Romeo : oi tell dad going lilys
Tegan ; i was about to say tell dad I'm going out
Me and romeo : dad

We yell

Dad : yes
Romeo : were going out
Dad : ok
Tegan : bye
Romeo : bye

We walk out the door and i get in my car and i drive to acting class

Yashvi : kill me
Tegan : I'll pass
Yashvi : I'm tired 
Tegan : so u wanna die
Yashvi ; yes
Tegan : right
Christian : hey
Yashvi : hi
Tegan : long time no see
Christian : yh well we've all been bussie with auditions
Yashvi : to many
Tegan : any of u got any call backs
Christian : none
Yashvi : nope u
Tegan : no
Christian : well this is sad
Tegan : tell me about it
Yashvi : we will get a call back soon but for now let sit cause class is gonna begin

We sit down and pay attention to class and we do a little acting cause like its the whole point of acting class

Yashvi : ew
Christian : that was full on washing machine
Yashvi : it was worse then washing machine
Tegan ; his full on shoved his tonge down your throat
Yashvi ; i know please kill me now I'm tired and i had stevies tongue down my throat literally gag  
Christian : stop saying kill me you've said that none stop past 2 hours
Yashvi : well sorry but today is clearly not my day
Christian : clearly your normally happy jumping around
Yashvi : i know
Tegan : oh well go home and wash your mouth out and sleep then nothing else can happen today
Yashvi : sounds like a plan ses ya
Tegan : atchally wanna do get dinner
Yashvi : no not today maybe next time
Tegan : ok
Christian : bye
Yashvi : bye

She walks off

Tegan ; dinner this guy took showed me this diner yesterday so good its around the conor
Daniel : tegan
Tegan : daniel
Christian : u 2 know each other
Tegan ; u know him
Christian ; my brother
Tegan : your brothers
Daniel ; yh
Tegan : ok
Christian ; before Daniel intrupted me and daniel are going out for dinner
Tegan ; ok that's fine next time
Christian ; absolutely
Tegan : ok see u soon
Daniel : come with us
Christian : yh
Tegan : um
Daniel : yes come on

He nudges me and we walk to the diner

Christian : so how do u know each other
Daniel : Jack knows her added her to a group chat by accident and yh how do u know each other
Christian : since i moved to LA I've been going to acting classes and she been going for ages and we met there
Tegan : yep
Daniel ; please tell u haven't kissed cause you've said in theses classes you've had to kiss people
Tegan : God no
Christian : nope
Daniel : thank god
Christian : why would it matter if we had

I look at Daniel

Daniel : cause
Christian : oh god have u liked fucked or something
Tegan : no
Daniel : no just thank god
Christian : ok
Tegan : i can't get over i didn't know u were brothers u look so alike and why haven't u ever mentioned Daniel was in a band
Christian : never really came up we don't speak about family
Tegan : true

This women comes over taking our orders

Daniel : fresh bruise i see
Christian : that's what i say every time
Tegan : i honestly need to be wrapped in bubble wrap all i do is hurt myself
Daniel : u do
Christian ; do u rember when u were doing the invitation tour and u were changing your pants for clothing change and u sipper your ding dong
Daniel ; don't i can feel that pain
Tegan : ouch
Daniel : yes ouch i do most shows and its so painful but i gotta get over the pain cause i go on stage second after i do it .
Tegan ; oh dear
Daniel : yh
Christian : ow
Tegan : what
Christian : u guys are playing footsie u just kicked me
Tegan : aren't
Daniel ; don't know what your on about
Christian ; i can see your feet don't bullshit me
Tegan : k
Christian : let's hope no fans around to hear me say that and to see u 2 doing that
Daniel : fans spotted us yesterday
Tegan : did they
Daniel ; yh give me a sec

He gets his phone and then hands it to me and i look at the piture

Tegan : wow she's a slut who just wants more fame cause her acting career is going down hill
Christian : don't read that

He takes the phone off me

Daniel : honestly don't read it or worry about it
Tegan : ok
Daniel : some are harsh
Christian : u gotta ignore it
Tegan : i will lets move on now
Daniel ; what to
Tegan : do u wanna know a weird fact
Christian : what
Tegan : if u stick your tonge out u can't breath throw your nose
Daniel : that's bullshit
Tegan : try it

They both start trying and it was so funny watching

Christian : what the fuck u can't
Tegan : not bullshiting am i
Daniel : nope
Christian : how do u know this
Tegan : i read it in a book not to long enough
Daniel : your a loser
Tegan : and your a werido
Daniel : being a weirdo is better then being a loser ha
Tegan : meh
Daniel : meh back
Christian : flirting
Daniel : imma slap u

I let out a little laugh

Christian : u wouldn't even get mear me to slap me
Daniel : fuck off
Tegan : get along foods here

We get our food and we eat and they get along

Tegan : no rain this time
Daniel : good don't feel like getting wet again
Tegan : yh
Christian : we going
Daniel ; yh
Tegan : see u around
Christian : u going next week
Tegan ; yes
Christian : see u then
Tegan : yh
Daniel : and I'll message u
Tegan : ok
Christian : peace

We walk out and i go to my car driving home

Tegan : lily

I hug her

Lily : hi
Tegan : hi
Romeo : fuck off my girlfriend
Lily : come on u know I'm only dating u so i can get close to your sister
Tegan : i can steal your girl
Romeo : u don't have a dick u can't pleasure her
Tegan : my fingers a long
Lily : they are freakishly long
Tegan : yh they are
Romeo : omg

I sit down and she sits on my lap

Romeo ; i hate u both
Tegan : love u too
Lily : hate u too
Romeo : bruh
Lily : bruh

She mimics and we both start laughing

Romeo : your gonna be single soon
Tegan : carry on then me and u can happen
Lily : yess romeo u suck and i fake it

I cover my face

Romeo : well shit
Lily : u need to put my leg over your shoulder go deeper
Tegan : I'm out

I push her off me and i go upstairs and i can hear them laughing

Tegan ; your disgusting

I yell

Lily : we know
Romeo : by the way id put head phones in shit about to get loud
Tegan : eww

I walk into my room turning on my speaker and blare music from that

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