King Boo

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Three months have passed since Y/N and Boocifer left for Elemiras. I received letters from both of them when they got to Liberum Elementis a few weeks ago, but they have since stopped coming. Now, to say I'm slightly worried would be an understatement. With lockdown, I can't send someone or go out to check on them without risking Luciel's escape. There have been times at night when I lay awake and thought about what sort of issues Y/N and Boocifer came across. It worries me.

In her letters, Y/N has told me that she misses me followed by some vague information on what her next steps are going to be. She is trying to keep me as informed as she can without running the risk of a spy finding and intercepting the letters to tell the King. While the text took some deciphering, the message is clear. Y/N is planning on overthrowing King Daniel within the week. She has everything that she needs and has an army in Liberum Elementis. They are powerful Elementals that have learned through each other and trust one another more than bonded spirits. One of Boocifer's letters gave me that tidbit of information. Boocifer has also informed me through his letters that Liberum Elementis has a council and they've decided to grant Boocifer a small task force to free the Boos from their cages. Boocifer's writing has informed me that he is unsure how many are still within the mortal plane but they plan on working fast. According to both Y/N and Boocifer, everything is in place.

"My King," Louis grabs my attention as he steps into my office. "We have a lead on Luciel."

"What do you know?" I ask, giving Louis my full attention. 

"We have multiple accounts witnessing Luciel enter the Old Clockworks," Louis informs me. "To be safe, I dispatched a group of Boos to each of the other mansions to investigate for evidence of her or Luciel herself. They came back with nothing."

"Why Old Clockworks?" I whisper, pondering Luciel's reasons. "She always hated sand and Old Clockwork is covered in it. Luciel was also constantly annoyed by all the ticking clocks whenever we went there together..."

"Perhaps that's why she is there," Louis suggested. "She is hiding out where we do not expect her to."

"It's the oldest trick in the book," I say, shaking my head. "While that may be the case, Luciel should be far more intelligent than that. Unless that is what she wants us to believe..."

"Regardless, your Majesty," Louis interrupts, "I believe we should surround Old Clockworks and have a group investigate the inside of the mansion. There is a chance that she is in there and I do not want her to get away."

"Very well," I say, trusting Louis' judgement. "Assemble who you believe to be best for this task. We will leave at once."

"Yes, your Majesty," Louis says, bowing before turning around and leaving, not bothering to open the door. 

I don't blame him for phasing through instead of opening the door. It is a frustrating time and we do not have much time to waste when it comes to finding Luciel. Yes, she has nowhere to run with the valley under lockdown, but I do not have enough forces to station a squad at each mansion or possible hiding spot. Gadd's lab was the only place in Evershade Valley that Luciel could not use as it was ghost-proof yet that scientist fled to the Mushroom Kingdom the second I announced the lockdown. The lab has been locked but, as much as I don't want to admit it, he could have been more than helpful with this issue. At least he freed the Boos he had trapped in his lab's basement before leaving.

Standing from my seat, I turn to look out the large window overseeing most of the valley. The Mist surrounding the valley is thicker than usual on account of keeping everyone in, preventing any spirit from leaving. The Natives of the land and other creatures of the night could still enter but with great difficulty, having to go through strong gale-force winds just to cross the barrier. Some have chosen to come and live inside before we finalized the lockdown, deciding that they wanted to live safely in the land that was made for them. I have no issue with the arrangement and have housed them in whichever mansion or area of their choosing, using my magic to create a safe space for those who didn't want to live in one of the mansions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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