King Boo

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I'm finally situated in the Gloomy Manor. It was a little difficult explaining to my council about the sudden council location change but this is the best option for me to regain my strength. 

"Sire? Shall we start the meeting?" asks Henry VIII. 

Henry was one of the first of my council. After he married his sixth wife, he died of natural causes due to his health issues. His spirit stayed in this world and he eventually made his way to my kingdom. Coincidently, all of his ex-wives are here as well. He wasn't to happy about seeing them, especially when he found them all in the same room talking about how horrible of a husband he was. I can neither confirm or deny that I was responsible for the encounter. Henry VIII oversees the Christians, specifically those who worship the English church.

"Not yet, Boocifer still hasn't arrived." I respond.

My council looked around, wary looks on their faces. "What is it? Come on, out with it." I say impatiently.

Louis was the one who finally spoke up. Louis Riel was the most straight forward with me, I suppose it helps that he was the leader of a revolution over in Canada many years ago. He was executed by hanging in Regina, SK. I personally escorted him to Evershade Valley so he could help me understand more of what certain people would want. Similar to how he knew that his people needed to be treated properly. He gives me more diverse laws to hand out so everyone of my people are equal.

"Sire, Boocifer and Boodini never returned from Elemiras..."

I just stared at Louis. "That was two years ago, before I first fought those plumbers and that mad scientist. Surely they would have returned by now."

"I'm afraid that neither have returned. While you were trapped by those men, we sent a small team of Boos and Spirits to look for them." Maya says. Maya Angelou, a people of colour and women's rights activist. Due to her background in literature, I put her in charge of wording decrees. Maya knows how I think, so she was the best option for this job. "Only two spirits came back. We can only assume that Elemiras is no longer safe for Boos or Spirits."

"Very well. Maya, would you please let the rest of the Kingdom know about the circumstances?" I sigh.

"You see, Sire. I already did." I give Maya a confused look. "While you were off fighting the Mario Brothers and Professor Gadd, we waited for Boocifer and Boodini to return. But after a few weeks, we" She gestures to the rest of the council "assumed the worst and I wrote up that the dead shouldn't go anywhere near Elemiras."

"Did we step out of line, Sire." Louis asked after I fell silent.

"No, of course not. I appreciate that you made that call to keep our people safe." I say quickly. "Although, I must say, I am still in shock that Elemiras has become a danger. Especially considering the partnership we had with the Airbenders."

"We understand, Sire." replys Henry VIII. "Now then, shall we get to the meeting?"

"Yes, of course. Proceed with the report of what I missed." I sigh.

"As you wish." Henry VIII nods. "While you were gone, more Boos have unfortunately went missing."

"How many?" I ask sternly.

"...25, sir." Louis answers.

I slam my fists against the table. "How? Why? Who is behind this?!" I bellow.

"If I may, Sire?"

"Please, what do you have to say, Louis?"

"Thank you, sir. Well, I believe it might have something to do with Elemiras and the Elementals." Louis says, hesitently.

"Really? Well, wh-"


"Terribly sorry I'm late, Your Majesty." The door slams open revealing Adam. Adam was killed while ruling Elemiras, he was the final king of that bloodline. His son died but luckily his daughter survived. His living family members are currently in hiding, though I don't know why. Adam told the council this and asked that we didn't ask why.

"That's quite alright, Adam." I give him a small smile. "But we do have something that you're going to want to hear." I gesture for him to take his place to my left.

"Thank you, Sire. Now what are we discussing?" He floats over to me.

"We are discussing the amount of betrayal that your people committed." answers Henry VIII. 

"I'm afraid I don't understand. What have my people done?" 

"What Henry VIII is trying to say is, Boos have been disappearing near the boarders of Elemiras." Louis buts in before Henry VIII gets a chance.

"I say we declare was against them!" Yells Henry VIII.

"Now, now. Let's not get irrational. We could write a letter to the current king of Elemiras. I'm sure that it isn't the entire country that's at fault." I try to defuse the situation, glancing to Adam. 

"I can see why you're angered. I am as well, but as the King said, just because there are a few rotten apples doesn't mean the orchard is defective." Adam turns towards me. "And, Sire? I'm not saying that you don't have a good idea, but I'm afraid that I am a bit biased against the new king and his family. After all, they did murder my wife, son, and myself."

"I know." I say to him. "But I can't wage a war against people without solid proof," I turn to Henry VIII, "Nor can I think of any other peaceful approach to this situation." I turn back to Adam. "Maya, after the meeting, would you please write a letter to the current king of Elemiras explaining what is happening near his boarders. And have it sent as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Perfect, on to the next issue." I turn towards Louis. "Were you able to break off our alliance with King Koopa while I was trapped in that blasted painting?"

"Yes, sir, I was. Although, he did not take it well. Luckily, no one was injured. He simply ended all trading with Koopa's and Boos right there." Louis responds.

"Wonderful. I would like to start trading with the Mushroom Kingdom. I've had enough with being on the wrong side."

"Sire? Would you like me to write a letter to Princess Peach about a possible meeting?" Maya asks.

"I would love that, thank you. Please let her know that, if it would bring her more comfort, she may bring whoever she choses to be a guard. She may also chose the location, as long as there is no sunlight."

"Anyone, Sire?" Adam questions.

"Yes, anyone. Even the Mario Brothers. I don't like them but I do want the Princess to know that I do not wish to cause her any harm or discomfort. If the Mario Brothers need to be in the picture, so be it." I reply.

"I will get right on it, Sire." Maya nods.

It's finally time to turn things around.

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