
Daniel : ok

He carrys on driving and he goes back to his

Tegan : well thank u for driving
Daniel : thank u for meeting me and going on a drive
Tegan : no problem
Daniel ; see u tomrrow
Tegan : sew u tomrrow

I kiss him and i quickly walk away

Daniel : thats not nice
Tegan : u done it to me first
Daniel : bye

I get in my car driving home

Tegan : hi
Dad : hi
Tegan ; u all packed for tomrrow
Dad : i am
Tegan ; good
Dad ; I've made dinner in the oven i just stayed up to say goodnight and I'll see u when i get back
Tegan ; ok love u have fun
Dad ; i won't its bunnies related
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : love u too night
Tegan : night

He goes upstairs and i get my dinner eating and i head upstairs going to the bathroom turning on the shower i have my shower i get in my pjs and brush my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in bed

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