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"She's in pretty rough shape, my boys."

"Can't you do anything, professor?"

"I've done all I could. The lashes... disinfected... don't know.... survive." I fade out.

For once in my life, I can finally sleep with out worrying about Henry or Daniel. I can finally rest. 


I need to find the heir. I have to find them. Elemiras isn't save for anyone, not yet.

I open my eyes. I'm on a small bed in a little office sized room. My back is facing the ceiling. I try to get up but I just fall right back down. Agony searing through my back.

Fuck it

I get up, not with out a lot of difficulty, and I look around the room for snare. I see him crawling out of the pillow case. I reach my hand out to him. "Sorry, buddy." I whisper. "Kind of forgot about you for a minute." Snare just crawls up my arm and takes his spot at the base of my scull.

"Alright, buddy. Let's go find our hosts." I force a smile. Damn, the lashes must be infected. Otherwise I wouldn't be struggling this much.

I try to take a step forward but stumble a little. I grab the bed to try and steady myself as Snare wiggles. 

"Relax, Snare. I'll be okay." I slowly stumble to the door. Opening the door, I can hear three different voices talking. Two of them I can recognize from earlier.

"I already called an old friend of mine, but he told me that there wasn't anything he could do." An older voice says.

"Are you sure, professor? He didn't even try to come and look at her?" says a man with an Italian accent.

"Yes, I am. I sent him pictures of the pour girl's back." The older voice sounds defeated. I start to walk towards the voices. It's a very small hallway so I won't need to go far.

A new voice starts to speak. "If you ask me, I think she should be handed over to the authorities." Also with an Italian accent.

"Mario..."Says the second voice.

"No, Luigi. Think about it, a young woman is fatally injure in the haunted forest. She made it into Evershade Valley with out the assistance of a ghost or a pixelator. Doesn't that give you any red flags?" The voice, Mario, snaps.

"Now, Mario, we can't have that kind of attitude. She was wounded and alone. Besides, we can easily have her answer our questions when she- oh hello there!"

I walk out into the small room, it looks like a laboratory with three monitors on the wall. "Hello," I barely says. "Thank you for finding me." I lean against the door way.

Three short men are standing right in front of me. None of them could be taller than my shoulder. The shortest one's head couldn't have been taller than my hips. This man was wearing a lab coat over top of a red golf shirt. His shoes kind of remind me of oversized brown socks. Now, this man is definitely old.  He has winkles and, from the smile that he is giving me, he's loosing teeth. On top of his head was a large swirl standing up on his head, all of it was gray. The rest of his head was bald. He was also wearing glasses so clouded that I couldn't see his eyes. 

How can he see out of those. 

"What are you doing out of bed, young lady?" the short old man asks. 

"I need to get back as soon as possible." I say. "I have a... friend waiting for me." I finish with a smile, remembering how Boocifer introduced me to Ally.

"A friend you say? Well, they're just going to have to wait." the man old man says. "But first, allow me to introduce my self. I am Professor Elvin Gadd, but you can just call me Professor."

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