Tegan : I'm going out
Dad ; ok have fun
Tegan : i will

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to Rileys

Tegan ; yo
Riley : hey
James ; hurry up
Riley : hes being clingy
Tegan : thats not new

We sit down and he clings onto her and i start laughing

James : shut up this is true love
Riley ; your just clingy
James : don't care we do a long distance we barley see each other sorry i want attention
Riley : i know but clingy
James : yh ok what ever
Tegan : so james how u been
James : been good collage is swapping my ass
Tegan : i bet
James : how u been
Tegan : yh really good your getting swamped collage I'm getting swamped with addictions the past couple days are the first days off i had in weeks
James ; damn
Tegan ; i know we have fun lifes
James ; i know right
Riley : I'm fine guys thanks for asking

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; sorry ri
Riley ; its fine
James : how are u my baby
Riley ; yh I'm good been bored
Tegan ; oh dear
Riley ; oh well boredom is apart of life
James : sadly
Tegan ; so we are we ordering pizza
Riley ; yes our normals
Tegan : please
James ; yep
Riley ; I'll be back
James ; ok

She walks off

Tegan : right what were thoeses weird messages u sent this morning
James : this

He pulls out a ring

Tegan : no
James ; yes
Tegan ; your asking her to marry u
James : yh
Tegan : omg
James : do u think she'll like it
Tegan ; she'll love it
James ; do u think she'll say yes
Tegan ; i think so
James ; do u think I'm being crazy
Tegan ; maybe a little but u do long dictence your in collage in new York shes here in LA doing collage
James : I'll move back to new York i finsh soon
Riley ; what u whispering about
Me and james : nothing
Riley : right
James : pizzas orderd
Riley : yh
James : good
Tegan : starving
Riley : same and its your fault u took forever to get here
Tegan : sorry but food hopefully won't be that long
Riley : hopefully
James : why u moody
Riley : hangry and u call me moody again your little woohoo will be gone
Tegan : well damn
James : it is small
Riley : well it will be if u call me moody
James : ok

I then get a face time call

Tegan : hello
Daniel ; hi
Riley : hey
Daniel : oh hi
Tegan ; how was your show
Daniel : brill
Tegan ; brill
Daniel : don't ask sleep deprived
Tegan : should have gone to bed early then
Daniel : nah to boring
Tegan ; ok
Riley : show
Tegan : u know Jack u met him once at party
Riley : why don't we jack or jack from jack and jack
Tegan : why don't we
Riley : ah your apart of why don't we
Daniel : yes
Riley : so your on tour
Daniel : yes
Riley : id love to tour
James : i would as well
Daniel : how many people are with
Tegan : just theses 2 loser
James : whore
Tegan ; dick
Riley : cut it out
Daniel : daniel
Riley : riley and this is my annoying clingy ass boyfriend James
James : rude
Riley : don't care
Tegan : shut u 2
Riley : fine
Tegan ; so u in the bus or hotel
Daniel : bus look

He moves his curtain showing the walk way of the bus

Tegan : cool
Daniel ; i know
Tegan : so why u face timeing me
Daniel : cause i can
Tegan ; ok where the other boys
Daniel : videos games
Tegan ; u aren't playing
Daniel : not the biggest video game player
Tegan : ah ok
Daniel : so what u doing
Tegan ; chilling at rileys waiting for pizza and then were gonna watch a movie
Daniel : what movie
Tegan : not sure yet probley look in a minute
Daniel ; I'll leave u
Tegan : no its ok we can talk till pizza gets here cause look

I flip the camera around showing Riley and james sucking face

Daniel : oh lovely
Tegan ; i know happens every time james comes into town i get invited to come here then they suck face
Daniel : welcome to my world all the boys are taken then there me
Tegan : aww sad times
Daniel : its a big cry but oh well i have apple juice

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : Apple juice
Daniel : our fans are like jonah has tate Corbyn has Christina Zach has kay and Jack has gabbie and lav and i have apple juice cause i am single
Tegan : oh ok
Daniel : so yh
Tegan ; well we are tag alongs i don't know what to call us
Daniel : let's just go with tag alongs
Tegan ; ok
Daniel ; have u got a bruise on your forehead
Tegan ; yes i have a dog and he pooped on the floor and i was chasing him around trying to get him out side and bang i went into the kitchen counter .

He starts laughing

Daniel : clumsy
Tegan : i know
Daniel : are u ok
Tegan ; i lost my last few brain cells that i had but apart from that all good
Daniel ; good
Tegan ; its good i lost my brain cells
Daniel : no but its good your ok
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : they still sucking face
Tegan : yes
Daniel : oh how fun
Tegan : oh yh so fun they wouldn't even notice if i left
Daniel : well thats sad
Tegan ; oh well aleats I'm out the house and not comlepty alone
Daniel ; i guess but then u would be watching them make out
Tegan : i lose either way i know oh well
Daniel ; ok
Jack ; hey
Tegan : jack
Jack ; oh hi since when did u face time
Daniel ; since now
Jack ; oh ok
Tegan ; u having fun on tour
Jack ; the best loving it
Tegan : good

The door then goes

Tegan : be back in a sec
Daniel : ok

I put my phone down getting the door  and i pay for the pizza

Tegan : pizzas here peace
Daniel : ok bye
Tegan : bye

I hang up

Tegan ; losers pizza
James : yes
Riley : what movie
Tegan : clueless
Riley : yes
James : no
Riley : 2 aganist 1 we win
James : what ever

She turns on clueless and we eat and we chill for the night

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